Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 6: Go grab it without black stone

"Foster father, how did you get this information?"

Xiao Lang and Cha Mu calmed down the shock in their hearts, and immediately asked incomprehensibly. Xiao Lang had only been in retreat for nine months, and Duguxing had only taken over the intelligence department for six or seven months. It may seem that six or seven months are long, but it’s difficult to completely straighten out a large department in Longgang. It’s great to know that Emperor Ling and the others have taken refuge in the Temple of Soul Destruction, and he actually discovered Yun Zishan Mie. Soul Palace Barbarians and their information? Although both of them knew the ability to walk alone, it was too shocking, right?

"Ha ha!"

Duguxing smiled indifferently, and said leisurely: "In order to obtain this information, I spent tens of millions of profound stones, killed thousands of people, and accepted four favors on your behalf. You will need to pay back these favors yourself in the future. The information, of course, was obtained from within the major clans in the Soul Destruction Hall. I arranged for tens of thousands of spies to enter, but I was killed a lot... and I did not penetrate the real interior, otherwise I would get more information!

"Four favors?"

Xiao Lang blinked his eyes in a daze, and soon understood that he wanted to come to Dugongxing to cooperate with other forces in his own name. Xiao Lang didn't feel uncomfortable about his arbitrarily calling him. The favor could be paid back slowly. This information was the most important.

Xiao Lang completely trusts the solitary travels, and doesn't ask him much about the details of the information. He pondered, Yun Zishan got a peerless magic weapon? Thinking of her being able to get in and out of the Fanxin Temple easily, Xiao Lang estimated that she might have obtained it in Fanxin Temple. It was not unexpected that Ling Emperor Demon Emperor and the others took refuge in the Soul Destruction Hall. After all, Ling Emperor and the others had always had enemies with him. He knows this kind of big family very well. Everything is based on family interests. Those who are loyal are shit.

Man God is on his side?

This point made Xiao Lang a little surprised, and he wondered, could it be because of the knife?

The attitude of the Lost God Palace is unclear, and Xiao Lang has some confidence at this point. Even if the Lost God Palace does not help him, he will not help the Soul Destruction Palace deal with him, right?

Pavilion Master Wangyue is a beast god. Although he has a good relationship with Soul Destruction Hall, he will not help this Soul Destruction Hall participate in the war between human forces.

The Soul Extinguishing Palace had not been able to do anything within 30 years, Emperor Ling and the others were not afraid, the only threat now was Yun Zishan.

Thinking of Yun Zishan, Xiao Lang had a headache. Yun Zishan itself is very strong, now it is said that he will break through the demigod? Adding in the treasures given to her by the Master of Soul Destruction, and the peerless divine weapons in the forbidden area of ​​the ancient gods, the strength is quite terrifying.

People are more popular than others!

Xiao Lang felt a little bitter, and he also entered the forbidden place of the ancient gods. Why could Yun Zishan easily obtain the treasure? He finally met a Tianyu Great God, but he didn't inherit his love, let alone gifting peerless magical treasures.

Divine Body, Soul Destruction Hall is fully cultivated, chance is against the sky, and the training speed is rocket average!

Xiao Lang felt a great pressure, which made him a little breathless. Yun Zishan is fast in cultivation, not even dangerous, but he has been practicing for nine deaths, and now he doesn't even have the chance of nine deaths. How can he save his heart without profound stones?

Looking at the gazes of Duguxing and Chamu Consultation, Xiao Lang raised his head and smiled bitterly: "Say sure, if I can get through the seventh heart demon, maybe I'm 50% sure! If I don't even have a chance to save my heart demon, That's only waiting to die!"

Duguxing and Chamu glanced at each other, and their faces became solemn. No matter how clever the Duguxing was, it would be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks were clouds.

Lonely thought for a while, and said: "Then you will attack the seventh heart demon as soon as possible. No matter what, you have to give it a try. Before you save your heart, remember to come to me. I will give you two books, maybe yes. You are useful to save your heart demon!"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly: "Foster father, I haven't reached the peak yet, and the heart demon doesn't know when to come. I still lack a lot of profound stones! I am having a headache, where can I borrow some profound stones..."

When it comes to profound stones, Cha Mu's face has a burst of storage, and there are not many black stones on his body. Xiao Lang wouldn't want to hit him with attention, right? With so many subordinates, he is afraid that he will drink the Northwest Wind...


Duguxing raised his eyebrows, and said disapprovingly, "What's the problem? There is no black stone to grab, Lingdi Mansion, Demon Emperor Mansion, Lengdi Mansion, you just grab it, and now the Yun Zishan can't get out of the gate, and disappear. The Soul Palace will not make a move."


Xiao Lang and Cha Mu glanced at each other, and they were immediately shocked. Since Emperor Ling, Emperor Devil, and Emperor Leng have taken refuge in the Soul Extinguishing Hall, there is nothing to say, just go over and grab a snatch.

Xiao Lang opened his eyes and smiled. He still wanted to sell the Supreme Divine Weapon and Ruthless Sword. Now that Duguxing casually pointed, the biggest problem was solved.


Xiao Lang thought of a question, and his brows suddenly frowned, "Foster father, Emperor Ling and Emperor Leng, the demon Emperor, bought the mineral vein last time. It is estimated that there are not many profound stones in the two houses. I need at least several hundred million profound stones. ."

Duguxing waved his hand and said: "Will the family that has stood for tens of thousands of years in Tianzhou be out of stock? Besides, even if they don't, there must be some in the Soul Destruction Hall. Go and act by chance!"

Time is running out, Xiao Lang pondered for a while, and decided to start immediately. He had people call all the Xiao Devil God to kill the emperor and the other ten heavenly emperors who had bestowed the Supreme Divine Weapon, and then sent them directly to Devil Emperor City.

Xiao Moshen and others have been cultivating or in the barracks, but they were suddenly called by Xiao Lang, not knowing the meaning. But seeing Xiao Lang taking the crowd to the Devil Emperor City by the teleportation formation suddenly became excited, taking so many people there, are you ready to poke the Devil Emperor’s chrysanthemum?


The white light in Devil Emperor City flashed, and thirteen people flashed in the teleportation array. At first glance, the guards turned out to be all Heavenly Emperors, and it was actually Xiao Lang Xiao Demon God who took the lead. The emperor sent a message.

Generally, the leaders between the various forces will only bring one or two subordinates at most. Xiao Lang has come to the Devil Emperor City many times, and basically does not bring people, but this time he brought so many emperors? Do you want to bloodbath the Devil Emperor City.

"call out!"

Several powerful people flew over the city lord’s mansion quickly, and the Devil Emperor frowned and heard from afar: "Palace Master Xiao, what do you mean?"

Xiao Lang didn't answer, and took everyone to rush towards the city lord’s mansion. He said with a smile as he walked, “It’s okay for the Devil Emperor. Bring them here for a tooth-fighting ceremony, of course, the most important thing is to contact the feelings!"

The Devil Emperor's face became more gloomy, but he didn't dare to say anything, but he could only secretly guard himself, and transmitted the voice to his men to summon the Northern Heavenly Emperor. After sending the message, he pointed to the most luxurious restaurant on the square and said, "In that case, Palace Master Xiao will take people to the restaurant first. I will be there later. Eating is a trivial matter. I happen to have something to discuss with Palace Master Xiao. !"

Slow strategy?

Xiao Lang smiled secretly, did not stop, and let the Demon God take him directly towards the city lord’s mansion. The smile on his face became more enthusiastic, and he smiled long and said: "Just kidding, Devil Emperor! You are always so polite. This time it’s a little urgent for you, so let’s talk about it!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's more than ten people with inexplicable smiles on their lips, they flew unscrupulously like lightning. The Devil Emperor and the others all changed in discoloration. Could it be that he knew about the refuge in the Soul Destroying Palace? Is he planning to kill directly?

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