Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Discount it

Looking at Xiao Lang's smiling eyes, the Devil Emperor's back was a little cold. He knows how strong Xiao Lang is. At least it’s okay for him to be overwhelmed by his ability. Xiao Demon God and Emperor Slayer have great emperor soldiers, and their strength is super tyrannical. The remaining ten emperors are obviously bestowed by Xiao Lang. The Emperor of Heaven, right? With these 13 people, there is absolutely no problem in razing the Devil Emperor City.

"How to do how to do?"

The Devil Emperor turned his mind and quickly figured out a way, and finally found that even if the Heavenly Emperor from the north had come, Xiao Lang would definitely be able to kill them easily if he did. The only thing now is to hold Xiao Lang, and then ask Soul Destruction Hall to help.

Since you want to hold Xiao Lang, you can't fall out with him, so the Devil Emperor and the devil's several heavenly emperors looked at each other, barely squeezed out a smile and said, "In this case, Palace Master Xiao, please talk to the inner palace!"

After a wink, the two heavenly emperors of the demon family took the lead to arrange, while the demon emperor bite the bullet and waited for Xiao Lang and the others to approach, before he was ready to take everyone to the inner courtyard.

"call out!"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lang's body suddenly slapped Demon God Xiao on the shoulder and shot towards the Devil Emperor. The scared face of the Devil Emperor paled for a while, and he was almost ready to do it at that moment. It turned out that Xiao Lang didn't have the slightest murderous intent and energy flow around him, so he took his hand in time and looked at Xiao Lang puzzledly.

Xiao Lang shot over, and put his arms around the shoulders of the Devil Emperor, and said affectionately: "Old devil, I recently heard that you are taking a concubine again? Your old boy is not kind, so he won't send me any information. Can't afford a gift? Although Xiao Lang, I am poor, I am most loyal, or... I will give you the Ruthless Sword as a gift?"

The Devil Emperor was dumbfounded, what's the matter with this?

When did he take a concubine? Give him the Ruthless Sword? Is he coming to do the bird? That is the magic weapon used too much, but it will fall into the ruthless heaven. For a while, he was a little confused about what medicine Xiao Lang's gourd was selling, so he could only smile awkwardly: "Palace Master Xiao is too polite, you deserve it, you deserve it! Next time, I will definitely invite Master Xiao next time. !"

Xiao Lang nodded sincerely and said, "Well, the old demon is still talking about loyalty. I have been telling the demon gods that the old demon is the most righteous man and hero, and there are countless great heroes in Tianzhou, but I admire you the old demon the most. , Go, go on and say, today I want to have a good drink with the old demon."

"I admire your mother!"

The Devil Emperor cursed his mother inwardly, but he didn't dare to move, he was frightened and uncertain, always feeling that something bad was about to happen. Xiao Lang is so weird today, if he is here to eat, the Devil Emperor himself will find two door panels to die.

The emperor of the demon family has already gone to notify the people in the Soul Destruction Hall, and the demon emperor has only to bite his head and lead the crowd to fly down. When he walked to the main hall of the Demon House, Xiao Lang didn't mess around with him, and sat on the upper seat with the Demon Emperor. The demon gods and the others were seated on each side in a row, their expressions solemn, as if they were coming over as guests.

"Palace Master Xiao, are you looking for something to do with me?" The maid offered Xiangming Lingguo and withdrew, the Devil Emperor asked immediately.

Xiao Lang took a sip of tea, made a "tsk tsk" sound, his face was intoxicated, and he said with emotion: "The old devil will enjoy it. This tea is estimated to cost a handful of tens of thousands of profound stones, right? Um... old devil, you were not just now. If you have something to order, you can do whatever you want. You can say it first. As long as Xiao can do it, the wind will come and go, Xiao and a group of brothers will never blink!"

There were black lines on the Devil Emperor's forehead. Although Xiao Demon God and others didn't know what Xiao Lang wanted to do, they all secretly laughed. Xiao Lang is very weird today, not at all like the overlord of the western region, but more like the leader of a mountain bandit.

The Devil Emperor asked Xiao Lang to have a fart. It was just an excuse. At this moment, he naturally said in embarrassment: "It is a trivial matter for me to find Palace Master Xiao. Ask about the mining of seabed veins. Palace Master Xiao has something to say, please!"

"The mining of seabed veins? Why is there something wrong there?"

Xiao Lang frowned upon hearing this, and his murderous spirit rushed away. He slapped the table and stood up furiously, shouting: "Who dares to mess around, I will immediately take someone to kill his family! Malgobi, can't it be done? This is to treat Xiao Lang and my tens of millions of brothers as nothing!"

Seeing Xiao Lang look like this, Xiao Devil and the others thought Xiao Lang was going to do something. Suddenly everyone was shining, and they were all shining supreme divine soldiers, the great emperor divine soldiers, surrounded by heavenly power, with a murderous aura, as if Xiao Lang ordered to kill the whole family.

The Devil Emperor's face turned white with a "swish", and he waved his hand quickly: "Palace Master Xiao is calm, I didn't say that someone was making trouble, I just asked about the progress of the mining, the progress..."


Xiao Lang changed his face very quickly, and his murderous aura disappeared. He waved his hand to make everyone put their weapons and sit down. He smiled and said, "Old devil, why don't you make it clear? I thought someone was asking for trouble. ! The anger has been a little bit angry recently, forgive me, forgive me! Man... there are always so many days in a month, old devil, you know."

The cold sweat on the Devil Emperor's forehead flashed away, and he smiled and nodded: "Yes, too! Lord Xiao is young and vigorous, it is inevitable, it is inevitable! By the way, what is wrong with Lord Xiao looking for me? But it doesn't matter."

Xiao Lang's expression became a little dignified. After looking at the Demon Emperor for a long time, he could see that he was a little hairy. Then he said leisurely: "I just came out after being in retreat some time ago. I heard his men say that the old demon is very loyal, in order to help the west. To build the city, I sent a lot of materials and manpower, and Xiao was very touched. I didn’t come here to thank you! I am so poor, I don’t want to repay, this ruthless sword is given to the old demon as a gift!


Xu Mijie flashed in Xiao Lang's hand, took out a ruthless sword, and then slapped it on the table again. The teacup on the table was shaken, and the tea overflowed.

The Devil's heart sank, and everyone turned away. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Xiao Lang was here to express his gratitude? Who dares to take the Ruthless Sword? Smashing the Ruthless Sword so loud, is this a gift or something?

"Why aren't the people from Soul Destruction Hall coming?"

The Devil Emperor was very anxious in his heart, so it goes without saying that Xiao Lang was here to find something. In particular, this matter of naming, needless to say is to blame him for the sudden withdrawal of manpower and material resources. Although he is not sure whether Xiao Lang knew that he had taken refuge in Soul Destruction Hall, the one who couldn't deal with it today, because of Xiao Lang's personality, was afraid that something would really happen.

He pondered for a moment, and immediately said with a dry smile: "Palace Master Xiao is joking. It's not that the Lord of Xiao Mansion Tianzhou has been destroyed. What did the Demon Emperor Mansion support for some materials and manpower? Some sea beasts in the ice and snow sea rioted and destroyed the sea Some island cities. I just withdrew people back. I was planning to continue to send some manpower and material resources to Xiaodi City during this period to help rebuild the west. The devastation of the gods, the west is so badly damaged. I think any Tianzhou people All have an obligation to help rebuild the western region and restore its prosperity."

Reach out and don't hit smiley people!

The Demon Emperor thought about blocking Xiao Lang's mouth, and not letting him take the opportunity to go mad and make excuses to make trouble, as long as the people from the Soul Destruction Hall came, he would naturally not be afraid of Xiao Lang doing it.

"The old devil is high righteous! Everyone, look at what a hero is, this is a hero!"

Xiao Lang slapped the table and stood up again, and gave the Devil Emperor a thumbs up. His face was full of admiration, and he seemed to be moved by the Devil Emperor's high spirit.

He tweeted a few times in amazement, reached out his hand and patted the shoulder of the Devil Emperor, and said gratefully: "Old devil, since you are so righteous, I won't say much! Human and material resources are sent to send trouble, you have so many things. Why are you so embarrassed to make you work? It's better to... discount it directly!"

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