Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 25: Follow the heart

Go, Little Demon Mu is dead!

Although I don't know if it is an illusion, even if it is a suspended animation, Xiao Lang can't bear it. Especially in the current scene, even cold-blooded people will feel soft. If he doesn't leave, this is likely to be a deliberate illusion formed by the inner demon, enticing him into a trap, and finally his soul flies away.

Xiao Lang was very entangled, his head flashed quickly, but in the end he was helpless. Although he closed his eyes, he could feel it, Mu Xiaoyao shed tears in two lines, closed his eyes in despair, swinging the long sword in his hand, and then violently wiped it on his neck.

Xiao Lang still did not move, but at this moment he remembered a sentence read in three ancient books: "The gods of the three generations are born from the heart, and outside the heart pray for the blind ceiling lamp. The law is natural, just ask one sentence to follow the heart..."

His eyes finally opened, and his mouth kept murmuring "All laws are natural, follow the heart", his eyes are getting brighter, and his body rushes over like lightning, grabbing it when the long sword is wiped off. There was no confusion in his eyes, but only tenderness and moving.

Whether it is an illusion, whether he will die or not!

But if he watched Mu Xiaoyao die for him, he couldn't do it. Even if it was an illusion, Xiao Lang couldn't do such a thing. If he regards this as an illusion, it is tantamount to deceiving himself and blinding his heart, then is he still the original Xiao Lang?

He doesn't think that he is a good person, but he has principles in his behavior, and likes to follow his heart! As he once said, it's enough to ask for a clear conscience when it comes to being a person, even if the world slanders me and laughs at me and regrets me insulting me, I take it calmly.

Mu Xiaoyao was infatuated with him, she was arrogant, and she, who was dismissive of the peerless genius of Young Master Tianzhou, just left her reserved and proactively confessed to him. Although this was the vow she had given at the beginning, Xiao Lang had already rejected her, but she fell in love with him, not to mention that she had fallen in love with him. It can be seen that she often stayed in Xiaodi City regardless of the ridicule of the world, from her full of affection It can be seen in the eyes.

Xiao Lang was not a fool, nor a cold-blooded stone. The emotion he suppressed completely broke out at this moment. Most of all, Mu Xiaoyao's words touched him.

"Does it really matter how long a person can live? If you are unhappy, what about hundreds of years? If you can only grow old slowly, such a life is not only less pleasant, but it is suffering for the little demon. !"

Since Mu Xiaoyao is a little girl who doesn't care about anything, what else can he say? He looks forward and backward, is that still a man?


Mu Xiaoyao opened her eyes, with surprises in her eyes, especially when she saw the affection in Xiao Lang's eyes, she couldn't help herself, and she was dizzy with happiness.

"Little demon, why are you doing this?"

Xiao Lang caressed Mu Xiaoyao's red neck heartily, and immediately released Cao Teng to heal her. Cao Teng quickly treated Mu Xiaoyao, Xiao Lang took a bathrobe and wrapped Mu Xiaoyao, then hugged Mu Xiaoyao on the bed, smiled and said, "Little Monster, I'm sorry, Brother Xiao is wrong! As long as I can survive this time I must marry you and love you forever."

"Big Brother Xiao, I'm waiting for you!"

Mu Xiaoyao smiled, her beautiful little face was filled with relief and joy, she nodded heavily and slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep. Although he has fallen asleep, there is still a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, which is beautiful and intoxicating.

Xiao Lang sat quietly on the side, not caring about any demons or illusions. At this moment, he just wanted to look at the woman in front of him for the rest of his life, and at the sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, he felt so full in his heart.



A white light flashed on Mu Xiaoyao's body, and then the whole person disappeared out of thin air, Xiao Lang woke up in shock, the secret path was indeed an illusion, this was a heart demon.

"call out!"

At this moment, a spatial fluctuation sounded behind him, and Xiao Lang suddenly turned his head and turned his whole body on guard, only to see a woman in green clothes standing quietly, holding a paper umbrella in her hand, looking at him with relief.

"Meet the Emperor of the Demon!"

Xiao Lang quickly got up and bowed his hands. He directly felt that this was not an illusion, but a real person, the remnant soul of the Great Emperor.

The Emperor Tianma nodded faintly, and said leisurely: "Alright, Xiao Lang! This is the end of the heart demon. Congratulations on passing all my tests!"

"What?" Xiao Lang raised his head in a daze, a little confused.


With a wave of the Emperor Tianma, the surrounding scenes faded away and changed back to the appearance of a void. Xiao Lang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it was indeed an illusion just now. He didn't understand why the inner demon passed like this? Is it over here?


Xiao Lang remembered what Heavenly Demon Great Emperor said, passed all the tests? Suddenly the body was agitated. Could it be that all the inner demons are the emperor who is testing themselves? Or is it that all the people who learn the battle skills of the Heavenly Demon have their souls sucked into this void space because they are the ghosts of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor?

Thinking of learning the Heavenly Demon Mind Technique, which is also the Tao taught in this emptiness, Xiao Lang looked towards the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor if he had an enlightenment, but saw her nodded and said: "You guessed it, all learning the Heavenly Demon combat skills I taught you the demon mind. I made some manipulations in your souls. Whenever your strength reaches a certain level, your soul will be drawn in. In fact, all the demons are my test of you! After the heart demon is over, your souls become stronger, and I helped you to improve through the great magical powers! Even...I killed everyone who failed to save the heart demon."


Xiao Lang was really frightened this time, thinking of the countless souls, Tianzhou had too many cultivating abilities of the Heaven Demon, and he did not expect that all of them were killed by the Great Emperor.

He was still wondering before, why must he come to this emptiness to learn the Heavenly Demon Mind Technique, and the soul of the Mind Demon must also come here? Every time after passing the heart demon, the soul will be much stronger. It turns out that everything is controlled secretly by the great emperor.

It's just... why did she do this?

Even if those people can't survive the demons, there is no need to kill them? What was the meaning of her refining this emptiness back then? Could the Mu Xiaoyao just now really be an illusion, why is everything so real?

With too many questions, Xiao Lang couldn't figure it out and didn't dare to ask.

Heavenly Demon Great Emperor smiled again: "The woman just now is naturally an illusion. I can see your soul and naturally set up the illusion. But what I can tell you is...what happened just now, the woman named Mu Xiaoyao I know! Because she helped you enter the void, I paid attention to her soul, so everything that happened just now was actually the woman's inner thoughts. If you really dared to turn around and leave, I will kill you mercilessly. .Because I need a successor who can keep my heart at all times."


Xiao Lang exclaimed again, without thinking about the successor. Just feeling uncomfortable all over, Mu Xiaoyao actually knows everything just now? The most important thing is that the emperor is still peeping from the side? Why does this make him feel bad?

The Emperor Tianma shook his head and said, "Okay, let's go out first. Everything including why I want to save you my heart demon, and the big secret of Tianzhou, I will tell you after I go out. You have to hurry up, now The state of affairs is changing, maybe when you go back, your relatives are all dead..."

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