Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 26: The Great Secret of Tianzhou


Xiao Lang was suddenly anxious when he heard it, but at this time he felt that his soul was enveloped by a suction, and his soul was sent out of the void and returned to his body. When he opened his eyes, he found that in a strange hall, on a purple and gold throne in front of him, the Great Emperor of the Demon was sitting on his breast.

He didn't care about observing the surrounding scenery, and immediately said, "Great Emperor, what did you mean by saying that my relatives are all dead?"

The Emperor Tianma smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, you are going out now, you are not the opponent of Yun Zishan, you still have ten days! After ten days, Yun Zishan will level Xiao Dicheng, so let's make a long story short! "

Yun Zishan is out?

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank. Since the Great Emperor of Heaven Demon could understand the soul state of all the fighters who practiced Heaven Demon combat skills, he would naturally be able to learn about major events in Tianzhou through these people. For this powerful woman whose bans were so strong that Qing Mu Shi was helpless, Xiao Lang didn't feel strange how amazing she possessed Xiao Lang.

He quickly calmed down and listened, waiting for the explanation from the Great Emperor.

The emperor nodded his approval, and paused for a moment before faintly said: "I was born about 80,000 years ago when I left now. My talent is pretty good. I reached the peak of the emperor at the age of fifteen and the emperor at the age of seventeen. , Is known as the number one genius. My husband was also a day-to-day genius, but he was still a bit worse than me. After the wedding, my strength continued to break through, but he was still stuck on the peak of the emperor, and my aura was enveloped Because of him, he was very depressive and his personality changed greatly. He also became tai, and kept looking for flowers and willows. He was drunk all day long. I endured it again and again. Finally, after he was drunk, he defiled my sister. I couldn't bear to kill him with a single knife! Going to a foreign country, drifting around, devoting myself to practicing the Dao..."

The voice of the Great Emperor Tianma was very calm, as if narrating a common thing, but Xiao Lang heard a kind of sadness, a kind of helplessness and sadness from her words. He remembered seeing the portrait of Emperor Tianma for the first time, there was a loneliness in her body that could not be hidden.

Xiao Lang didn't say anything to comfort him, nor did he show sympathy. Since the Emperor Tianmo can tell an outsider about her past, it shows that she has already stepped out, and it is not good to go to comfort her.

Heavenly Demon Great Emperor said again: "I practiced very quickly, and later I learned that I was actually a spiritual body of heaven, and there were almost no bottlenecks in my cultivation. I quickly reached the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, reached the great emperor, the demigod strength. At that time Tianzhou was also torn apart. , The princes of all walks of life are fighting constantly, and people are dead every moment. I pity the common people, so I brazenly shot to unify Tianzhou. At that time, the soul-killing palace, the lost temple and the like did not appear, I was the strongest in Tianzhou The great warrior, it only took me a few months to dominate Tianzhou and sit on the position of supreme emperor."

Xiao Lang admired secretly, he had seen Leng Xing'er the spirit body of the sky. However, although Leng Xinger's cultivation speed was terrifying, he did not have the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor to become tai. And when she ruled Tianzhou, she actually reached the semi-god state, which is really powerful.

"One hundred years after I was in power, the demon invaded!"

The words that Emperor Tianmo said afterwards shocked Xiao Lang. He thought that Ouyang Cuicui had told him? The last time the demons invaded it seemed more than 80,000 years ago? Does the battle skills of the demon really have something to do with the demon outside the territory?

"At that time, the demon invaded. Although it was weaker than the last time you encountered it, there were also many demon kings. At that time, there were not many demigods in Tianzhou. I led all the strong in Tianzhou to meet the enemy to death. Most of the powerhouses in the state died, and the demon was repelled. I established a super large formation at the entrance of the demon, which is now the battlefield of the demon! Then I realized a combat technique from the demon king, I It was named Heavenly Demon Combat Technique. After I took control of Tianzhou, I have been masked and displayed without a name. In order to thank me for repelling the Heavenly Demon, the people of Tianzhou gave me the title of Heavenly Demon Great Emperor."


Xiao suddenly realized that his guess was correct, this heavenly demon's combat skills were really realized from the heavenly demon. At that time, he was still wondering why he could easily absorb the energy from the heavenly devil, but now he understands that this is basically the energy cultivated by the same exercise method, how can it be rejected by the same energy?

It's just... after all, this is the cultivation technique of the Heavenly Demon. Will it become a Heavenly Demon in the end?

When Xiao Lang cast her suspicious gaze on the Emperor Tianma, she shook her head and smiled: "I don't know. In fact, I feel this kind of exercises. In essence, I want to see-can the highest level of cultivation become A demon!"


Xiao Lang was taken aback, his expression changed. After this practice, he became a demon, playing a bird? It’s better to die if you are not a ghost or a ghost.


The Heavenly Demon Great Emperor said angrily and funny: "I have cultivated to the eighth peak. Isn't this still the same? Even if it changes, it is a kind of magical power, and it can be changed back. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to cultivate until the end of my life. Kunou, otherwise, maybe I can really become a demon and blend into the domain of the demon."

Xiao Lang's heart was very strong. He quickly calmed down his inner shock, and asked doubtfully: "Great Emperor, why do you want to become a demon? Where is the face of the demon? Where are you going?"

The Emperor Tianmo sighed, looked up at the top of his head without saying a word for a long time, and then said, "This is related to a big secret in Tianzhou!"

"The big secret!"

Xiao Lang's heart that had just calmed down agitated again, Qingmu Shi Qingmu Yu was looking for the graveyard of the Emperor Tianma to learn this big secret. It must be a big secret to make them all take it seriously. But at this moment he didn't want to listen, because of such an important thing, he must bear a huge responsibility when he knew it.

Everyone doesn’t know much in childhood, and can live innocently. When they grow up, the more they understand, the more tired they will be...

The stronger you are, the more you know, and the greater your responsibility!

He didn't ask, but Heavenly Demon Great Emperor wanted to say, she glanced at Xiao Lang, and said lightly: "In fact, everyone in Tianzhou should know this secret! If you observe carefully, you will know it too!"

"What?" Xiao Lang was startled, somewhat puzzled.

The emperor Tianma stretched out a jade finger to the sky and said: "In the sky of Tianzhou, any warrior below the level of the emperor will be unconscious when flying up, and even if a demigod or even a strong **** flies up, it will be unconscious. This is the great secret of Tianzhou, Tianzhou is a prison, a prison that traps everyone in Tianzhou, death row!"


Xiao Lang also raised his head to sweep up his surprise. This is indeed a big secret. No one in Tianzhou can fly high in the sky, but what does it have to do with this cage? People in Tianzhou can live well, is there any difference whether they can fly high? It’s no good to fly high...

The Emperor Tianma glanced at Xiao Lang, as if he could see through his mind, and sighed faintly: "You still don't understand. If Tianzhou doesn't crack this cage, the strength of the martial artist will become lower and lower. Wait for the Tianzhou Spiritual Vessel After digging, it will be difficult for Tianzhou to even produce a Heavenly Emperor! It is estimated that after hundreds of thousands of years, Tianzhou will become...the same as your Soul Realm."

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