Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 30: Defeat by one move

Pavilion Master Mochizuki is very powerful, can old things that have lived for tens of thousands of years not be strong? There are countless fierce beasts of Tianzhou sea beasts, and the only thing that can become a beast god. And it can command ten thousand beasts, how big is the beast king and beast king in Tianzhou and the Four Great Seas? If all the riots were to occur, who could dominate Tianzhou might still be.

Pavilion Master Mochizuki has never participated in human disputes, and he has never even appeared in battles between humans and fierce beasts. Some time ago, countless spies brought Ouyang Cuicui and others to the request, only to get a sentence not to participate in human disputes.

But today it came, following the Master of Soul Destruction Palace.

Such a juncture can come, which shows a problem, and it is still standing behind the soul, which shows that the problem is very big.

The audience was silent, and no one thought about the matter of Mount Putuo and Venerable Hongmeng. Even if the Master of Soul Destruction kills, what about? What if the Lord of Soul Destruction Hall is wicked? This world doesn't make sense, it just depends on whether your fist is big. History is often rewritten by the victor, and depending on the situation, the final victory will belong to the Temple of Soul Destruction, and no one can reverse it!

Extinguishing the soul swept the audience and saw that everyone's eyes on the barbarian clan were dimmed, and the corners of their mouths showed a smug look. They looked at the barbarian **** and said loudly, "Aman, don't be stubborn. The things I told you before are still the same. For you, surrendering to me is just a name for you, but the benefits you get are unparalleled, how?"

The words of the Master of Soul Destroying caused many people to think deeply. Even if Pavilion Master Mochizue does not appear today, how can the Barbarian God fight against the Master of Destroyed Soul? Since you know you are losing, why should you be so stubborn, who has lived for so long, why can't you look away? With the strength and status of the barbaric god, it is estimated that it is just a verbal conviction, or silence like the Lost God Palace, and Soul Destruction will probably not embarrass him, right?


The barbarian **** looked up to the sky and laughed, with a touch of pain and anger on his face. He looked at the sky for a while, and then glanced at Miyun and said: "Miyun, on the day you kill Yunxue, we are destined to be born and die. , I wanted to forbear revenge, but I didn’t expect you to be so ambitious that I would sincerely convince you as a despicable villain? Don’t think about it!"

Everyone was stunned, Mie Hun also had a look of suspicion and then suddenly realized, with a hint of mockery on his face, and laughed: "Yunxue? Is it the Venerable Hongmeng? I didn't expect that you old thing is still a lover, but it's a pity that people will die. I didn't give you a glance, since you are begging to die, I will fulfill you!"

As soon as the words of the Lord of the Temple of Soul Destruction came down, Mie Tian and others immediately led them to retreat. The battle between the semi-god powerhouses is not something they can participate in. Even if it is left behind, I am afraid that the Supreme Heavenly Emperor will also be hit hard. ?

The Barbarian God waved his hand, and the people of the Barbarian Race slowly retreated to both sides of the mountain. The Barbarian God was the God of the Barbarian Race. Although they knew that the Barbarian God was dead or not, they didn't want to disobey his will.

Only one person did not leave, and the knife stood stubbornly on the side with the savage battle axe, his eyes fixed on the soul, murderously like an ant trying to challenge the giant.

Man Shen frowned, and said solemnly: "Knife back down!"

The knife still did not move, but the axe in his hand was shining with gold, and his eyes were decisive. His dull voice sounded: "Retreat? Where can I retreat? My brother and I are dead enemies with Yun Zishan. Master, you old fairy. Go, can we live? It would be better to fight!"

Before the last word was finished, the body of the knife was soaring into the sky, holding the savage battle axe in both hands, and dancing wildly, the surrounding space became blurred, like a burst of yellow sand floating towards the Lord of Soul Destruction. Along with the dancing of his great axe, the wind is loud, the thunder is shining, and the power is terrifying.

"Mayfly also wants to shake the tree?"

Mie Hun snorted, slowly stretched out a hand and then leaned forward. His speed seemed very slow, but he did not even lean in the vague space and grabbed the blade of the wild god's battle axe. !

The space around the knife's body also became clear at this moment, and the soul was looking at the knife's incredulous eyes, and mocked and said: "The weapon Aman accidentally obtained back then was actually a great **** soldier. Your kid is lucky, Ah You can't unlock the seal inside, but you have unlocked it? It's a pity that your strength is too weak. The Great God and God Soldier is a jewel in your hands!"


The hand of Destroying Soul shook slightly, and the knife gripped the bones of the hand of the brutal god's battle axe with a sound, and it was stabbed by someone empty-handed. Mie Soul grabbed the brutal god's battle axe and swept it casually. The space shook for a while, the axe's handle turned into an afterimage and hit the knife's chest continuously, and the knife immediately vomited blood and flew away.


The knife plunged heavily into the ground, smashing the ground into a deep hole. He struggled to stand up, covering his chest with one hand, his eyes were filled with disbelief, because all the ribs in his chest were broken? His comprehensive strength has reached the emperor, but he is not the enemy of Soul Destruction.


The brutal **** over there didn’t look at the knife anymore. There was a burst of bones in his body, and his body suddenly increased by one-third, reaching a height of four meters. Although one foot under his robe was empty, his momentum was like a mountain , Still people dare not look down upon.


He gave a long scream, and didn't say much nonsense, his body flew towards the soul-killing like a prehistoric fierce. Mie Soul finally moved, but it flew towards the sky. Man Shen followed closely, and the two bodies disappeared above the sky in a flash.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two fought against each other, and the two bodies pierced in and out of the clouds at speeds like electric shocks. As the two fought against each other, a loud noise spread across the fields, and even the sacred mountain shook slightly.

"Shoo!" "Boom!"

Constantly leaking strong energy and shooting in all directions, every strong energy can cause an explosion on the ground, blasting the ground into huge pits.

"call out!"

A black energy shot down from below high above the sky, into the towering Barbarian Mountain, and as a result... it split a third of the Barbarian Mountain diagonally. There was a rumbling sound, a large piece of mud and rocks fell, raising the dust that covered the sky and the earth, watching the countless warriors all around looked at each other, and was shocked.

The two pierced in and out in the clouds, the terrifying coercion, the fierce vigor, and the sky-shaking explosion, which made people feel like two ancient wild beasts fighting, and many people do not even dare to spit out. There is a feeling of suffocation.

The battle lasted for half an hour. For a while, the two of them were still fighting, until the last shadow fell heavily and smashed into the wild **** mountain, knocking the wild **** mountain out of a deep pit that cannot be seen. The battle was declared over.

"Aman, since you are stubborn, you will always stay in Manshenshan. This mountain has a good geomantic and suitable for burying bones!"

Accompanied by the sound of extinguishing the soul, a terrifying black energy turned into a tens of thousands of meters long dragon, whizzing down from the sky, and enveloping the entire mountain of wild gods. Then...the Manshen Mountain with a height of tens of thousands of meters and a radius of more than a few thousand meters collapsed. The dust turned into a mushroom cloud and rushed up. The Manshen Mountain became a huge pile of mud and rocks. From a distance... it really looked like a tomb. .

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