Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 31: Self-inflicted, don't live!



The audience was dead silent, and then the barbarian people in the distance rushed forward, and the knife knelt down with his legs soft, he had already lifted the **** armor, his hands on the soil, the green veins, his whole body was Trembling.

The remaining tens of thousands of Barbarian children knelt near the mud-rock pile and howled in agony. No matter if the Barbarian God was dead or not, the Barbarian God was defeated and there is only one dead end today. No one dared to dig a pile of mud and rocks, for fear that the Master of Soul Destruction would come a few more times. If the savage **** did not die, wouldn't they kill him if they dig it out?

The Lord of Soul Destruction Hall stands tall in the sky, surrounded by black energy, like an invincible mansion, invincible. He wasn't doing it, just watching coldly, and then said leisurely after a moment: "Barbarian people, I ask you one last time, surrender or...die!"

All the barbarians looked up angrily at the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction, but no one dared to move and no one spoke. Instead, they finally cast their eyes on the knife kneeling on the ground with their head down.

Xiaodao is the closed disciple of the Barbarian God, Manhe and the others are dead, but Xiaodao has become the strongest person of the Barbarian generation. At this moment, the life and death of the wild **** is unknown, and the only thing to do is to follow the orders of the strongest.

The knife slowly raised his head, then stood upright, his chest still sunken in, bruises remained at the corners of his mouth, and his spine was straight as a sword. He stared at the high-altitude Hall Master of Soul Destruction with a cold look, and suddenly pointed one hand at the Soul Destruction: " Miserable old man, want your father to surrender? Wait for the next life!"


The Ling Emperor Demon Emperor and others in the distance were in an uproar, and after staying with Xiao Lang for a long time, they were indeed not a group of people! In this tone, the arrogant aura is exactly the same. If you dare to point at the nose of Desire in such a situation, I am afraid that there are really few people in this world...

Mie Hun was not angry, his expression didn't change at all, he didn't do anything, but he gave a light command: "Send them on the road, don't leave one!"

"call out!"

Mie Tian Mie Di Mie Ren and the others waved their hands and shot their bodies. The calmer Mie Hun's tone means that he is more angry. If they leave a living mouth today, I am afraid they will feel better.

Ling Di and the others looked at each other with a wry smile, and at the same time they shot forward. However, a few people are also very grateful. Fortunately, I took refuge early. I am afraid that Ouyang Cui Cui Mu Shangui and others will not have a better life in the future, right?


Nearly a million people whizzed in, rushing like a million beasts over the mountains, murderous like a rainbow, and anyone who dared to stop them would be torn into pieces.

All the barbarians stood up, their faces were calm, and the words of the knife just now showed his attitude. There is nothing to say now, I can only drag a few backs before dying.

The **** battle started again. One side was as morale as a rainbow, with many people and powerful people. Although the number of people on the other side was small, many people were injured, but they were not afraid of death, and only wanted to kill a few more. The battle was extremely fierce, blood flowed all over the place, gathered into a river, the smell of blood permeated the wild, and the savage mountain became a hell.

The knife's wild **** battle axe was dropped by Miehun, and he was seriously injured and his combat power was greatly reduced. He released the purple **** armor again, but was knocked into the air by Mietian and others. He feels that his body is getting weaker and weaker, and his eyes are blurred, but he keeps getting up, roaring and rushing forward, and he keeps sighing in his heart: "Brother, aunt, little demon, grandpa, father and mother, the knife is one step ahead. !"

He rushed into the crowd like a tiger, ignoring a long knife hacked by a heavenly emperor, clinging tightly to his body, and then using all his strength to hit his head with his head.

The attack from Mie Tian and the others came again, and he smashed him out with the Emperor of Heaven. A pain in his back but still clinging to this person, he slammed his head desperately, and finally hit the head of the Emperor. Stopped until it was soggy...

The knife disarmed the purple battle armor, and was continuously attacked, and the battle armor spirit became extremely weak. If you continue to release it, I am afraid that this spirit will be destroyed. He just got up, a blade of swords whizzed from behind, and his back was suddenly **** and smashed to the ground. He struggled to stand up, but found that he didn't even have the strength to stand up...

"Kill him!"

After Mieren released an attack, he stood with his hand holding his hand, and said as he pointed at the nearby people. But those few people didn't move. You look at me and I look at you, looking embarrassed.

Mie Ren was able to kill the knife just now, but in the end he recovered his strength, obviously... he was scrupulous about being alone. As a great emperor, Jieren is scrupulous, and they dare not move.

Because... the knife is a man's brother. With that man's temper, whoever kills his brother is afraid to destroy his family!

"Trash, the Devil Emperor is going to kill him!"

Mie Ren slapped a heavenly emperor away, pointing to the demon emperor in the distance and said. The Devil Emperor trembled and looked bitterly towards the knife, and finally turned his gaze to Mieren. When he saw Mieren's vicious look, he gritted his teeth and walked towards the knife with the long knife.

He was the first to seek refuge in the Hall of Destruction of Souls, and no one could stop the Hall of Destruction of Souls from dominating Tianzhou. In that case, he could not destroy his future because of his scruples about Xiao Lang!

"Mu Xiaodao, I'm sorry, I was forced to do it too!" The Devil rushed over quickly, looked at the head that the knife turned around, and raised the butcher knife with a low sigh.

The knife didn't have a trace of fear, but instead sneered, faintly said: "The Devil, there is a saying that you can live by doing evil in the sky, you can do evil by can't live!"

The Devil Emperor was taken aback for a moment, and then his body was suddenly chilled, ignoring the killing of the knife, his body retreated like lightning, and his eyes looked forward in horror!


A space crack appeared beside the knife, and a body shot out like lightning. Everyone nearby couldn't see their faces, but felt a murderous aura soaring to the sky. That murderous aura is very scary, even... more than the murderous aura of Soul Destroying Palace Master's body is more heart palpitating.

An infinite number of lights swept towards this side, and the three of Mietian had been paying attention to this side, and the eyes of the Palace Master of Soul Destruction and Pavilion Master Wangyue also shrank suddenly, locking on this side.

"no, do not want…"

The Devil Emperor roared in horror, but he could only watch a dark golden dragon claw, approaching him at a terrifying speed, and quickly zooming in his pupils...

The speed of the dragon claw was too fast, and the most important thing was that the aura on the dragon claw was extremely brutal and domineering, giving him a feeling of powerlessness to resist.

The Supreme Divine Soldier in his hand slashed towards the dragon's claws fiercely, and his body was also surrounded by a shield of heavenly power, trying to resist for a while, waiting for the rescue of the Soul Destruction Hall Master.


With the force of destroying Gula, the dragon claw actually... shredded his war knife, then softly scratched his shield, and finally scratched his head!


The first person in northern Tianzhou, the Devil Emperor who had been famous in the world for decades, was actually killed by a frontal move. Moreover, even the Supreme Divine Weapon was twisted into pieces, how tyrannical was this person's attack?

Black tight-fitting samurai robes, a look of awe-inspiring demonic air, and long white snow-like hair dancing in the wind, everyone in front of him is very familiar, but at this moment everyone seems to not know him.

This white-haired boy disappeared for a while, but once again shocked everyone when he appeared!

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