Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 35: Destroyer

"Xiao Lang, I heard that your strength has soared? Have you inherited it in Tianyu Palace? Congratulations!"

Yun Zishan spoke, and the light waves in her beautiful eyes flowed with affection. If an ordinary young man is nearby, she might be overwhelmed by her grace and grace.

Xiao Lang stood on the top of the mountain with a calm expression on his face. He did not deny or admit it. Instead, he asked: "Your mortal heart annihilation sword? Don't you show it to me?"

"Hehe, you will see it later!"

Yun Zishan smiled indifferently, and looked at Xiao Lang with a bit of resentment: "Xiao Lang, we really can only be divided into life and death? Everyone comes from the Continent of Souls, and you know that I liked you back then. You surrender to me, it’s not impossible for us to unite again! Presumably you also know that Tianzhou is a cage. If you don’t break this cage, Tianzhou will be destroyed by the demon one day. At the same time, we should join forces for Tianzhou’s human robe. Strong and hard work, not fighting each other like this. Together with you and me, what are we afraid of in this world? As long as we break this cage, we can fly in the vast world, see the sky outside, and become a true **** Immortal, why not be happy?"

What Yun Zishan said was very tempting and made sense. If it is someone else, I am afraid that he would consider it carefully. If Xiao Lang nodded and agreed at this moment, not only would it be possible to turn the fighting into a jade silk, but also to get the beauties of the city, and to sit on top of the world. In this life, isn't it just a beauty in power and position?

It's just... Xiao Lang is not such a person!

He doesn't care about power and status, and even more does not care about becoming a **** and immortality. What he cares about is his inner morality. Yun Zishan and him had no way to reconcile, and it was destined at the moment when Ouyang Lengyan died, including the Temple of Soul Destruction!

He was silent for a moment before he said: "I killed your father back then, can you really forget this hatred? You have been fighting for the rise of your Yun family all your life, but your Yun family is very miserable now, although Qianxun did not deliberately Suppress, but you are still lingering, right? Can you forget all these things?"

Yun Zishan's eyes flashed coldly when he heard it, and his murderous aura flashed away. He looked calm on the surface, but his emotions must have fluctuated greatly inside.

Xiao Lang suddenly smiled when he saw it. He was right to guess that all of Yun Zishan's words just now were deceptive. She really wanted to let Xiao Lang relax her vigilance in her heart and suddenly attacked him. Who knows that Xiao Lang knows this wise woman very well, and has always guarded him, and after many trials of the demons, his heart has become extremely firm. He would just say something casually, but Yun Zishan's mood fluctuated, and his heart became tangled...

How could he let it go?

"call out!"

He stepped on the top of the mountain with his legs, causing all the nearby rocks to shatter and rumbling downwards. His body shot up, and flew toward the cloud purple shirt like lightning. He didn't have the slightest murderous in his body, but he said sincerely: "Zishan, if you can forget my hatred of killing your father, maybe we can really be together, in fact... I also liked you back then."

Yun Zishan's eyes shrank, and a trace of confusion flashed through, as if he was really hesitating and tangled, and he didn't notice Xiao Lang passing by like lightning.

Ten thousand meters, five kilometers, kilometers!

Xiao Lang's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, his speed was too fast, just a few hundred meters away from the cloud purple shirt in a blink of an eye. He looked sincere on the surface, and he even had some feelings of admiration, but a dark golden light flashed in his eyes, and the light flashed and shot into Yun Zishan's head.

"It's done!"

Seeing Yun Zishan's eyes turn white, he immediately closed it, and his delicate body trembled. Xiao Lang suddenly became ecstatic, his right hand gleamed with the dark golden light, and the cracking **** hand released, and slammed Yun Zishan's chest.

The soul-killing guess is correct, this dark golden light is indeed a soul attack, this is the soul attack skill of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor imitating the understanding of the Heavenly Demon King, and the name is Heavenly Demon Strike.

Mietian was only killed by him after hitting his demon strike. The demon strike was terrifying. The soul of the person who was hit would be temporarily unconscious. Although there is only a short period of time, the strong will go to war for one second. Enough to divide birth and death.

"Sage, be careful!"

Mie Di and Mie Ren saw Xiao Lang coming through the air, but Yun Zishan didn't respond at all, and quickly exclaimed. However, Yun Zishan apparently confessed, and the two did not come to help, only yelled anxiously on the spot.

"call out!"

Splitting God's hand cut through the sky with the aura of tearing everything away, causing a harsh scream in the air, and even the space oscillated slightly. The corners of Xiao Lang's mouth were full of demons. He was confident that as long as he was hit by God's Cracking Hand, even if Yun Zishan was a divine body, he would die.


At that moment, when Xiao Lang's God Splitting hand was less than five meters away from Yun Zishan, Yun Zishan suddenly opened his eyes, there was no panic on his face, and the corners of his mouth were still mocking.

A long sword quietly appeared in her hand. It was a very strange long sword, several meters long and half a meter wide, but the top was flat and there was no sharp edge. There are countless primitive patterns on the body of the sword, and those patterns are all lit up at the moment, walking around the body of the sword, looking like a real dragon inside the body of the sword.

"Xiao Lang, you dare to use this little trick in front of me to make an axe in front of me? Your foster father was calculated to death by me, let alone you!"

Yun Zishan smiled faintly, a string of beads on her hand also suddenly scattered out, divided into twelve, and shot at Xiao Lang quickly. Each bead was shining with purple light, spinning at high speed, and it was impossible to see the speed. To the beads, I just saw a whirlwind.

"Desperate Strike!"

At the same time, Yun Zishan raised the Divine Sword of Vanishing Heart Miserable high and slashed it heavily at Xiao Lang. A straight golden light poured out from the long sword, rising into the sky, the light looked like an entity. And Yun Zishan held the Deity Extinction Sword and slashed it fiercely, just like holding a lightsaber tens of thousands of meters long. The aura on the lightsaber was extremely terrifying, capable of destroying the world.

"Malle Gobi!"

Xiao Lang already knew that the moment Yun Zishan opened his eyes, he underestimated Yun Zishan's wisdom. He will do it, and Yun Zishan will do it too, and he does not hesitate to be suspected of getting the enemy to go deep. This woman is as wise as a demon, and she is indeed a fierce who can calculate alone.

He didn't understand that the soul attacked Soul Destruction Strike, why didn't the attack on Yun Zishan matter? He only knew that things were in trouble, and the twelve beads were so terrified that the evil lord was extremely afraid. They could instantly kill four corpse emperors of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor level, not to mention their immense power.

Of course... the most terrifying thing is the mortal heart annihilation divine sword, that tens of thousands of meters long light cut, Xiao Lang feels like it can tear the world, if it is smashed, he is afraid that his body will be divided into two.

His body retreated like lightning at that moment, and his force was very strong, and he could quickly retreat with the reverse thrust of the air whenever he moved.

He immediately took out the Supreme Chariot and threw it overhead, and at the same time released Qingshang and slashed towards that light. The battle skills of the Heavenly Demon in his body were also circulated, and a brown air current appeared on his body to form a battle armor. And his body also became blurred at that moment, making it hard to tell him from there.


Qingshang and Na Guang Zhan collided with each other and were instantly annihilated. The Supreme Chariot he threw out was also like a toy made of mud, which was turned into powder by the touch of the Guang Zhan, and Guang Zhan still turned towards with an unstoppable momentum. Heavy chopping down below.

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