Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 36: Mingxiu plank road, dark Chen Cang!

"call out!"

Light Slash slashed everywhere like lightning, Xiao Lang's body had become blurred, and it looked like it had been cut into two from a distance. Light Slash continued to fall, and finally slashed heavily on the huge mountain where Xiao Lang was standing just now. in.


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the mountain peaks with a height of 10,000 meters were divided into two, the rocks were cracked, the dust was flying, and loud noises spread all over the surrounding area.


Xiao Lang's body became clear again in mid-air. In such a dangerous situation, he had reacted so quickly to avoid this light cut attack? Mie Di and Mie Ren in the distance sighed secretly. If they were definitely unable to avoid it, Xiao Lang was indeed powerful.

"Boom boom!"

Although he avoided Light Slash, Xiao Lang obviously couldn't hide from the twelve beads. The beads hit Xiao Lang's body, causing a burst of blood fog, and Xiao Lang's body was also knocked down and fell quickly.

"Sure enough, it's a bit of a trick, and you have avoided the killing blow!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's body being smashed into the forest, he jumped up like a monkey and disappeared into the dense woods. Yun Zishan smiled faintly. The Fan Xin Mie Divine Sword in her hand lit up again, and a golden light poured out, rising into the sky, forming a lightsaber tens of thousands of meters long. Her eyes were like electricity to easily lock Xiao Lang's lurking position, and she kept cutting it down.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Along with the bottomless gullies that the ground was chopped by lightsabers time and time again, Xiao Lang jumped around in embarrassment. The speed of the lightsaber is very fast, often just after it is released, the lightsaber is cut down as soon as Yun Zishan smashes the extinction sword. Xiao Lang was injured and was attacked by the twelve beads to break twelve bones, but his soul was very powerful, his perception became tai, and he often sensed the movement of the Yunzishan Divine Sword, and avoided him.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was chaos in all directions, and the huge cracks and gullies were shocking. Xiao Lang was like a monkey gang jumping around, moving very embarrassingly. Every time he was less than five meters away from the lightsaber, it was extremely dangerous.

His robe was ragged, blood was faintly emerging, and his face was full of anxiety. He seems to be a little bit poor. Yun Zishan can attack at such a long distance, but he can't fly. Long-range attacks can't do any harm to Yun Zishan...

He kept running and jumping, and he didn't have time to retrieve the grass and cane for treatment. Yun Zishan stood tall in the sky, motionless in all directions, constantly controlling the Divine Sword to chase Xiao Lang, with a leisurely expression, like a cat teasing a mouse.

Half an hour!

Yun Zishan hacked tens of thousands of swords in total, and Xiao Lang also ran tens of thousands of times, and...every time it looked dangerous, but every time he couldn't hit it, his luck was against the sky!


Yun Zishan stopped, apparently discovering Xiao Lang's weirdness, one side of his face was flushed, his eyes were dim, and his body was still trembling slightly, as if he had consumed too much strength. There was some anger in her beautiful eyes, and she was angry when she found Xiao Lang's tricks.

Xiao Lang didn't stop. He shook his body and got into the woods. He was still running wildly. He ran for hundreds of thousands of meters and climbed to a small mountain peak. Then he bounced again. His power is very powerful, he can jump up to tens of thousands of meters with a single leap, and his speed is very terrifying.

A cyan long sword appeared in his hand, and with a sudden wave, a cyan sword aura suddenly broke through the air. At the same time, he released his emotions again, and his body became blurred again, turning into a black wind and flying towards the clouds and purple shirts.

"call out!"

Between the electric sparkles and flints, two dark golden rays of light flashed, shooting out in the black wind, piercing the golden cracked stone, and lightning pierced the night into Yun Zishan's body.

"Hmph, Xiao Lang, you are fooled again!"

Yun Zishan didn't show the slightest panic, his dim eyes sparkled again, and the golden light of the Fan Xin Mie Divine Sword in his hand rose to the sky. This time she did not cut down but swept away, and the twelve beads in her hand flew out again, turning into a whirlwind in the air.

Her weakness just now was obviously a pretense and a trick to lure the enemy.

"The Demon Change!"

Xiao Lang didn't retreat this time, nor did he panic at all on his face, he let out a deep cry. Suddenly the body made a few weird and awkward movements in the air, and then the body changed into two, two into four, eight sides, and finally sixteen Xiao Lang, fan-shaped attacking the cloud and purple shirt, the split **** hand released, and brought up Sixteen screams of air made the eardrum painful.


Yun Zishan's expression suddenly became cautious, the twelve beads no longer flew out, instead they circled around a hundred meters around her, her beautiful eyes squinted and shot around, looking for Xiao Lang's true body.

Naturally, the transformation of the heavenly demon was learned in the underwater gods, but Xiao Lang had not cultivated to a high level, but 15 of the 16 shadows were fake, and only one was real.

"call out!"

The lightsaber swept across the air, easily shook the ruthless sword aura, and swept seven or eight phantoms into nothingness. Then he continued to sweep forward and hit the Xiliang Mountain, cutting out a deep gully in Xiliang Mountain. The rocks cracked and flew around, frightened and hurriedly avoided.

Seeing several figures rushing towards her quickly, Yun Zishan finally became a little flustered, her body began to explode, and the God Splitting Hand could kill the sky in seconds, and she had no bottom in her heart, so naturally she didn't dare to hold on.

"Huh? Xiao Lang, dare you?"

She backed away, and the twelve beads slammed into Xiao Lang’s clones, easily smashing those clones. When she was surprised, she saw the lower body sliding across an arc, quietly facing away. Killing people in the distance rushed away. Yun Zishan instantly understood Xiao Lang's intentions, screamed and rushed downward.

Destroying people and Destroying the land are still powerful, but since Xiao Lang can kill the sky in seconds, it is natural to kill them in seconds. Yun Zishan thought so much for a moment, and followed Xiao Lang.

"call out!"

Mie Di saw a black shadow rushing towards him like lightning, and those black and white eyes were full of coldness and killing intent, which made people feel cold in the depths of their souls. He was so scared that he didn't dare to fight back, flashed his body and rushed into the passage.

He didn't understand why Xiao Lang dared to break the agreement and act on them, and he didn't know why Xiao Lang was not afraid of Soul Extinguishment to kill him. He just felt fear instinctively, and first escaped into the Soul Destruction Hall.

As soon as Mie Di fled, Mie Ren followed closely. They just helped Yun Zishan to suppress the formation to prevent Xiao Lang from asking for help. They didn't come to fight Xiao Lang desperately. The two rushed into the passage in a flash. Before they came, they closed the passage restriction quickly. Xiao Lang had already rushed in. He roared murderously, "Exterminate the land, you can't escape, you die!"

"Xiao Lang, do you dare to break the agreement?"

Yun Zishan followed closely, and said softly. After Mietian, Mieren and Miedi, the three people treated her very well and respectfully after she entered the Temple of Soul Destruction, she was already very angry when Xiao Lang killed her. How could she watch Xiao Lang kill her at this moment? Destroy the two?

Her speed is also very fast, flying down from a high altitude, and quickly rushing into the passage!


At the moment she rushed into the passage, she saw a black shadow shoot out, and the dark golden dragon claws in the front of her pupils were constantly enlarged, and that monster face was full of killing intent. And sorrowful.

Mingxiu plank road, dark Chen Cang!

Xiao Lang's ultimate goal is naturally not to destroy the earth and people, but rather Yun Zishan!

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