Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 42: statue

It is normal for the Temple of Soul Destruction to establish an empire. The country name of Soul Destruction is also expected by the world, but the new emperor is not Desire Soul but Yun Zishan, which makes the world extremely suspicious.

Killing the soul lays down the country, is it not for the sake of being a great emperor? Is he so good to Yun Zishan? Do the two have a romantic relationship?

No one knows, and no one dares to discuss it. During this time, countless human, material and financial resources in Tianzhou were mobilized and all shipped to the West. The Soul Extinguish Hall is to build the Soul Extinguishing City, which will also be the capital of the Soul Extinguishing Empire in the future, and its address will be above the destroyed Xiao Di City.

This was obviously an insult to Xiao Lang. Of course, no one opposed it. Those who opposed it had all died and fled.

With the power of Tianzhou, a brand-new city stood on top of Emperor Xiao City in just ten days. The new city didn't use any materials from the ruins of Emperor Xiaocheng, it was all brand new and magnificent, and it was all made of white jade. The cornerstone below the city is still a super large black stone, which is the same as the black stone outside the Blood Tower Cave Mansion, which is extremely luxurious.

No one opposed it. Instead, a group of people came out in agreement, thinking that the new emperor would have a new atmosphere. The Great Emperor Zishan, the Lord of Soul Destruction has made such a great contribution to Tianzhou, what does it matter to waste a little bit? As for... what contribution they made, the answer that the group gave was to save the world from the catastrophe of the demon and kill the great demon Xiao Lang.

History is often written by victors. Xiao Lang was defeated, he became a great demon, and he was inexcusable, and Xiao Moshen and others became shameful rebels. Others wrote books to record the glorious deeds of Mie Hun and Emperor Zishan in the annals of history, and to inform the world of the evil deeds of the great demon Xiao Lang and others.

On the fifteenth day, the tens of thousands of emperors, almost all the emperors of Tianzhou, and the heads of the big family went to the city of Destroy Soul to witness Yun Zishan ascend the throne. Ouyang Cui Cui Mu Shangui and others knelt down on one knee, lowered their noble heads, Shanhu Long live.

Yun Zishan did not wear a purple dress, a colorful phoenix robe, and a purple gold and jade crown. His face was solemn, and he accepted the worship of all the strong. A small group of people came out of the realm of Souls and Souls, their acquaintances shook Tianzhou, and one person stood at the pinnacle of Tianzhou, achieving an immortal reputation.

When the new emperor takes office, he naturally has a new imperial decree.

The situation in Tianzhou has not changed, but more than two hundred government regions have been revoked, but ten government regions are left. According to the original ten major overlords, the eastern region, the southern barbarian, the western wilderness, and the north are also divided into four government regions. . The Eight Supreme Heavenly Emperors became the palace masters of the eight realms. The Demon Emperor was killed, the Mandrill took over as the palace lord, and the Eastern Region, the Northern Ming and the Western Wild, the Southern Barbarians also set up the palace owners respectively, and the palace owners were all the heaven emperors of the Ling Jia Leng family. As for the palace lord in the west, it is not about destroying people and land, but... green wood and jade.

There was no objection to this division of forces, and Ouyang Cuicui, Mu Shangui and others were relieved. Yun Zishan hadn't rushed to kill them all and was very thankful, and now still retains the dominance of their family.

The second order Yun Zishan gave is that all the people must place statues of her and the soul-killing at home, visit twice a day and night, and pray devoutly.

This command makes everyone confused, portrayed as a statue for people to worship? Generally, people who worship are either dead, such as ancestors and ancestors, or they are true gods. The two are still alive, why is it that the true **** wants people to visit? What's the point? Could it be that if the people of the world pay homage to them and believe in them, the two of them will become Daofeixian?

No one knows the meaning of Yun Zishan's will, but Yun Zishan's will is very firm. And set up a patrol team. Anyone who has no statues in their homes or worshippers will be killed if they find out...

Hundreds of millions of statues were formed under the carvings of a group of skillful craftsmen, and they are lifelike, and they are constantly being handed out. Yunzishan and Miyun have become living Buddhas before they die. Each city has a channel, and you must pay respects to the emperor and the lord of the palace. The pious people will be protected and blessed by the emperor, and the ungodly will be regarded as rebellious and killed on the spot.

The world didn't understand, and when they started paying respects honestly, old things like Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui understood a little. I finally knew why Soul Destruction Hall had such a position and power, and it still had to dominate Tianzhou.

There was one person who did such a thing in the past. He had countless church members under him, and he almost unified Tianzhou. After the mansion he conquered, the first time he asked the people in the mansion to pay homage to his statue. In the end, this person was killed by the Master of Soul Destruction and Qing Mu Shi, and he was called the Evil Lord!

As the old saying goes, there is no **** in the world, and when there are more people who believe in him, he will naturally become a god.

This sentence is very mysterious. Ouyang Cuicui and others don't know if Yun Zishan and Miexun profited from it, but if everyone pays homage to them, it will definitely increase their strength, and it is very likely to increase the power of the soul.

One person or a hundred people may not be a big deal, but Tianzhou has hundreds of millions of people, plus so many areas in the Eastern Region, Nanban, and Beiming, so many people visit the temple day and night. The two must also have mastered a certain powerful magical power, which can transform everyone's belief in them into a certain usable power.

Mieren was appointed as the captain of the inspection team, and led a group of Emperors to patrol around. After killing countless people, the citizens of Tianzhou understood that this was not a joke, and began to pay respectful worship twice day and night. And after some pious people who paid homage accidentally got some profound stones, the folks also began to circulate various mysterious and weird rumors, which made this statue covered in mysterious and psychedelic colors.

On the third day after Yun Zishan and Mie Hun became the throne, they began to fight against the rebels. They didn't bring too many people, just brought Qingmushi and Wangyue Pavilion Master Qingmuyu to destroy them.

They went to Nanban first, but the gods stubbornly refused to surrender, and were killed on the spot by Destroyer. After tens of thousands of people died and injured, the barbarians finally stopped being stubborn, and all lowered their noble heads, and the world was completely unified.

Yun Zishan and the others returned to the west and immediately tore the space into the cracks in the space, obviously they were about to do something against Devil Xiao and the others.

The space is completely dark in the cracks, but with the eyesight of everyone, you can easily see tens of thousands of meters, and you can also see countless empty spaces of various sizes around.

"Hall Master, according to people who have entered that void, the space where Devil Xiao and the others lurks is that."

Everyone flew hundreds of thousands of meters forward, and there was a trace of remnant in Mieren's eyes, pointing to a huge void and said.

Qing Muyu turned his head in a bit unbearable. He once vowed to do everything possible to protect Xiao Lang's family members. But now he is powerless, not to mention that even his father can't stop the anger in the soul at this moment. A dignified demigod powerhouse was hit hard by Demon Xiao and a group of ants, which is a shame and shame for Soul Slayer...


As soon as Mie Soul heard this, his murderous aura suddenly rushed into the sky, and the black energy in his hand slowly condensed. The Destruction Heaven Dao attack power he cultivated was the most overbearing. Seeing his continuous accumulation of energy, he obviously wanted to... directly use huge energy to shake this void space and collapse, so that all the people in the void space will be twisted and strangled by the space.

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