Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 43: Come back alive

"call out!"

A huge black energy condensed in the hands of Mierun, he suddenly attacked forward, Mieren Qingmuyu and others hurriedly backed away. Destroying Soul's full blow is so powerful, the nearby space will definitely be distorted, and it will be troublesome to be affected.

Yun Zishan also retreated quickly, her strength was only at the emperor's level, although she was a divine body, she was not sure of such a terrifying attack.


A tens of thousands of meters long black dragon whizzed towards the barrier of void space in front of it, and slammed into it in the blink of an eye. Everyone squinted intentionally to avoid being pierced by the strong light.


There was a loud noise, and a strong light really lit up, and the horrible aura spread all around, the space in front of it was distorted, and the turbulent wave of air shook the soul and the Qingmushi Pavilion Master by 10,000 meters. Qing Muyu looked at the tumbling and distorted air wave ahead, feeling a sense of sorrow, Qing Mu Shi's face was calm, the light in Yun Zishan's eyes was shining and she couldn't see what she was thinking.


The air waves were still rolling, and the space was still distorting, but Mie Hun and Qing Mu Shi Wangyue Pavilion master shrank at the same time, and their eyes were filled with incredible colors. Soon Qingmu Yumierenyun Zishan also found something wrong, his face changed, and his face was full of shock.

Because a golden light gleamed faintly in the front, the void space was all shrouded in golden light, and the soul-killing full blow was completely resisted by the golden light, and it couldn't hurt the void space for half!

"how is this possible?"

Qingmuyu touched his big bald head and muttered aloud.

Although Soul Destruction did not reach the peak of the demigod, its strength was definitely the strongest among the six major demigods, and no one could be his opponent except for Pavilion Master Mochizuki who changed his body. With such a powerful blow, even the restriction in the tomb of the Great Sword Shadow can be easily broken, right? None of the Xiao Devil and the others understood restraint, and they were not strong enough, how could they arrange such a powerful restraint?

"Could it be that the powerful remnant soul behind Xiao Lang arranged it?"

Mie Hun and Wangyue Pavilion Master Qing Mu Shi glanced at each other, and they were secretly startled, but Mie Hun was not convinced that the energy in their hands was running again, condensing a black dragon and continuing to smash into the void.


The same loud noise, the same wave of air tumbling, and the space distorted, but the golden light outside the void space kept shining, the prohibition was unbreakable, and the void space inside did not even shake.

"Everyone joined forces to attack, the deity still doesn't believe that this bird is banned!"

Exterminating the soul roared in rage, and took a break for everyone to attack together. The six people stood in a row, each used their methods, and all attacked.

Six attacks cut through the sky, causing a shock in the surrounding space, and they all hit the golden light of the void.

"Boom boom boom!"

Six blasts shattered the sky, and some small void spaces around them trembled slightly. The six people were shaken back by 10,000 meters, their eyes locked in front, and their eyes were full of shock.

Because the restriction was still not broken, and there was not even a hint of dim light.

"Damn it!"

Extinguishing the soul was violent like thunder, and watching Xiao Demon God and the others live comfortably in the void, he had no choice but to naturally become angry.

"You can't break this restriction, go back!"

At this time, a faint voice sounded abruptly, causing everyone to stand up. Because they didn't feel any figure nearby, it showed that this person was much stronger than them.

"Who? Get out!"

Extinguishing the soul's gaze was like electricity, shooting around, continuously releasing energy in his hands and attacking in all directions. Suddenly, some small void spaces were shaken and collapsed, causing the space to be distorted and all shattered.

Qing Mu Shi and Pavilion Master Wangyue were close to enemies, and Pavilion Master Wangyue was almost ready to change his body to meet the enemy.


Extinguishing the soul's eyes shot towards the front left, and everyone looked around and saw a green figure slowly drifting towards it. This is a beautiful woman, holding a green paper umbrella, her expression is leisurely as if not in the void, but strolling in the backyard.

"This, this is..."

Qing Mu Shi and Qing Mu Yu shook their bodies, and both recognized the woman. This was the woman on the ancient painting in the Partial Hall of the Undersea God Mansion. Why did it appear in the space crack at this moment?

"Who is he?"

Mie Hun looked at Qing Mu Shi in amazement, Qing Mu Shi looked solemn and whispered: "I don't know who she is, but the restriction she placed is the restriction of the ancient gods, and I can't break it. This person is at least the strength At the peak of the demigod, handle it carefully."

The woman is naturally the remnant soul of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, but at the moment she looks like an ordinary person. Destroying the soul with such a powerful strength, they can't see that she is a phantom that has turned out, showing how powerful and magical her supernatural powers are.

Standing outside the gleaming void space, she calmly looked at everyone, and said again: "This is the place I protect. Next time I dare to harass, kill without mercy, get out!"

The expressions of Mie Hun and others changed, so their status and strength were said to be gone? Naturally, she didn't know what it was like in her heart, but the woman's ability to arrange such a powerful restriction made everyone very jealous.

Everyone wanted to retreat, but Mie Soul seemed to be unable to pull this face down. He hesitated for a moment on the spot, but the woman on the opposite side raised her head, stretched out a finger, and shot a wind.

The finger wind is very small and does not seem to have much power on the surface, but the finger wind is fast and leaves a white mark along the way, which looks like an icicle.


Mie Hun snorted coldly and was about to attack, but at this moment, he felt an incomparably terrifying meaning of ice and cold spreading from the finger wind, making his body freeze. The energy in his body also runs several times slower, and it is even more impossible to avoid him. He can only watch the wind shoot into his left shoulder...


Mie Soul's body took a blood mist and flew out, and the shadow disappeared in an instant.

Qing Mushi and the others were shocked, hurriedly backed away and ran away, waiting for them to retreat hundreds of thousands of meters before they found Mie Hun, but saw that Mie Hun's whole person was frozen and could not move...

"That's so awesome!"

Qing Mu Shi murmured in silence, Soul Destruction had slowly circulated the energy to unfreeze the ice, his face was green, and he spat out a bruise, and said bitterly: "Go, this person's sense of heaven has definitely reached the level of a god, we are not her opponents! How can this world have great powers? How can it be?"

Everyone tore the void and escaped back to Tianzhou. Everyone was thinking about this question. After Tianzhou was sealed, there was no chaotic aura at all. How could there be a great god?

The Emperor Tianma didn't chase after her. When everyone left, her figure gradually became thinner, almost becoming transparent. She looked into the distance and sighed: "Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, this emperor can help you so much. This emperor's spirit power can only last for ten years. I don't know if this emperor's soul will be dissipated. See you coming back from the Heavenly Demon Realm alive?"

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