Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 44: Demon Territory

Xiao Lang was good at finding this void space. There was a very small spiritual vein in it, about half the size of a mansion, with beautiful landscapes, lush trees and grass, and fresh air. It was a good place to live.

There is only one city in the void, which is still very simple. Many people do not have houses to live in, so they can only build wooden tents outside the city.

The western powerhouses and their tribes add up to a total of more than 100 people, not too many people, if they are outside, they are the population of a big city. However, there are more than one million people in the void. Although Chamu arranged for people to buy a large amount of energy pills, it is impossible for people to swallow energy pills for a long time? Those children always need various kinds of nutrition.

In the forest of void space, some cattle, sheep, beasts and the like have been released before, but it would be impossible to multiply enough food for these million people without three to five years. It is impossible for the planted fruit trees such as wheat to supply the needs of more than one million people in a short period of time.

Compared with no food and no outside luxury life, the most deadly thing is the panic that permeates the city. Xiao Lang was defeated, it was very likely that he would die or not. According to the news from the spies, the Yunzishan Soul Destruction Hall had already ruled Tianzhou, and it was estimated that it would take a long time to find this void space.

Although the combined attack formed by the combination of Lone Guxing was very powerful, the last time it was a sneak attack, there were still a few demi-god powerhouses so powerful, and everyone could not resist it.

Everyone has a feeling of sitting and waiting for death. This feeling is the most uncomfortable. It is like a frog boiled in warm water. It is a kind of torment.

And this kind of emotion is still uncontrollable, even if the loneliness of wisdom can't be solved, everyone is not a fool or a three-year-old child, it can't be tricked by just a few words...

There is a loft in the backyard of Dacheng. The loft is simple and clean. There are also a few maids serving, and there are family members of Xiao Lang. Liu Ya and He'er washed their faces with tears all day long, and the very strong red bean girl couldn't help but often cry secretly by herself. If it weren't for the fact that Xiao Lang was dead, the three of them were afraid that they would go with Xiao Lang.

Mu Xiaoyao and Mu Xiaodao were also inside, and the two of them and Xiao Lang intersected, so staying outside might be a dead end. The knife was restless all day long, and tended to get confused. The little demon didn't cry, but a pretty little face was eclipsed, like a flower about to wither...

The panic spread like a plague, and within a few days, people began to attack and fight frantically in the city, but they were finally killed by the inspectors sent by Duguxing.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be suppressed, so that everyone is silent day and night in panic, mental disorders, sooner or later, **** will happen. Perhaps these millions of people will eventually kill each other and destroy them all.


On this day, a woman in green clothes holding an umbrella suddenly floated above the void, awakening everyone. Xiao Devil God Killing Emperor's Knife and the others flew into the sky for the first time, forming a big formation and attacking.

The woman didn't change her expression at all, she just left a few words, and disappeared into the air: "My name is the Great Emperor of Heaven. I am considered to be Xiao Lang's half master. Xiao Lang is not dead, and it is extremely safe here. You can cultivate and wait for his return! "


The woman's words caused a riot in the city, Hong Dou and the others hugged and wept, and Xiao Devil and the heavenly emperors were shocked. The name of Heavenly Demon Great Emperor is too powerful, giving them an inexplicable confidence.

Very safe here? This shows that Soul Destruction will not come to attack. The most important thing is... Xiao Lang is not dead! It's like giving everyone a tranquilizer shot, instantly reassuring everyone.

As long as Xiao Lang is not dead, and as long as it is safe enough here, then nothing is a problem. The thin spiritual energy here is not conducive to cultivation. Everyone still has some profound stones enough to support a period of time. If there is no food, then eat energy pills.

There is nothing but hope!

In the void space, because of a word from the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor, quickly settled down. After waiting for half a month, they didn't see Soul Destroyer and the others attacking, and everyone was relieved. Coupled with the various arrangements and scheduling of Chamu, who walked alone, calm was restored in the void.

Xiao Lang did not die, and as the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor said, he went to another world from the valley, the face of the Heavenly Demon Realm!

The celestial demon can enter the Tianzhou through the valley, and Xiao Lang can naturally enter the celestial demon realm from the valley. Before him, the Great Emperor of the Heavenly Demon had also entered the face of the Heavenly Demon Territory from here, but it was a pity that the Heavenly Demon God in the territory finally saw through the real body and killed him, only to escape with a trace of remnant soul.

Qing Mu Shi completely took refuge in the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction, and the sneak attack severely damaged him. At that moment, he desperately wanted to dictate himself, but Jiexun disagreed. So he decided to die and not give them the Extinguishing Sword, so he thought of jumping into this gloom at the last moment, and of course he also had a hint of wanting to die and live.

What he cultivates is the combat skills of the heavenly demon, and there is also a style in the heavenly demon transformation, which can change the body, in other words...he can become the appearance of the heavenly demon. So he wanted to get into the Celestial Demon Realm to see if he could survive.

Desire is always good, but reality is cruel.

Although at the moment he fell into the valley, he immediately turned the demon into a demon, but when he fell into the ground and woke up, he found that he was being taken by a few high-level demon into a mud castle. Go.

Although he woke up, he didn't open his eyes immediately, but his soul went out of his body to observe the situation nearby. The sweep made him desperate.

There is a wilderness near here, with a lot of huge earthen fortresses, and there are heavenly demons nearby. There are countless high-level heavenly demons. He feels the breath of the heavenly demon king at will, at least dozens of them.

He turned into a high-level demon at the moment, but he didn't know how to be seen through by these demon. He was entangled in a fiery red cane, and his whole body could not move. What made him most helpless was that he quietly operated the Heavenly Demon combat skills and found that he could not operate the energy...

He was pulled by four high-level heavenly demons, and flew towards the largest clay castle. There were dozens of high-level heavenly monsters and two heavenly demon kings outside the castle.


"The Gagji Gulu Satan..."

Xiao Lang was thrown heavily to the ground. The four high-level demon and the two demon kings Chiligulu talked a big deal. The two demon kings looked at Xiao Lang coldly. The silver eyes made Xiao Lang's heart palpitations, and then one. The Sky Demon King walked inward holding Xiao Lang's thigh.

The skin of the devil is smooth, without scales, except for an extra eye on his head, it is no different from a human. Xiao Lang was still pretending to be in a coma, letting the Demon King drag him inside that day. He went out of his body and looked around and found that this earthen fort was very large, and the attire inside was simple. The only extravagant thing was the radiant blanket on the ground.


Suddenly, the trace of his out-of-aperture soul felt pain. He immediately felt around, but saw a pair of brilliant silver eyes staring at the soul that appeared. The cold eyes could clearly see through the trace of his out-of-aperture. soul.


Xiao Lang sighed secretly and immediately retracted his soul, but opened his eyes to see a scene that surprised him.

He saw a goddess, or a beautiful goddess, and most importantly...this goddess was wearing clothes.

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