Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 45: His Royal Highness Snow

Xiao Lang, a female demon, has seen her with round buttocks, and two giants can suffocate a cow. But Xiao Lang, a female demon as beautiful as a human woman, had never seen him, let alone a demon wearing clothes.

One more thing, although the Heavenly Demon King is similar to human beings, but without pupils, this female Heavenly Demon King has dark golden pupils, and the eyes above are still closed. If this is not the face of the Heavenly Demon Realm, Xiao Lang must think she is A beautiful girl.

The woman was wearing a black tuxedo, and her black hair was as beautiful as silk and satin. There seemed to be a night sky in her star eyes, which made Xiao Lang feel cold on her back, because he felt that those eyes could understand all his secrets. He was like a beggar walking on the street without an inch, very uncomfortable.

"Isolate Asda gurgle..."

The Heavenly Demon King who was dragging Xiao Lang backwards threw him to the ground. First, he gave a five-body bow to the ground and kissed the female Heavenly Demon King's shoes. Then there was another whistle and whistle to report to the Female Heavenly Demon King.

The female devil faintly waved his hand, Xiao Lang could see a pair of jade-white hands, slender and very beautiful. He was bound all over and could not use the Heavenly Demon combat skills, so he could only lie on his side on the ground.

He can actually release affection and summon the evil master, but he dare not act rashly. He didn't dare to fight hard until the last moment, there were so many demon kings here, and if one was not good, there would be no place to bury him.


The heavenly devil came slowly, and a pair of delicate calves appeared in front of Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang lay on his side and did not dare to move, so he could not see the face of the heavenly devil. He just felt the female devil standing in front of his head, looking at him condescendingly.

The Heavenly Demon didn't kill him immediately, so that he saw a chance to survive, and the desire to survive also surged in his heart. So at this moment, even though he was looked at by the female demon in such a way, it made him feel a strong sense of humiliation in his heart, he still did not move but his heart was empty, preventing the heaven demon king from stealing the secrets of his soul.

The Nv Tian Devil watched for a long time, for a full half of the incense, before moving her body and squatting down so that Xiao Lang could see her face. She continued to look at Xiao Lang's eyes with cold eyes. When Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of a way to do something, she opened her cherry mouth and said: "Tianzhou people, what is your name?"

Xiao Lang's body and soul trembled slightly. Not only did the female devil see through his identity, but also... can he speak the Tianzhou language?

How can different races move each other's language? Could it be that the Demon King is actually a Tianzhou human?

Xiao Lang suddenly became ecstatic, struggling to look up at the female devil, only to see a white hand patted his head again.


Xiao Lang's head was heavily smashed into the ground, even the snow-white blanket was smashed. The power of that slap is extremely powerful, Xiao Lang's defense is very strong, but under this light palm that does not contain any energy, he still feels his head hurts and his head is dizzy.

His head was torn out alive, and there was no change in the expression on the woman's face. She asked coldly again: "Tianzhou people, what is your name!"

Xiao Lang spit out mud debris, shook his head, and said bitterly, "Xiao Lang."

The female heavenly devil asked again: "What is your purpose in entering the heavenly demon realm?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang was 100% sure that he was not from Tianzhou. He was a real demon king. If he dared to answer half of the question, or if he changed, he would be killed immediately, so he Still honestly replied: "I was chased and killed, accidentally fell into the valley, and ended up here."

When Xiao Lang was speaking, the female devil kept staring at him, seeming to observe whether he was lying. She was silent for a moment and then continued to ask: "How can you become a demon? Why do you have the energy and breath of our demon in your body?"

When the female heavenly devil said this, her eyes were a bit cold, giving Xiao Lang a feeling that if he dared to lie, he would be killed immediately in the next second.

Xiao Lang paused, but that beautiful palm was taken again, and he was photographed underground, with his entire head buried alive...


After spitting out some mud, Xiao Lang's heart was already furious. If it weren't for the illusion in his heart that he hoped to escape back to Tianzhou, he would have exhausted all his means.

He exhaled a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice, "Because I have learned a kind of combat technique called the demon combat technique, this is created based on your demon. After cultivation, the body will naturally have the energy of the demon. And breath."

This sentence is half-truth and half-false, and it has the same energy as the heavenly demon's body, indeed because of the heavenly demon's combat skills. As for the scent of a demon in his body, it is because of the grass cane!

When the demon was devastated, the grass vine swallowed the energy of the demon and evolved. No longer swallowing those energies and transferring them to him later, he also quickly became stronger because of those energies, but there was a trace of a heavenly demon in his body, which was not very obvious.

A trace of memory flashed in the female heavenly devil's eyes, and she asked in a deep voice, "Did you learn your heavenly demon combat skills from a woman?"

Heavenly Demon Great Emperor has indeed entered the Heavenly Demon Realm!

Xiao Lang's heart was agitated, but on the surface he pretended to be surprised, and said, "How do you know?"


The female heavenly devil stood impressively, and said coldly: "Ten thousand years ago, a woman in your Tianzhou turned into a heavenly demon and wanted to get into our domain. At the beginning, she was fooled by her and lurked, and finally was caught by the heavenly demon god. I found it. The Lord of the Demon God is afraid that people will continue to come in from your Tianzhou area. He deliberately left a Demon Crystal near the entrance of this area. Otherwise, it will be mixed in by your clutter..."

"Sky Demon Crystal?"

Xiao Lang secretly said bad luck, no wonder he was arrested as soon as he appeared, it turned out that the great **** and powerhouse in the face of the demon domain had left a magic weapon. However, Xiao Lang secretly wondered, why didn't the Demon King kill him this day? Talking so much to him? Where did you learn the Tianzhou words?

The female heavenly devil remained silent for a long time, and then asked coldly again: "Tenzhou people, you... can you make the aura of the heavenly demon in your body stronger?"

Xiao Lang was stunned. He didn't understand the meaning of the Demon King, but seeing the cold light in her eyes gleaming, killing intent flashed away, knowing that one answer was not good this time, and he was afraid that he would return to his hometown.

Thinking of Cao Teng, he quickly nodded and said: "There are ways, but I am not sure about it, and some conditions are needed."

"it is good!"

The eyes of the female devil suddenly lit up, and a smile appeared on her face, making Xiao Lang's scalp numb. The female celestial devil smiled and looked at Xiao Lang and said, "Tianzhou people, listen, this king is called His Majesty Moxue, and he is the commander of the demon mad **** in the western part of the celestial realm. This is my father. Commander of the emperor. As long as I am willing, I can let you go without knowing it. Of course, the premise help your highness to do something and kill someone."

Xiao Lang's eyes instantly shined brightly. The Devil King didn't kill him at first, and he really wanted it! His inner survival ** suddenly became hot. As long as he can survive, let alone killing one person, even if he kills all the heavenly demons in the heavenly demon realm, he will not hesitate.

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