Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 48: Purple Holy Stone

The Heavenly Demon Territory is a big territory. According to the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor, it is hundreds of times larger than the Tianzhou. She cultivated Heavenly Demon combat skills to lurch here, using the chaotic aura in the Heavenly Demon Territory to condense the divine body, so that she could break through the Great God Realm.

Xiao Lang had chaotic auras in his meridians at this moment, but he didn't know how to use them. He didn't dare to use the Heavenly Demon combat skills to absorb them. He also had no dantian and could not store them. He could only let those chaotic auras slowly escape in the air.

Unable to practice, he could only sit on the nine-headed strange bird numbly, quietly observing the vast world below.

There is a big difference between Tianmayu and Tianzhou. It seems that it is shrouded in a bleak climate all year round, and there is no strong and warm sunshine. The scenery is a cold wasteland without exception. There are also ferocious beasts here. Xiao Lang also saw an unusually huge blue-feathered bird on the way. It was 100,000 meters tall and was about the same as the Tianzhou Beast Emperor. Its arrogance was overwhelming, and its breath was comparable to Pavilion Master Wangyue. . This monster originally flew towards them, but after a cold snort from His Highness Moxue, he immediately fled in horror, without the slightest desire to fight.

This gave Xiao Lang a new understanding of Moxue's strength. From the aura he felt, Moxue also had a strength similar to that of a Barbarian God, not comparable to that of Destroying Soul. But this monster of the demigod was scared away by her immediately panic? There are only two possibilities. First Moxue is very powerful, reaching the pinnacle of a demigod. Second, Moxue is a special ethnic group in the Sky Demon Realm, possessing a powerful deterrent.

Xiao Lang guessed that the second possibility is very big. After all, he has seen so many demon, only this demon snow looks special and can understand the Tianzhou language, which in itself is a very strange thing.

Mo Xue didn't say this to Xiao Lang, so he didn't dare to ask. After flying all the way for more than half a month, the terrain in front of him changed.

There was a sea in front of him, and the color of the sea was not dark blue, but jet black, and a stench could be smelled from far away. It seems...this is not sea water, but the blood of the demon.

"Ahead is the Hell Sea. You and the Magic Mogu entered the Hell Sea to devour the Heavenly Demon. Xiao Lang, you remembered it for me, don’t reveal your identity as a Celestial, you will always turn into a Heavenly Demon. Once you reveal your identity You must kill the nearby demon immediately. Otherwise, no one will be able to save you. When the demon aura on your body is strong enough, the magic mogu will take you out. Don’t think about running away, as long as I receive the message , If you have a change, your soul will collapse in the first time!"

His Majesty Moxue's transmission sounded, and then Moxue took the nine heavenly devil kings and flew down nine strange birds floating downwards, but the strange birds flew straight into the Hell Sea.

The two heavenly demon kings did not look at the surrounding scenery. They stood on the left and the right, staring at him unblinkingly, causing him to stand up.


Soon, a group of islands appeared in front of them. The islands were not small. From a high altitude, I could feel countless demon gathering in the island, and there were many strange sounds of demon.

"call out!"

The nine-headed monster snake flew down, and the momentum of the two heavenly demon kings and the nine-headed monster caused the heavenly monsters who were fighting underneath to flee in horror.

"Gu Duo Du Fang will wait for Xi Du..."

The Heaven Demon King started to speak bird language again, Xiao Lang almost understood it, the Heaven Demon King named Mogu pointed at the Heaven Demon below and let Xiao Lang swallow it down.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Lang leaped from the nine-headed monster snake, the heavenly demon's combat skills were running, and he fell into the island below in the blink of an eye.

His changing appearance at the moment is the same as that of the Heaven Demon King, but with a black samurai robe, and his hair is white, not brown like the Heaven Demon King, which looks a bit nondescript.

His operation of the Heavenly Demon combat skills can naturally release some Heavenly Demon auras, but the low-level and intermediate-level Heavenly Demons around him who have no time to escape are extremely terrified, lying on the ground shivering.


Xiao Lang let out a deep cry, and Cao Teng whizzed out from under his feet, and then sneaked away from the ground, sweeping a swarm of low-level celestial demons. When Cao Teng clone sent the Heavenly Demon energy back, Xiao Lang immediately sent a message to Cao Teng and said, "Can I increase the Heavenly Demon's aura at a slower rate? Then I can devour more Heavenly Demon energy and make my body stronger! "

In order to make Xiao Lang's body of the Heavenly Demon aura become rich, Mo Xue specially brought him here to devour the Heavenly Demon as much as possible. How could Xiao Lang let go of such a good opportunity? Although Mo Xue could break his soul with a single thought, he would not care about so much at the moment. The strength can be increased by one point.

"It's easy!"

Cao Teng’s sound transmission made Xiao Lang ecstatic: "Master, that adult passed me a little magical power. For the dozens of demons that had been swallowed before, Meier didn’t absorb their energy, but just stored it, so I let you The demon aura in the body is enhanced. Now you want to slow down the growth of the demon aura, Meier only needs to swallow most of the energy first and turn it into pure energy before transmitting it to you."

"Good charm, start work!"

Xiao Lang nodded, Mei'er clone continuously shot away from the ground, swallowing those low-level and intermediate-level heavenly demons, and kept returning to send energy back to Xiao Lang. He only needs to stand in place and run the Heavenly Demon combat skills to fuse those energy with the energy in his body.

There were not many demon on the small island with only tens of thousands, and some escaped into the sea and lurked in the dark sea. In just a moment, these tens of thousands of demon became skeletons. Xiao Lang glanced away and found that among the many bones gathered in the middle of the island, there was a huge purple stone, and the inside of the stone exudes an extremely comfortable atmosphere.

He walked towards the purple boulder intentionally, and unexpectedly, the nine-headed monster snake above quickly swooped down, and the mogu magic power above it was screaming in incomparably furious rage, as if to prevent Xiao Lang from approaching the purple stone.

Xiao Lang didn't dare to move rashly, and quickly backed away to let the grass vine sneak past the ground, penetrating into the purple stone to find out.

Who knows--

As soon as the grass vine clone spread, it pierced into the purple stone, but ecstatically said: "Master, there is stone liquid in this purple stone, and the stone liquid has very strong and pure and powerful energy. Meier loves it."

Xiao Lang's expression suddenly changed as soon as he heard it, and he immediately transmitted his voice: "Mei'er, don't swallow it!"


The words of Xiao Lang had just been passed to Cao Teng, and the light on the purple stone suddenly dimmed and then fell apart. Obviously, the grass vine swallowed the liquid stone inside, turning the gem into a waste stone.

"call out!"

Not unexpectedly to Xiao Lang's expectation, two extremely angry figures shot out from the sky. Two iron fists suddenly hit his body, knocking him out hundreds of thousands of meters, and smashed into the sea water heavily.

The two Heavenly Demon Kings kept screaming and flew over, and they beat Xiao Lang severely until they were dying.

Cao Teng came back quickly and quietly healed Xiao Lang, and Mo Xue's transmission sounded in Xiao Lang's mind: "It is okay to swallow the demon in the sea of ​​hell, but next time you dare to destroy the purple sacred stone, kill without mercy!"

Cao Teng was also very guilty when he heard the sound, but Xiao Lang didn't care at all, but his heart became active. The energy in this purple sacred stone was so high and powerful that it was swallowed by Cao Teng. Will she... evolve again?

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