Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 49: Destroyed the magic snow?

Although he knew that this purple sacred stone was a good thing, Xiao Lang didn't dare to act rashly. After he was healed, he went to other islands to continue devouring the heavenly monsters.

Each island actually has a purple sacred stone, of varying sizes, and those demons are fighting to get closer to the purple sacred stone. Every time the grass vine swallows the demon passing by the purple sacred stone, it will pause. Obviously, it wants to swallow the liquid stone inside the purple sacred stone, but it also understands that if it swallows again, it is afraid that Xiao Lang will be killed immediately. Endure the inner devouring**.

There are many islands in the Hell Sea. Anyway, Xiao Lang has easily found hundreds of islands in the past ten days and has swallowed millions of demon. The demons here are very low-level, and there is not a single high-level demons. Mogu and magic power also didn't care about Xiao Lang swallowing the heavenly demons here, sitting noble and coldly on the nine-headed monster snake hovering in mid-air.

With the control of grass and vines, the aura of the devil in Xiao Lang's body continued to grow, but it grew very slowly. The energy in him has grown, making Xiao Lang secretly happy. If the secret path swallows a billions of demon, will his strength reach the peak of a demigod?

The speed of the grass vines was not fast or slow, Xiao Lang let it deliberately control it, swallowing too fast, he was afraid of causing Mo Xue's scruples. Mogu and Moli came down from time to time to explore the aura of the Heavenly Devil on Xiao Lang, but they shook their heads every time, and flew up again after a while.

Xiao Lang sensed the aura of the heavenly devil on his body, and found that apart from some such aura in his energy, there was no effect at all. This made him slightly relieved, what he feared most was that he would become a demon, and it would be meaningless to return to Tianzhou.

Continue to swallow, continue to sweep, with magical Mogu on it, Xiao Lang swallows it with all his strength without any scruples. It is worth mentioning that the sea water of the Hell Sea is very peculiar, and the density is very high. Standing on the sea, Xiao Lang sinks slowly. With his strength, he can walk on the water with just a single tap. And he killed those demon. After he left, the demon continuously appeared under the sea and gathered towards the purple sacred stone. It seemed that there were countless demon on the seabed...

"Well, the Demi-God Realm should be considered completely stable, and the strength is still increasing, Meier...Can you make the Heavenly Devil's aura grow weaker?"

Xiao Lang walked in the sea of ​​hell, feeling the surging power in his body, and he was comfortable. He didn't dare to run with all his strength, but he could feel his body constantly getting stronger. This kind of feeling is very comfortable, and I admire the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor. This Heavenly Demon Technique is too defying, the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor is a wizard.

Cao Teng once again slowed down the growth of the Heavenly Demon's breath. The magic power and the Mogu came down many times. I was very dissatisfied with the slow growth of Xiao Lang's breath. .

After a few days, the number of heavenly demons that Xiao Lang had swallowed had reached ten million, but the growth of his breath was getting slower and slower, and the sound transmission of His Highness Demon Snow finally arrived. Xiao Lang was already a million miles away from where Mo Xue was at this moment, but he was still able to receive Mo Xue's voice transmission, which made him extremely surprised.

"Xiao Lang, why did the demon aura on your body increase so slowly? Are you using any small tricks? I warn you, if you dare to use tricks, I will make you worse off than death!"

Xiao Lang curled his lips and wanted to explain to Mo Xue casually, but without her ability to transmit millions of miles of sound, he had no choice but to give up. The left ear went in and the right ear went out, and continued to swallow it unscrupulously, but he did not dare to let the grass and vine continue to suppress it.

In the next time, Xiao Lang basically wandered about a million miles nearby, because the demon could not be killed at all. After the cleaning was completed here, there was a steady stream of emergence from the bottom of the sea...

Xiao Lang was very suspicious, how many demon are there in this demon realm? He has swallowed tens of millions. This is still a small corner of the Hell Sea. How many demons will there be in the entire Celestial Demon Realm? Unimaginable.

The Heavenly Demon aura on his body is already very strong, and once the Heavenly Demon combat skills are used, an evil and cold aura can be felt throughout his body. But this aura was far worse than that of the Heavenly Demon King, it was barely comparable to the Intermediate Heavenly Demon.

Two days later, Mo Xue unexpectedly came, glanced at a whip in Xiao Lang's hand and swept out immediately, knocking Xiao Lang away.

"Xiao Lang, you have swallowed tens of millions of our people, right? Your breath has only strengthened so much? I have warned you, do you really want to die?"

Mo Xue's murderous aura was soaring, and the evil and cold aura on his body was completely released, making Xiao Lang's soul feel frozen. Xiao Lang was slightly whipped by the soft whip just now, but he felt a pain in his body and soul. He suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the silver whip. He secretly said that this thing is definitely a treasure, and he still carries it. A soul attack?

He stood without saying a word, his eyes fixed on Mo Xue's calm face. Instead, Mo Xue didn't do anything anymore, but frowned, "You don't want to give me an explanation?"

Xiao Lang calmly said: "Your Majesty Moxue, you don't believe me, why do I explain so much? You kill if you want? Anyway, I have many enemies in Tianzhou, and I will die when I return to Tianzhou. It is better to die late than die early. !"

Mo Xue was startled, her beautiful eyes gleamed, and her aura reduced, but she still said coldly: "You have an enemy in Tianzhou? You are stronger than the Heavenly Demon King. There are not many strong people in your small domain, right? What are you afraid of? Just help your Highness to do things well, and then I will help you improve some strength, you can return to Tianzhou to be the overlord."

"Gave a mallet and another candied date?"

Xiao Lang sneered inwardly, but on the surface he pretended to be a little excited and asked, "His Royal Highness did not lie to me?"

After Mo Xue nodded, Xiao Lang's attitude immediately changed, and he replied: "His Royal Highness, I have swallowed a lot of the devil's aura this day, and my body has instinctively resisted. I am not your devil race, and my body will be somewhat resistant This is like being more poisoned. Naturally, the anti-viral power will be stronger. Please give me some more time. I will definitely make my body strong enough to be comparable to those of Mogu."

Mo Xue was very satisfied and nodded, and left with a dozen of his subordinates. Xiao Lang had no waves on the surface, but he sneered inwardly.

As long as he is given some time, he can continue to devour the demon, ten million, one hundred million, one billion! At that time, his strength may be able to reach the peak of the demigod, or it may even hit the Great God Realm!

But thinking that there is a time bomb in his soul, his heart is down again, no matter how strong it is? Mo Xue's soul will burst as soon as his mind is moved. What's the point?

While letting the grass vine swallow it, he pondered secretly. It seems that if he wants to get rid of the predicament, he must first find a way to crack the soul-eclipsing pill in his soul, or... find a way to destroy Mo Xue.

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