Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 54: Missing is a pain to breathe

Naturally, it was the first time Mo Qingqing saw Xiao Lang, and Xiao Lang was also the first time he saw Mo Qingqing in the Crazy God Fort. Therefore, Mo Qingqing could not have a familiar feeling with Xiao Lang. There is no special place in Xiao Lang's scent, let alone arrogance or body odor, so Mo Qingqing said that she felt very comfortable with the smell on his body. Some bullshit.

There are only two explanations. The first is that this Mo Qingqing is infatuated and fell in love with Xiao Lang at first sight! Either Mo Qingqing really... met Xiao Lang before.

Mo Qingqing is an infatuation. This may be very young. As the daughter of the Sky Demon King, I have seen countless young people from the Sky Demon. Xiao Lang doesn't think that his temperament can attract all women, let alone kill the women of the Sky Demon Race. Besides, looking at the attitude of the children of the Celestial Demon Royal Family, he also knows that his identity is very embarrassing now. The Demon Bone has called him a bastard, so naturally it is impossible to enter the eyes of Demon Qingqing...

So Mo Qingqing met him before?

It was precisely because of this that Xiao Lang stopped the killer at the last moment, because he had a little doubt in his heart!

Mo Qingqing is a person, a woman he... most beloved, Ouyang Lengyan!

Although this suspicion is very unscientific and unreasonable, even if there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, Xiao Lang dare not do it.

How could Mo Qingqing be Ouyang Lengyan? Although they look alike, although the look of that moment, that touch of gentleness is very similar. Just a citizen of Tianzhou, a princess of the Celestial Demon clan, how could it be a person? Moreover, Ouyang Lengyan was dead, the soul was taken away by the mysterious remnant soul, and the corpse was also put into the purple jade coffin. How could it appear on the face of the Demon Realm?

"The soul was taken away by the mysterious remnant soul?"

Xiao Lang's body trembled at the thought of this place, and his eyes lit up. Could it be the ghost of that mysterious remnant soul?


Xiao Lang immediately communicated with Cao Teng and asked Cao Teng to inquire about the mysterious remnant soul. As a result, there was no news about the mud cow entering the sea!

Xiao Lang could only cover his head and escape for his life. It was not too far away from the Crazy God Fort. He was unfamiliar with the place in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and he didn't know where to escape. Because he came from the south, he still had an impression of the south, so he could only escape south.

All the way through the mountains and barren mountains, he didn't know whether the demon mad **** was dead, and he didn't know whether there would be a great **** power nearby, he could only try to escape from the mad **** castle as far as possible.

After running wildly for five days and five nights, Xiao Lang didn't know how far he had escaped. If he were in Tianzhou, at his current speed, he probably ran from Xiaodicheng to Lingdicheng, and he stayed in a huge mountain range.

There are no monsters in this mountain range, but monsters, and he has killed many monsters along the way. After the kill, let the grass and vines swallow, and then all the bones are twisted into powder, leaving no trace.

He let Cao Teng lead him into the ground, excavated a cave, and spread the Cao Teng around to explore, and then he was so tired that he gasped in the cave.

Not physically tired, but heart tired!

Being a stranger in a foreign land alone, he didn't dare to miss his relatives. Missing was the pain of breathing. He didn't want the pain, so he didn't dare to think about it, so his heart was very depressed.

Some time ago, life was hanging by a thread, and he could choose to escape without thinking too much. It was temporarily safe at this moment, and his heart was like a wild horse, completely out of control.

Lying in the cave, he didn't want to move and couldn't sleep, just staring at the dark cave, smelling the rancid soil, listening to his heartbeat, and feeling the malice of the world.

Three days later!

He stood up, rubbed his face fiercely, and his dim eyes began to glow. No matter what, he had to find a way to go back to Tianzhou, even if it was to prove...everyone had died.

He began to calm down and analyze.

If you want to go back, whether or not as the remnant soul said, you must reach the strength of the great **** to go back? The first thing he has to do is to find the passage!

The passage to Tianzhou should be near the soil fort where Moxue lived, which is where he first fell into the face of the Heavenly Demon Realm. The problem is...there are all the heavenly devil kings, he rushed forward, afraid that he would be killed immediately! Because he can't speak the voice of the devil.

If he didn't understand the voice of the heavenly demons, he would definitely not be able to get into the group of heavenly demons, so Xiao Lang struggled. It is very difficult to learn the language of a race. If Moxue is willing to teach anything, it will take one or two months. But Moxue was killed by him. Isn't it possible for him to find a demon emperor to teach him the words of the demon?

Finally Xiao Lang thought of a way!

Capture a few high-level demons and bring them back to learn the language of the demons. Although this is slower to learn, this is the only way.

He left the cave and began to run slowly, using grass and vines to explore all the way, avoiding encounters with powerful Celestial Demon Kings. At the same time, he also used Celestial Demon to transform into a high-level Celestial Demon, so that it would not be too conspicuous.

Heavenly Demon Change is a good thing. In order to get into the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor spent many years studying it. If there is no Heaven Demon Transformation, Xiao Lang is afraid that he can't escape a dead word.

A day later, Xiao Lang discovered a large village with only two high-level demon. Xiao Lang didn't dare to be careless, and he wandered around for a while, making sure that there was no Heaven Demon King before he did it.


He turned into a high-level demon, rammed into the village easily, and immediately escaped after killing a few middle-level demon. A group of demon in the village immediately chased after him.

Xiao Lang hung in front unhurriedly, waiting for the middle-level low-level demon behind him to catch up, only two high-level demon chasing him.

"The Demon Change!"

He suddenly turned into the appearance of a heavenly demon king, and the two high-level heavenly demons were immediately dumbfounded, and they lay on the ground in horror without even the desire to fight. The ranks of the heavenly demons are particularly strict, and the high-level heavenly demons are absolutely afraid to go to war with the heavenly demon king.

The next thing is simple, Xiao Lang casually hit two high-level demon into serious injuries, grabbed a high-level demon and walked into the mountain. Find a place to dig a hole to hide it, and then use affection to domesticate two high-level demons.

Asking Cao Teng to heal the wounds of two senior heavenly demons, Xiao Lang had a headache looking at the senior heavenly demons who were lying on the ground very respectfully. How do you learn this heavenly demons?

Could it be that they kept screaming, pondering word by word, and then imitating and communicating after understanding the meaning? Xiao Lang was very painful, thinking that if he could understand their souls!


Suddenly, Xiao Lang thought of a good way. He took out the hidden Xumi-Jie with a slap on his thigh and took out a skull, and said with a deep voice, "Evil lord, get out!"

A black air whizzed out, transformed into a figure, with a flattering smile: "Master, what's your order?"

Xiao Lang pointed to the demon and said, "Go and refine the souls of these two high-level demon, and then learn their ethnic language from their souls, including information about their demon domain!"


The evil master frowned, and it was easy to say that it was very hard to learn the language of the demon. To sort out all the information in their souls and figure out carefully, it is estimated that it will take at least one or two months...

"Why don't you? Believe it or not, I'll let your soul fly away?" Xiao Lang stared in terror.

"Yes, yes!"

The evil lord was withered, and kept nodding his head: "It is the honor of the evil lord to divide the worries and solve problems for the master.

"Haha, I'm done!" Xiao Lang was very excited. As long as the evil lord understands the voice of the heavenly demons, he can lurch in the group of heavenly demons at will. No matter how difficult the road back to Tianzhou is, he has at least taken the first step.

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