Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Exotic creatures

In the following days, Xiao Lang sat in the cave and pondered the Soul Erosion Pill in his mind. The evil lord was constantly digesting the information in the mind of the high-level demon and learning the language of the demon.

How much information and memory does a person have in his mind from childhood to adulthood? Xiao Lang didn't know. However, he knew that the evil lord must have pained the egg at this moment, although he was a remnant soul and had no egg.

The soul eclipse pill has a poison lurking in Xiao Lang's soul. Although Moxue was killed by him, no one controlled these toxins and would not attack, but it was not a way to always remain in the soul. It would be fatal if it happened someday.

He asked the evil lord, and the evil lord has no way, because this poison is very tyrannical, and if the soul is forced out of it, it is very likely that there will be problems.

He tried to run the Ice Emperor Soul Jue to get the power of the soul to expel those toxins, but the toxins seemed to be entangled with the power of the soul, and they couldn't come out. In the end he could only give up, waiting for news from the evil lord.

A month later, the evil lord finally sorted out the information in the minds of the two heavenly demon kings, and also learned the language of the heavenly devil, Xiao Lang also had a general understanding of the world.

The world is vast, and at least two senior demons don't know how wide it is. This is the eastern part of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the territory of the Great Demon God. There are twelve leaders here, almost all of which have reached the peak of a demigod. The demon mad **** is indeed dead. Some time ago, the mad **** castle was in chaos. Moxue and his old man Mohong were killed. Now all the leaders are leading the army towards the demon hong territory to destroy the whole family of Mohong. Revenge wildly.

There were originally more than a dozen high-level demons in these two high-level demons villages. Except for the two of them, the other high-level demons were all mobilized to eliminate the traitors. Only these two high-level demons would know so much.

From these two heavenly demons, Xiao Lang also knew something about the Hell Sea!

The Hell Sea is the center of the Heavenly Demon Territory, which is vast and the most chaotic place. There are many purple sacred stones in the sea of ​​hell, where low-level demon can get energy and continue to evolve, so the demon who are not afraid of death will go to the sea of ​​hell and wait until their strength becomes stronger.

What is the Purple Sacred Stone These two heavenly demons don't know, they just know that they must not be destroyed, otherwise they will cause the heavenly demon ancestors to be angry and lose their souls.

What made Xiao Lang ecstatic was that... there was no strong Heaven Demon King in the Hell Sea, because after reaching the strength of the Heaven Demon King, they would all return to their respective territories.

In other words, the Hell Sea is extremely safe!

Cao Teng extremely longed for the stone liquid in the Purple Sacred Stone at the same time, Xiao Lang also needed to swallow the heavenly demon to gain energy and become stronger. So Xiao Lang pondered for a long time, and finally decided not to go to the territory of Mohong and Moxue, but to the Hell Sea first.

Demon Hong colluded with other demon gods to kill the demon mad god, and there must be a fighting battle over there, and he was likely to reveal his identity in the past. It's better to go to the Hell Sea first, wait for the Heaven Demon King over there to be killed seven or eight, and then mix over there to find a way back to Tianzhou.

After making up his mind, Xiao Lang dispatched immediately!

Two high-level heavenly demons, the evil lord could not bring them back into the void space he refined, and could only kill them. The emptiness of the evil master's refining is in Tianzhou, and it is impossible to sense it. Otherwise, Xiao Lang could use that void to return to Tianzhou. Of course... Xiao Lang didn't even dare to find a way to return to Tianzhou from the void. He didn't know where Tianzhou was. He didn't know how to die if he got lost.

All the way west, Xiao Lang finally reached the Hell Sea after a long-distance raid for more than half a month. On the road, he also encountered some high-level and intermediate-level demon, Xiao Lang did not speak, and let the evil master hide in his body to communicate with the demon on his behalf. The evil lord said that the words of the gods were a bit blunt, but after a few days of communicating with several senior gods who were also going to the sea of ​​hell, they became very familiar with the language of the gods.

Entering the sea of ​​hell, Xiao Lang did not immediately start to swallow, but kept wandering. He became a high-level demon, and did not attract the attention of the other demon. On the contrary, the low-level and intermediate-level demon fled in fear when they encountered him.

Xiao Lang also learned that there were three ways to evolve the heavenly demons. The first was cultivation, but this speed was very slow. Second, he practiced close to the Purple Sacred Stone, with a rapid speed. Third, the speed of swallowing other demons is not fast or slow, but it is easy to cause group attacks.

Heavenly demons are fighting everywhere in the Hell Sea, either wanting to swallow the opponent, or want to get a better practice site, and get closer to the Purple Sacred Stone.

After Xiao Lang went around a million miles nearby, he didn't find any Heavenly Demon King, and he did not hesitate to do it immediately.

He chose one of the largest islands. There are at least millions of demon on this island. According to the different strengths, he will sit and practice on the island in turn. Of course, if you feel that your strength can get a position closer to the Purple Sacred Stone, that day the demon will immediately start fighting.

"Meier! Swallowed all, don't want to rush to swallow the purple sacred stone, when we have swallowed all the demon nearby, I will let you swallow the purple sacred stone."

Xiao Lang gave an order and Cao Teng ran away!

Million clones rushed downwards like lightning, and then they kept coming out, swallowing the demon, and swept the entire island at the speed of a locust crossing.

A stick of incense time!

The millions of demon all turned into powder, Xiao Lang in order to avoid leaving obvious marks, let the grass vines swallow all the bones.


Xiao Lang no longer preserved his strength. He plunged into the air like lightning, and rushed towards the nearby island. Cao Teng forced himself to swallow the stone liquid in the huge purple sacred stone on the island just now, and followed through under the sea, pushing the seabed. The demons that came up were swallowed.

The purple sacred stone is very large, and it can exude a powerful and rich aura when separated far away. Therefore, there are countless celestial demons near the bottom of the island. The upper celestial demons are dead, and the lower celestial demons naturally come up to compete for position.

Without worrying about the demon rushing up tremblingly, Xiao Lang swept all the nearby islands a million miles with the speed of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, constantly swallowing them back and forth nearby. In just a few days, there was no living demon within a million miles around.

After refining all the energy, Xiao Lang felt that his whole body had a powerful force that could not be used up. He burst into words: "Meier, swallow the purple sacred stone as fast as possible, and twist the purple sacred stone into powder!"

Cao Teng became extremely excited, and his body was trembling non-stop. Following Xiao Lang, he made a circle on the nearby island and swallowed at least a few hundred liquid stone inside the purple holy stone.


Waiting for the last purple sacred stone to burst, Xiao Lang's body exploded and shot towards the southeast. He didn't know how the Celestial Demon Race would react if the grass vine swallowed the purple holy stone, but he thought it was better to leave immediately.

"call out!"

Less than half an hour after Xiao Lang left, six figures flew from other directions in the sea of ​​hell at a terrifying speed. The aura of those figures was extremely powerful, and the bodies of the heavenly demons who had just gathered here shivered and their souls were about to split. .

"The four hundred and thirty purple sacred stones were destroyed? What a bold man! Who is it? Who is it? This **** will cut him a thousand swords!"

A demon **** roared in rage, and the voice spread all over the area, and the anger contained in that voice scared all the devil in the area.

Another celestial devil frowned, his nose trembled, and he said in surprise, "The breath of alien creatures? Some alien creatures have entered the celestial demon realm?"

"Exotic creature breath? Chase!"

The rest of the demon gods also reacted, and when they sensed it carefully, they all found the residual aura after the grass vine swallowed them. This discovery caused all the six demon gods who rushed to run wildly in six directions.

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