Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 56: Can't go back?

"The kid rushed to the bottom of the sea immediately, hiding his body's breath! Run the Heaven Demon combat skills to maintain the strength of a high-level Heaven Demon.

Xiao Lang was rushing wildly, and suddenly a voice sounded in his mind, which shocked him. The sound transmission came from the mysterious remnant soul, and it was extremely urgent to go. Without any hesitation, Xiao Lang rushed into the sea, transforming into a high-level celestial demon for the first time, and quickly rushed towards the deepest part of the seabed.

"call out!"

Before long, Xiao Lang vaguely heard a sound of breaking through the air. He immediately slowed down, and walked slowly through the Hell Sea casually, and at the same time, let the evil lord of the grass and vines not emit any aura.


A cold consciousness swept across him, but it disappeared without any pause. At that moment, Xiao Lang's whole body became cold. This consciousness was so powerful that he could not get a trace of war intent. Needless to say, it was the consciousness of the demon god.

He had swallowed hundreds of millions of demons before, but nothing happened. However, it was said that this time the demon **** could be mobilized because the grass vine swallowed the purple holy stone.

What kind of treasure is this purple holy stone? Let the demon **** pay so much attention?

After a while, the sound transmission of the mysterious remnant soul answered Xiao Lang's doubts: "The purple sacred stone is a wonder of the world, and the purple sacred stone can attract chaos aura, so the cultivation speed near the purple sacred stone will be doubled. This thing is only a big area. You only have the face! Any purple sacred stone in a large area is extremely noble. You let Meier destroy hundreds of them at once, why doesn't the devil **** be angry?"

"So it will be useful if Meier swallows it? Should we stop devouring hundreds of purple sacred stones for Meier to evolve?"

The first reaction in Xiao Lang's heart was like this. If Meier swallows such a good thing, it is very likely to evolve. At this moment, the swallowing ability is so powerful. Maybe the next evolution can sweep the Demon King?

"Go if you want to die!"

The mysterious remnant soul sneered: "Do you think that you have swallowed some demon energy, so your strength is very powerful? In the eyes of the demon god, you are no different from an ant, and the single eye of the demon **** can make your soul shatter! Purple! The sacred stone is destroyed, and the devil gods immediately appear. Don’t you understand? If you dare to continue to move, you will definitely not even have a chance to escape."

Xiao Lang secretly regretted that Meier had swallowed hundreds of purple sacred stones but there was no sign of evolution, which showed that the number of swallows was not enough. He didn't dare to act rashly, otherwise, even if he died, Remnant Soul would never take action, he would only try his best to take Cao Teng away...

After staying on the seabed for more than ten days, Xiao Lang began to dive to the southeast quickly. As a result, after the twentieth day, he unexpectedly found that the consciousness of the demon **** swept over.

He was even more afraid to stay in the Hell Sea, and quickly dived from the bottom of the sea to the southeast. Fortunately, his disguise was clever enough, there were too many heavenly demons in the sea of ​​hell, and the heavenly demons aura on his body was strong enough, the heavenly demons did not doubt him.

A month later, he finally landed ashore, but he didn't dare to run at full speed. He walked fast in the wilderness with two senior demons and a group of intermediate demons.

The Hell Sea has changed drastically, and the Heavenly Demon Gods are furious. Many Heavenly Demon Gods who practice in the Hell Sea can only return to their respective territories for fear of offending them. Xiao Lang was mixed in the group of heavenly demons, and because of its powerful aura, this group of heavenly demons did not dare to embarrass Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang communicated with other high-level demons and learned that this place was already in the territory of the demons, the realm!

There are a total of ten small domains in Hongjing. At this moment, there is constant warfare within the domain. Some time ago, all the children of the demons of Mohong's line were killed, and the rest of the demons were fighting for the sovereignty of Hongjing.

After Xiao Lang inquired about the news, he was secretly happy, and he just took the opportunity to find a way to Tianzhou in the chaos in Hong.


After running for more than ten days, there was a roar of the heavenly demons in front of him, and the group of heavenly demons next to him suddenly moved and did not dare to lean over. Xiao Lang rushed straight to the center of the battlefield. From a long distance, he saw countless heavenly demons fighting, and there were eight other heavenly demon kings.

If you want to find a way to Tianzhou, the best way is to catch a demon king and ask!

Xiao Lang lurked nearby, watching the battle between the two sides from a distance. Watching countless demon bites, watching many earth castles being destroyed, many demon falling in a pool of blood.

There are hundreds of thousands of demon on both sides of the war, and there are demon kings on both sides to lead the war. The strength of the two sides is similar, but one side obviously has the upper hand, because the demon king over there has been killed.


After waiting for more than half an hour, one of the Heavenly Demon King screamed and began to flee, and the rest of the Heavenly Demon gradually collapsed and fled everywhere.

"You are the one!"

Xiao Lang quietly made a circle and rushed towards the escaped Heaven Demon King.

That day, the demon king rushed into the mountains in a panic, Xiao Lang turned the demon into a demon and quickly caught up with him. The speed was as fast as lightning, which was twice as fast as the demon king that day. Only half an hour later, he easily caught up with the demon king that day.

But he didn't rush to move on and continue to follow. The Demon King saw other Heaven Demon Kings chasing and killing him that day, and although he was extremely strange, he flees in fear.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang didn't know where his strength had reached, but he felt that it would be easy to deal with the Demon King without using the Cracking Hands. The Heaven Demon's combat skills were running, and his fists suddenly smashed out. That day, the Demon King turned around and grabbed Xiao Lang without evading, and smashed his paws with all his strength.

"Boom!" "Crack!"

The arm of the heavenly devil broke with a burst of noise, and his body flew out. Xiao Lang's body did not react. He looked at the Heavenly Demon King who got up and ran away and nodded secretly. It seems that this time he has swallowed hundreds of millions of Heavenly Demon, making him absolutely comparable in strength to Soul Destruction.

Of course, this only refers to the pure power speed reaction ability, the soul-killing heavenly path is extremely overbearing to destroy the heavenly path attack power. Of course, Xiao Lang had a God-Splitting Hand, and he was close to a sneak attack to destroy the soul, so if the two of them faced each other, they couldn't tell who would die.

Easily caught up with the demon king that day, several attacks went on, and it was completely hit. Xiao Lang only then carried him to dig a hole and began to refine the evil master.

The evil lord was a semi-god powerhouse before his death, but at this moment, he was just a trace of remnant soul. Fortunately, the refining of high-level demon was a bit embarrassing. However, with Xiao Lang's cooperation, things were easy. The sentiment was moved. At the same time, the dark golden light gleamed in his eyes, which continuously affected the soul of the demon king that day. It took the evil master half an hour to finally refine the heaven demon king.

The evil lord communicated with the heavenly demon king in the language of heavenly devil, and asked about the situation of Hong Jing, of course, the most important thing was to ask about the passage to Tianzhou.

The question came out soon, but it made Xiao Lang extremely painful!

Hong Jing is indeed in chaos at this moment, ten lords and lords are fighting each other, intending to become Hong Jing's new territory. The passage to Tianzhou was in the south of Hongjing, and at this moment the defense there was also the weakest.


Even if Xiao Lang successfully arrived at the entrance, he couldn't go to Tianzhou, because this passage was very difficult to open, unless the gods used their divine power or gathered the power of five hundred heavenly devil kings. However, there are fewer than a hundred demon kings in Hong territory after the last invasion of Tianzhou and this time...

Can't go back?

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