Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 58: Sky Magic Crystal

There are fifteen great gods in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and naturally there are fifteen super powers. To the east is the sphere of influence of the demon mad great god, which is called the mad realm on the side of the demon. The mad realm is further divided into ten small realms, which are respectively occupied by ten great leaders.

Mo Kuang suddenly died in a chaos in the Kuang territory, and the nine great leaders led a large number of Heavenly Demon powerhouses into the flood, taking away the heads of all the people of the traitor Mo Hong, leaving behind an even more chaotic flood.


In just half a month, a demon wolf, a son of the royal family in the sea of ​​hell, suddenly appeared in Hong territory, swept through most of the flood territory single-handedly, and it was about to unify the territory.

The change of the Hong Jing naturally attracted the attention of the other nine realms, but no one intervened. Because they are very busy, even though the demon mad is dead, no great **** will come to swallow the mad state. Because the powers of the great gods are similar, once someone is too powerful, the other great gods will naturally join forces to suppress them.

Therefore, the lord of the frenzy can only be the leader in the frenzy, and the hearts of the nine chiefs are active. Who doesn't want to be the boss? Who wants to kneel to someone and kiss someone's stinky feet? So they are busy, busy intrigue, busy uniting with other great gods, busy fighting for the position of lord.

The number of Heavenly Demon Kings behind Xiao Lang has reached sixty, and the number of high-level Heavenly Demon has reached nearly a thousand. As for the intermediate-level Heavenly Demon and the low-level Heavenly Demon Xiao Lang are too lazy to carry, the speed is too slow and the attack power is too weak, and he doesn't like it.

At this moment, he was rushing towards the southernmost tribe, which was the last powerful tribe in Hong Realm. It was the place where Moxue lived, and it was also the place where Xiao Lang first appeared in the Heavenly Demon Realm.

There is...the passage to Tianzhou.

Xiao Lang was very excited and very nervous!

It wasn't because there were more than twenty demon kings stationed there that were nervous, but because there were demon crystals left by the demon mad god, which could make his identity manifest.

From the Heavenly Demon King he regained, Xiao Lang had already understood everything about Hong Jing, and also knew the exact location of that Heavenly Demon Crystal. So when he arrived in this tribe, he didn't do anything immediately, but let the celestial demons behind him encircle the tribe, let a celestial demon king go in and let all the celestial demons of this tribe surrender.

"How good would it be if these heavenly devil kings could open the passage? Otherwise...I can immediately return to Tianzhou, with a group of heavenly devil kings, and easily crush the soul-killing blue wood and stone pavilion Wangyue to pieces!"

Xiao Lang stood standing on a huge stone peak, looking at the densely packed powerful heavenly demons, his heart became hot. Thinking about how grand it would be if he returned to Tianzhou with the five hundred demon kings? Will Mie Hun and Yun Zishan Qing Mu Shi be scared to pee?


A demon king quickly rushed out from the front of the earth fort group. It was obvious that the heaven demon kings in this earth fort were unwilling to convince. Although these were not from the Moxue clan, they were also Moxue's loyal subordinates, and naturally they were unwilling to submit to a royal child from the Hell Sea.


Xiao Lang waved his big hand and asked the evil lord to roar instead of him. All the heavenly demon kings and high-level heavenly demons were dispatched, swarming forward, trying to flatten the mud castle in front.

Xiao Lang did not charge at the front line as before. Although he was not afraid of the Heavenly Demon King in this tribe, there was a Heavenly Demon Crystal in it. If his identity was revealed, he would give up all his achievements! He just asked the evil lord to refine a heaven demon king, but the rest of the sky devil kings were not refined. The evil lord's remnant soul soul power was too weak to be refined at all. Once his identity is revealed, all the demons will immediately riot.

Sixty Heavenly Demon Kings and nearly a thousand high-level Heavenly Demon rushed into the Tubao from all directions, and the battle instantly heated up. The tubao was razed piece by piece, and the black blood of the celestial demon was splattered, and the stench was disgusting.

Xiao Lang stood indifferently and looked ahead, proud and lonely. He is not acting cool here, he is quietly controlling the grass vine, looking for the magic crystal, and then... let the grass vine destroy.

"found it!"

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly shrank, and Xiao Lang easily found a blood-red spar in a small earthen castle! And outside the Tubao is a dark hole, which is obviously the passage to Tianzhou. There were originally ten heavenly demon kings and hundreds of high-level heavenly demon guarding outside the cave entrance, but at this moment they were all attracted by the battle.


There are two high-level demon guarding outside this tubao, and the battle is going on outside, but these two high-level demon guarding them hard and don't leave a step.

Xiao Lang hesitated, if the grass vine could not be destroyed in an instant, and the sky demon crystal detected it, and then awakened two high-level sky demon, things would be troublesome.

"call out!"

When Xiao Lang was hesitating, Cao Teng once again shot out a crazy Chaotian Demon Crystal, and the Tian Demon Crystal immediately shone red light.


Xiao Lang's body pierced through the sky and shot at the earth fort where the sky magic crystal was located at the fastest speed. Cao Teng was entwining all the Celestial Demon Crystals, and the complexions of the two high-level Celestial Demons changed drastically. Naturally, they knew that they were alien creatures. If these two high-level demon roar a few times, then everything is over...

What made Xiao Lang ecstatic--

The two high-level demons didn't yell at the first time, but rushed towards the Tubao frantically. They want to protect the demon crystal and kill the grass vine. The Heavenly Demon Crystal is the treasure left by the Demon Crazy Great God, and it is normal for them to react like this.


Xiao Lang turned into an afterimage and flew away, but was stopped by a demon king. Xiao Lang let out a deep roar, the Heaven Demon's combat skills ran, smashing towards the Heaven Demon King with the most powerful force.


Xiao Lang's strength was considered very powerful among the Sky Demon Kings, so he was naturally not a problem against a Sky Demon King alone. Xiao Lang sank in the chest with a punch of the heavenly demon king. Xiao Lang didn't hesitate to rush at the high-level intermediate-level heavenly demon who rushed towards him, and shot his body towards the distant castle.


Inside the castle, the devil crystal was pierced by grass vines, and then it fell apart and turned into a waste stone. Cao Teng did not retract, but whistling towards the two high-level demons, entangled the two high-level demons and began to devour it.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang sensed the situation in the Tubao through the grass and vines, and suddenly became ecstatic. The body shot at the earth fort, and directly smashed the earth fort. When the two high-level demons wanted to escape, two punches smashed their heads.

The Heavenly Demon Crystal was broken, and two high-level Heavenly Demon who knew the inside story were killed. Xiao Lang rushed out unscrupulously, causing the evil lord to roar with the heavenly devil's words: "Asshole, dare to destroy the Mad God's Heavenly Demon Crystal? Finally, he asked whether he surrendered? If you don't surrender, you will kill all without mercy!"

The demon kings outside were all startled, but there was not much panic and panic. The demon mad **** is dead, and it's no big deal that his Heavenly Demon Crystal is destroyed.

The two sides fought **** battles again, but with Xiao Lang's participation, the situation reversed quickly. After Xiao Lang severely inflicted five demon kings, he was finally afraid of surrendering.

Looking at all the heavenly demons who were kneeling on the ground, Xiao Lang let out a long breath, looked at the faint cave entrance in the distance, and his heart surged. He was one step closer to the road back to Tianzhou.

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