Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 59: happy

The realm of Hong has been unified. Xiao Lang did not go to the tribe where Mohong lived before, but lived in the earthen castle near the passage, and he didn't take care of things very much. He just promoted the two most powerful demon kings as deputy. Command and manage flood affairs.

He often stood alone outside the passage to Tianzhou and stood quietly, sometimes all night long. He didn't let anyone bother. All the demon thought that Xiao Lang wanted to attack Tianzhou, but they didn't care.

One day, Xiao Lang was still sitting in the small tubao outside the passage, looking at the faint passage outside, feeling very sad. Seeing that the passage is right in front of you, you can go back to Tianzhou through the passage, but just this step away, it separates him and his family, friends, and people in two worlds...

"Are you worried about your relatives?"

At this time, a cold voice sounded, Xiao Lang's spirits shook, and then immediately asked in ecstasy: "Da, sir...Can you help me go back?"

The mysterious remnant soul came over: "I don't have that much soul power, and I can't break the barriers between these areas! But...I can separate a ray of spiritual knowledge and help you explore the situation in Tianzhou."

Xiao Lang's eyes dimmed when he heard the first two sentences, but finally he was shocked. It's always better to be able to investigate the situation in Tianzhou, better than he can think about it all day.


A wisp of fresh breeze burst out of his body, and if he hadn't known it in advance, he wouldn't have noticed it. The wisp of breeze slowly rippled out, and then it blew towards the huge dark passage.


Feeling a flash of light in the dark passage, Xiao Lang's heart suddenly became anxious. He is not surprised that the remnant soul is powerful, although it can't help him break the channel, but the penetration of the spirit sense is obviously very easy.

He was pacing back and forth in the earthen castle nervously, anxiously, he actually had a vague premonition in his heart. Soul Destruction is so powerful, the prohibition in that void space can't protect it at all. But he still hoped that a miracle would happen, hoping that this remnant soul would bring back a glimmer of good news.

The news of the remnant soul hadn't been brought back, but Mofeng had come to him, and an envoy of the high commander had come to him.

Mo Feng's judgment was correct, Xiao Lang ruled Hong Jing, and there must be other leaders to win him over. He waited for a while to see that the divine consciousness of the remnant soul hadn't come back, so he could only walk outside and into the largest castle to meet the envoy of the great commander.

When he walked into Datubao, Xiao Lang was shocked. Because the people who came were very familiar, it was His Majesty Devil Bone who was pinched by his neck in the Mad God Castle.

His Royal Highness Demon Bone’s father is the great leader second only to Demon Hong. At this moment, Demon Hong is dead. The demon father of Demon Bone will naturally become the most powerful and powerful great ruler. At this moment, he is also a popular leader in the position of lord. Candidate. The arrival of the Devil Bone is very normal.

The gentle smile on Devil Bone's face was completely different from the attitude when he saw Xiao Lang in Crazy God Fort, although... at that time Xiao Lang was also a hybrid royal child from the Hell Sea.

Devil Bone spoke very affectionately: "His Majesty Devil Wolf, it is nice to meet you, my devil, Devil Bone, my father is the leader of the devil."

Xiao Lang nodded faintly, and went straight ahead: "His Majesty Devil Bone, you are looking for me for your father's superiority?"

Devil Bone was startled. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so direct. He groaned for a while and said: "His Majesty Demon Wolf, since you have explained it, I will not hide it from you. As long as you help, it doesn't matter if you have any requests."

Xiao Lang smiled faintly, whoever cooperates is cooperation. This demon bone came so quickly, and his father's influence was also the most powerful, and it was a good partner for cooperation.

He was silent for a while and said very seriously: "The conditions are very simple. Send me 100 million intermediate-level celestial demon slaves. After the other thing is done, help me open this passage to the heavenly region. I want to unify the heavenly region!"

"One hundred million demon slaves? Open up the channel?"

Demon Bone frowned. The Heavenly Demon Slave was easy to handle. Not long ago, his father and another high commander had a war, and finally won. The high commander successfully surrendered, and the prisoners of war captured at least several hundred million. What he didn't understand was why Xiao Lang wanted to unify Tianzhou?

He said suspiciously: "His Majesty Demon Wolf, I have heard a little about the Tianzhou Territory. It is just a small rural territory, still sealed by a great god, without any resources. Mohong fought for a breath, but several times The loss is heavy. I advise His Highness not to conquer it. The gain is not worth the loss."

Xiao Lang also knew that Demon Bone would be suspicious. He had already thought of a countermeasure and smiled indifferently: "His Majesty Demon Bone, Hong Realm is so weak at this moment. It is impossible to recover without ten thousand years. If you want Hong Realm to grow stronger. , Only to lay down the Tianzhou and multiply more people. So you must not only help me open the passage, but also make the heavenly demon oath to protect me from being attacked by the other leaders within a thousand years of the flood realm, otherwise...I can and other leaders Cooperation!"

Xiao Lang's straightforwardness successfully dispelled Demon Bone’s doubts, Demon Bone smiled and nodded: "Okay, Your Majesty Demon Wolf is quick to speak, and you are a friend of straightforward character Demon Bone. Within half a month, 100 million slaves will be sent. Come here, one month later, please invite His Royal Highness the Demon Wolf to lead all the powerful in Hong to the Mad God Fort, and help my father to rise to the top. As long as my father is in the top, no leader will dare to move you."

Looking at the demon bones that turned into streamers and flew away quickly, Xiao Lang sneered. No matter where the struggle is, every race will happen. Demon Bone is now in order to help his father rise to the top, even if Xiao Lang said to send his wife to sleep for one night, he would not refuse, right?

Ignoring the devil bone, Xiao Lang returned to the earthen castle, waiting for the return of the remnant soul and consciousness. Who knows that the remnant soul has been silent, and doesn't know if the ray of divine consciousness has returned. After waiting for half a month, countless nine-headed monsters flew from the north, bringing countless demon slaves continuously.

"No matter what, let's increase the strength first!"

Xiao Lang walked out of the Tubao and asked the nine-headed monster snakes to take the group of slaves into a nearby valley, leaving Mofeng to take care of him.

After all the slaves were thrown down, Xiao Lang sneaked into the valley in the middle of the night, and millions of grass and vines roared out and swallowed them all.

There are countless celestial demons in Hong, at least billions of celestial demons. Xiao Lang didn't dare to move, otherwise a bad one would be discovered, and his position as the leader of the flood realm would be lost.

The slaves sent by the devil bones could easily be swallowed, and then the bones were destroyed. God didn't know the ghosts or not.

He sits in the valley mouth, and the grass cane continuously transmits energy from far away, and he uses the celestial demon combat skills to fuse those energy to make his body stronger.

Five days and five nights!

All the 100 million demon had been swallowed, the demon wind was guarding nearby, and no demon could approach him, Xiao Lang let the grass vine quickly destroy the corpses and destroy the bones.

After all the bones were twisted into powder, Xiao Lang stood up, and the Heavenly Demon's combat skills turned around and appeared outside the valley.

The black energy was slowly condensed in his hand, and the magic wind beside him felt a tremor in his body. When the energy in his hand reached the size of his head, he suddenly smashed against the mountain in front of him.


The 10,000-meter-high mountain range suddenly collapsed, and the nearby mountain shook with a tremor. The entire valley was filled with mud and rocks in the mountain range, and the magic wind was stunned by the powerful air wave.

"call out!"

Countless demon kings in the distance were alarmed and flew towards this side, screaming strangely and asking what to do. When Mo Feng said that Xiao Lang was practicing, all the Heavenly Demon Kings looked at the flattened mountains in front of each other. Xiao Lang's strength also reached the level of Demon Hong in the eyes of the demon.

Xiao Lang ignored the Heavenly Demon King behind him. He looked deeply at the slowly falling dust in front of him, and said in a voice that can only be heard by a single person: "Exit the soul, Qingmushi, Yunzishan, Pavilion Master Wangyue, you best Pray not to let me go back, otherwise I will make you very hilarious..."

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