Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 60: Noisy

"Meier, you ask that adult? Why is there no news yet?"

Seeing that he was about to set off to the Crazy God Fort, there was no news about that remnant soul, Xiao Lang was anxious. Cao Teng was silent for a while and also transmitted the voice, it couldn't contact the remnant soul.

Xiao Lang had no choice but to lead all the high-level demon kings in Hong territory to fly towards the Crazy God Fort in a nine-headed monster snake.

This nine-headed monster snake is the most common flying tool in the Celestial Demon Realm. Its full-speed flight speed is comparable to that of the Semi-God Realm, but its attack power is a bit worse, but it is easy to tame.

There is a nine-headed monster Xiao Lang and they only took five days to reach the Crazy God Fort. He does not have many demon kings. There are only more than 80 demon kings and about 1,500 high-level demon. This combat power can level most of the Tianzhou, but it is very weak in the face of the Demon Realm.

Demon Bone was immediately overjoyed when he saw Xiao Lang's arrival, and the person who arranged him led him straight into an earthen castle.

There were five people sitting in the Tubao. Xiao Lang swept his eyes and immediately warned him secretly, because he felt the powerful aura from these five heavenly demons. Normally, the heavenly devil kings are not afraid, but these five heavenly demon kings let him have a seed. To fatal danger.

Five commanders, half-length peak!

"His Majesty Demon Wolf, this is my father's demon head, this is the demon snake, the leader of the snake realm, this is..."

The introduction of the Demon Bone confirmed Xiao Lang's judgment, and Xiao Lang crossed his hands and stroked his chest to salute: "See the five leaders of the Demon Wolf!"

A fierce-looking middle-aged celestial demon stood up and laughed: "Devil wolf, yes! He has cultivated to such a realm at a young age? It must be a hard life in the sea of ​​hell? Don't you worry, As long as this event is completed, this emperor will protect you from your glory!"

Xiao Lang nodded, and the Demon Bone led everyone to walk straight to the largest main castle. Today is the day to elect the lord. The great lord of the demon has been recognized by the five leaders including Xiao Lang, and there is obviously no obstacle to the upper position today.

There are already a lot of people sitting in the lobby of the largest main castle. Mo Qingqing is sitting on the main seat, and there are two demon kings guarding beside him. In other places, there are also a few demon kings sitting behind them, with some entourage or Child.

Xiao Lang glanced at Mo Qingqing, Mo Qingqing didn't care at first, and when his gaze crossed with Xiao Lang, Jiao's body suddenly trembled!

Xiao Lang quickly turned his head around nonchalantly, and sat down in line with the demon head and the others, but a huge wave was set off in his heart.

He has used Heavenly Demon Transformation to become another person, not only his appearance, but also his temperament!

But...Mo Qingqing could see through him at a glance.

If Mo Qingqing shouted, Xiao Lang was Mo Fei, and he was the one who killed Mo Fangxue. I was afraid that Xiao Lang would be attacked by the group immediately, and all the leaders were present, he was absolutely dead.

But this is not what he is worried about.

He was wondering why...Mo Qingqing knew him so well? Does Mo Qingqing really know him? Or she is Ouyang Lengyan?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help trembling slightly. In the end, he couldn't help but glanced at Mo Qingqing again, only to see a pair of pure and pure eyes.

That moment!

Xiao Lang's eyes were in a daze, he could no longer hear everyone in the hall. I just kept wondering whether Mo Qingqing is Ouyang Lengyan, and if so... why does this happen? This is unscientific, it makes no sense, and it completely subverted his perception.

Quarrels have started in the hall. It is obvious that the people on the side of the demon support the demon's superior position, and the other side is weak, knowing that it is unable to compete with the demon, and retreats to unanimously elect the demon's superior position.

Mo Qingqing is the daughter of the demon madness, if it is not too weak, then it is justified! Of course, the Heavenly Demon Realm has always been the strongest king since ancient times, so it is only natural for the demon to be in position.

The smell of gunpowder in the hall was very strong, and the devil drank tea lightly without speaking. The commander who held him on top was arrogant, slapped the table, and threatened.

The other party did not show weakness, and the principle was one by one. They supported Mo Qingqing as the upper hand, and Mo Qingqing must rely on them if he was not strong. At this moment, it is already opposed to the demon, and the demon must be better for them.

"Lord Demon Wolf, what's your opinion?"

The demon was a little dissatisfied when he saw that Xiao Lang had not said anything. This **** from the sea of ​​hell, why didn't he say a word since he was standing by his side? Are you here for the show?

Xiao Lang was still wondering whether Mo Qingqing was the problem with Ouyang Lengyan. Hearing the demon telling him to lock him with countless lights, he looked up blankly and said, "Me? I have no opinion!"

The demon's face sank slightly, a little dissatisfied. But he didn't talk too much, otherwise it would be even worse if Xiao Lang fell over there.

Xiao Lang pondered again, ignoring their quarrel!

And at this moment--

A breeze blew from outside the door, and it hit Xiao Lang's face, awakening him. His body trembled suddenly, and a ray of consciousness of that remnant soul returned!


The voice of the remnant soul soon sounded: "The situation has been investigated, Xiao Lang! I am sorry to tell you... your family and relatives have all been annihilated! That void space was exploded by the soul-killing punch, and everyone in it Strangled by space distortion..."


A thunderbolt on a sunny day blew up in Xiao Lang's mind. Xiao Lang could not hear all the words behind him, his eardrums buzzed, his eyes blurred, and his mind was in confusion.

"Dead? All dead?"

Although he had been prepared, although he also knew that Soul Destruction would not let his relatives go, when the news was confirmed, he still couldn't bear it.

He covered his eyes with one hand, and lowered his head deeply, letting the tears keep streaming down. He didn't hear a word of roars and roars in the hall, only faces kept appearing in his mind. Hongdou, Liu Ya, He'er, Xiao Qingyi, Lonely Walk, Xiao Moshen, Chamu...

His people, his heart, seemed dead at that moment!

The quarrel in the hall has become more intense, full of gunpowder, and a big battle may occur at any time. Although everyone saw Xiao Lang's strangeness, no one cared about the weakest leader.

The demon head listened for a while, his eyes gradually cold, he suddenly stood up, and said in a deep voice: "Close the door and open the demon god's restraint."

The gate of the Tubao was suddenly closed, and the black walls of the Tubao were shining brightly, and a frightening atmosphere circulated in the walls. This is a restriction left by the Demon Kuang Great God, and it is absolutely indestructible without reaching the Great God Realm.


There was an uproar in the hall, all eyes were on a demon king beside Mo Qingqing. The demon **** restraint in that mad **** fort has always been controlled by this leader, did not expect that he was secretly bought by the demon?

Once the demon god's restraint is opened, everyone can't escape. If the demon head does something, all the people on the side of Mo Qingqing will die!

"Sorry, Your Highness!" The commander body beside Mo Qingqing flashed and retreated behind the Demon Head.

The demon looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "I ask you one last time, surrender or...die?"

The audience was quiet, Mo Qingqing was also frightened, her face was flushed, she stood up in horror, her eyes flickering. Today it seems that the forces of the two sides are similar, but the leaders around the demon are the strongest. Once they do it, they will undoubtedly die!

Xiao Lang was awakened by the roar of the demon, and raised his head slightly. There was a dead silence in his eyes, as if he had lost his soul and turned into a zombie.

He swept around blankly, and when he saw Mo Qingqing's panicked eyes, he suddenly said two words.


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