Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 61: The fourth state of emotion

Loud noise means too noisy and annoying. But just now, only the Demon was speaking, and it was obvious that Xiao Lang was talking about the Demon.

The head of the Demon Head, Demon Bone, and the faces of the people here have all changed, and Mo Qingqing and her leader are also surprised? What's happening here? Could it be that the nest is upside down? If Xiao Lang came to Mo Qingqing, although the situation is still not optimistic, it will be better.

"Hmph! Demon wolf who is making noise?" The demon leader was obviously angry, and his body was murderous.

There was still a dead silence in Xiao Lang's eyes, but his tone changed. He stared at Mo Qingqing and said: "Of course it's not about you, what are the demon leaders doing with them? Can you kill them all?"

The Demon Head and Demon Bone's expression instantly eased when they heard that Xiao Lang's body shot towards Demon Qingqing, their expressions improved a bit.

"call out!"


When countless grass and vines emerged from the ground, and instantly entangled the demon head, the demon bone and the four great leaders on his side, all the faces changed again!

The grass vines came out silently, and there was no energy breath, so that they did not react. Moreover, the grass and vines covered the sky and covered them all, and their vision was affected.

The demon head and others were terrified, and immediately released the energy in the body, shaking the grass and vines to pieces. But the demon was horrified to find a dark golden dragon claw infinitely enlarged in his pupils.

"court death!"

The demon was furious, his body burst out with energy, and his fists suddenly blasted towards the dragon claw!


There was no explosion, only the sound of the arm being twisted into powder. After Xiao Lang's strength had swallowed so many Heavenly Demons, he was already not much worse than the Demon Head and others. God Splitting Hand is extremely magical, and as Xiao Lang's ** becomes stronger, his attack power also increases.

The demon's arm was strangled into powder in an instant, and the cracking god's hand drove straight in, and a claw grabbed the demon's head into a smash.

It's too late to say, then soon!

Xiao Lang rushed towards Mo Qingqing and the others, releasing Cao Teng, and returning to attack the demon head in the blink of an eye. The people on the demon head's side had just shaken the grass vines away, and then hurriedly looked for the enemy but saw Xiao Lang's body flashed, and then...the demon's head burst.

The audience was silent.

The demon is the strongest among dozens of people in the hall! Was he killed by Xiao Lang in seconds? Has Xiao Lang reached the strength of a great god?

"He is not a demon wolf, he is an alien warrior! This is definitely not our domain's magical power!"

Suddenly, a leader yelled, and the audience was in an uproar.

Because there were hundreds of purple sacred stones destroyed in the Hell Sea not long ago, the Demon God discovered that there was an invasion by exotic warriors. This matter has spread all over the realm of the heavenly devil, and they all received the news, plus the breath of grass vines and Xiao Lang's god-cracking hand at this moment, successfully made all the heavenly demons react.


All the demons are standing on the same line, the same hatred.

Seeing his father’s death so tragically, Demon Bone was the first to rush towards Xiao Lang with a roar. As a result, Xiao Lang's body dodged his attack, his cracking hands turned into afterimages, before Demon Bone could not respond. Stabbed into his heart.

"Exotic creatures, looking for death!"

The Demon Snake Chief was sitting next to him just now, and he reacted for the first time. The eye on his forehead suddenly opened, and a dark golden light shot towards Xiao Lang. He used his soul to attack. At the same time, his body flashed quickly, and his right hand turned into a sharp claw to grab Xiao Lang's head.

Xiao Lang had just killed the Demon Bone, his eyes suddenly swept towards the Demon Snake Commander, but he saw two dark golden rays of light coming, there was no slight fluctuation in his eyes, and two rays of light were also shot out in his eyes.

What is very strange is--

The two rays of light in Xiao Lang's eyes turned into two love characters like lightning. These two love characters were not as colorful and nine-colored as before, but pale as snow. The love characters were only as big as a little finger, and the speed was like wind. Chi Dian Shock collided with the demon snake's soul attack.


The two love characters emitted a black light, and the white love characters turned into black light, which made people feel extremely awkward. What is even more shocking is that the soul attack shot by the demon snake suddenly melted like ice and snow, and the love letter broke through the air, shooting into the head of the demon snake chief.

The scalp of the whole audience was numb, and the heart was throbbing. The body that the demon snake shot from suddenly stopped, and the light in his eyes turned into a dead silence like Xiao Lang, like a heartless soul. Human-like.


Xiao Lang's body shook, God Splitting firmly grasped the Devil Snake's chest, another spike!

"call out!"

There were originally two high-ranking leaders who rushed towards Xiao Lang, but they immediately reacted and backed away quickly, their eyes filled with horror.

If the demon was killed by a sneak attack by Xiao Lang, this is nothing! But the Demon Snake was killed in a flash against Xiao Lang head-on, which shows one thing, Xiao Lang can kill everyone present in a flash.

Countless demon gods were scared and wanted to escape, but they found that it seemed...the demon god's ban was opened in this hall? And just when they wanted to ask the commander who controlled the restraint to open the restraint, they just happened to see a flash of light in Xiao Lang's eyes, that commander stopped moving, and then the God Splitting Hand killed him with ease.

Can't get out?

All the sky demons, even the sky demons on Mo Qingqing's side were panicked, because Xiao Lang is an alien creature, and this demon god's prohibition cannot be cracked by brute force. It takes a lot of time to crack it, but will Xiao Lang give them time?

"The heart is dead and the love is gone! The fourth state of love, the love is gone?"

Xiao Lang did not continue to kill, but stood still and muttered. The news brought by the mysterious remnant soul made his heart die in that instant. By chance, he actually made him realize the fourth state of emotion, the emotion is gone!

This love was still a soul attack, and a soul as powerful as the demon head demon snake was immediately hit, standing still and let him easily kill it.

Although the sentiment was over, he was not half happy. Because his heart is dead, Hongdou, Liu Yaxiao, Qingyi Xiao Moshen, they are all dead, what is the point of being alive?

The demon was too noisy and made him feel noisy, so he killed the demon, the devil and the others wanted to kill him, so he killed the devil and the others. But at this moment, he didn't want to kill the other demons at all, he stood stupidly in place, still thinking about that question.

Everyone is dead, why does he still live?

"Everyone go up together and kill him!"

A general leader was a little anxious when he saw that he couldn't get out, and he yelled meaningfully, his eyes flickered, but he got the support of all the leaders. Everyone exchanged their gazes, then all opened the third eye, and at the same time shot a soul attack, and all the bodies shot away.

The six leaders were all dispatched, but Xiao Lang still stood there stupidly.

"Magic wolf, be careful!"

At this time, a soft and weak female voice sounded, and the demons were shocked when they heard it, because that voice actually came from His Highness Mo Qingqing.

Xiao Lang's head finally lifted. He did not look at the six soul attacks that were flying, nor did he look at the six chiefs. Instead, his eyes were fixed on Mo Qingqing's anxious eyes.

He suddenly figured it out, he still wants to live temporarily, at least to figure out Mo Qingqing, is it Ouyang Lengyan?


[Author's digression]: The state is not very good recently, everyone will just watch it, the plot of the Demon Territory is about to end, I am painful to write...

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