Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 70: My adult

The far north of Tianzhou, Qingcheng Mountain.

The Mishen Palace has been a bit deserted recently. It was originally the top existence in Tianzhou, and the Mishen Palace was often visited by people. Although most people can't climb the stone steps, there are still many emperors who want to try their luck. If they are accepted as the gatekeepers of the Lost God Palace, they will go straight up.

After the Soul Destruction Hall unified Tianzhou, the momentum of the Lost God Palace was not as strong as before. And when the battle of Xiliang Mountain, Qingmushi's attack on Xiao Lang spread, the Lost Palace was even more shameless by many people. If it were an honest attack, maybe no one would say anything, but Qing Mushi and his sons took advantage of Xiao Lang's trust in them and suddenly killed...

Betrayal things often happen. The problem is that Qing Mushi's prestige is so high, this matter has a big impact. So at this moment Qingcheng Mountain was very deserted, no one came to worship the mountain, and the Supreme Emperor Tiandi on the mountain was almost dead. In Qingmushi retreat, Qingmuyu and some maids were left behind.

Qing Muyu sat in the empty hall alone, and had no intention of practicing. He has been stuck at this bottleneck for decades, and retreat is useless. This requires an opportunity and an epiphany, but it is useless to rely on retreat.

He has always been a little upset lately, but he doesn't know what went wrong. He stood up and paced back and forth in the hall, thinking in his heart whether he should go around and see if he could suddenly have an epiphany? It's just that his father is in retreat and he can't leave at will.


Just when he hesitated, there was a slight wave of fluctuations from behind the maze. Aokiyu's eyes suddenly swelled, and his body flew toward the apse like lightning.

There was a half-stage behind the Mishen Palace. At this moment, a very young warrior appeared on the half-stage, with a little cat-like beast standing on his shoulder. One person and one beast are very happy and joyful. It seems that the air of Tianzhou makes them very comfortable.

"I'm finally back, have it been nearly two years? The breath of Tianzhou is still so comfortable!"

The young man in the white robe sighed and sighed with emotion. He turned his head to the little beast on his shoulder and said, "Little Bai, I don't know how the adult is now?"

"call out!"

A white shadow flew in front of him, and the young man and the little beast showed a cordial feeling when they saw the white armor and the bald head. Qingmuyu is still the same, it seems that Tianzhou has not changed much.

"Wuhen Tiandi? Xiaobai?"

Qingmuyu looked at one person and one animal in disbelief. Didn't they follow Xiao Lang into the forbidden land of the ancient gods and die? Why did it come out again? When he sensed the breath of the white-robed warrior, he suddenly took a breath of cold air, and his body trembled slightly.

"Master Aoki!"

Wuhen was in a very good mood and exclaimed cordially, but he remembered that Xiao Lang and Qingmuyu's relationship had eased back then, and it was not for Qingmuyu's help that they could not enter the forbidden land of the ancient gods, nor would they get that opportunity.


Xiaobai also stayed in the Mishen Palace for a while, and he didn't understand the gap between Xiao Lang and Qingmuyu, and he shouted at Qingmuyu very affectionately.

After Qingmuyu was taken aback, he immediately woke up, and hurriedly replied: "Wuhen Tiandi, no...Master Wuhen, you actually came out of the ancient **** forbidden area? You... broke through the semi-god realm? Xiaobai also reached the strength of the great emperor. Did you get a big chance in the ancient gods forbidden area?"

Wuhen smiled faintly and said: "I got a little bit, I got the inheritance of the candle Yin Great God, and Xiao Bai got the inheritance of the Mortal Heart Great God. This time I also want to thank Lord Aoki. By the way, Lord Aoki, my adult Xiao Lang is okay now? How is the situation in Tianzhou recently?"

Qingmuyu's heart trembled, but on the surface she was very calm, and said kindly and Wuhen: "Go to the hall to talk!"

Taking Wuhen and Xiaobai slowly to the hall, Qingmuyu's mind turned quickly. Wuhen and Xiaobai both got great opportunities in the forbidden area of ​​the ancient gods, and their strength rose greatly. Xiao Bai only has the power of the emperor, but Wuhen suddenly reaches the semi-god state. If there is another great divine weapon in his hand, it is afraid that Qingmu Shi is not an opponent.

Can't tell him the truth, but also find a way to kill Wuhen and Xiaobai!

Qingmuyu quickly strengthened his thoughts, seeing that Wuhen had already broken through the demigod state like this. When Xiao Lang was mentioned, he still cried out, my lord, very affectionately? If this is for him to know the truth, even if he doesn't go desperately with Soul Destruction Palace, it's okay to find trouble with their father and son, right?

Now that he is set to pay attention, after Qingmuyu brought Wuhen and Xiaobai into the hall, he sighed and said: "The situation in Tianzhou is very bad now. Yun Zishan has obtained a great **** soldier in the ancient gods forbidden area. Killing the soul. The temple and the Yunzishan unified Tianzhou, and all the forces surrendered, and the Mistral Palace did not dare to take its edge. My father's arm was broken, and he didn't dare to move before the retreat was restored!"

Wuhen and Xiaobai shot two cold glows in their eyes at the same time, Xiaobai screamed, but Wuhen stood up nervously and asked, "My lord..."

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Qingmuyu waved his hand, let Wuhen sit down, and said quietly: "Your sire and all the people in the west have entered the void space. That space is protected by a forbidden area set by a mysterious strong man. It's okay for now! Latent, wait until your strength is strong, then counterattack, you just come back, our chances of counterattack will be even greater."

"Nothing Space?"

The Emperor Wuhen groaned for a moment and took out the tortoise shell and animal bones. He actually started to divination. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said, "Well, I counted a divination. My lord is really fine. It's in the void!"


Qingmuyu was surprised. Is my adult okay? Did Xiao Lang not die? How can this be?

In the midst of pondering, Wuhen Tiandi stood up and said with Qingmuyu: "Master Qingmu, let's go to my family first. As for how to counterattack, we will talk about it after I discuss with the Lord? Goodbye. !"

Got to go? Isn't this going to be worn right away?

Qingmuyu quickly stood up and said: "The Soul Destruction Hall is very powerful at this moment, and their people are everywhere. You go looking for it for fear that you will immediately be besieged by the Soul Destruction Hall..."

Wuhen smiled faintly: "Thank you, Master Qingmu, for your concern. He is not sure about dealing with Soul Destruction Hall, but Wuhen still has some assurance of escape!"

"Be careful."

Qingmuyu groaned for a while, and said: "Well, let me teleport and take you there. It will be much safer. I also went to the void a few times, it will be much safer."

"Okay, then trouble Master Aoki."

Wuhen nodded, Qingmu Jade and Soul Destruction Hall had not been on the right track, plus the relationship between Xiao Lang and Qingmu Yu, Wuhen didn't think too much. He desperately wanted to see Xiao Lang, madman and reincarnation, of course he was worried about his family members.

Qing Muyu moved the two of them all the way, and the door of a hall of Qingcheng Mountain suddenly opened, and an old man walked out.

Qingmushi’s arms have already condensed for a while, and his strength has recovered a little. His face is full of coldness. Looking at the direction where Qingmuyu and them disappeared, he murmured in a cold voice: "Get great from the ancient gods. What's the chance? Can you alone be the opponent of the four of us?"

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