Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 71: Was sold again...

Soul Destruction City is very lively, the teleportation array keeps shining, one by one, the Supreme Heavenly Emperor constantly teleports over. At the moment when Emperor Wuhen and Xiaobai came out, Qingmuyu was sent to Qingmushi for the first time, and then Qingmushi was sent to Miehun. After learning that Emperor Wuhen had broken through the demigod, Miehun left the barrier and issued an order. command.

Ouyang Cui Cui Mu Shangui and the others didn't want to come, but no one defies the order to destroy the soul. The two of them also had a very bad premonition in their hearts, and it was very likely that Soul Destroyer was about to attack the void space. In the void space, not only Xiao Lang's relatives, but also Mu Xiaodao and Mu Xiaoyao. Soul Exterminator's move was naturally to see if anyone would rebel and rebel, if he did, he wouldn't mind getting rid of it together.

After all the heavenly emperors gathered, Miehunyun Zishan led a group of people to tear apart the space immensely, and then all lurked for hundreds of miles in the northern part of the void space where Xiao Demon God and others gathered.

Everyone stood tall in the cracks in the pitch black space, and some did not understand the arrangement of the soul-killing action. And half an hour later, when the space was torn again and Qing Muyu flew in with a young man in white clothes and a little beast, everyone knew the answer.

Destroying the soul wanted to kill Wuhen and Xiaobai. As for why they chose to fight near this void space, everyone didn't understand.

"Wuhen, Xiaobai, that's the void space! Go in by yourself. My father is still in retreat. If I go back to protect him, he won't go in. Tell Xiao Lang."

After entering the space crack, Qingmuyu stopped. Wuhen came to this void space during the catastrophe of the heavenly demon. He and the madman and the others arranged many things, so he nodded indifferently: "OK, Lord Aoki, after I have discussed with you, I will go to Qingcheng Mountain and you. Go into details."

The green wood and jade tearing space returned to Tianzhou, Wuhen Tiandi and Xiaobai flew straight to the void space. They wanted to easily tear the space into it, but a golden light was illuminated above the space.

"Huh, there is actually a restriction?"

Wuhen murmured suspiciously, thinking that Qingmuyu had said that a mysterious strong man had placed a strong restriction in this void. He was not surprised, but said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, you have the inheritance of the mortal heart. Break all prohibitions, can this prohibition be opened?"


Xiao Bai yelled a few times, his little head nodded, and then the pearl-like eyes gradually lit up, and the last two green lights burst out from his eyes like beams of light, connecting with the golden light in the void.


Those golden lights gradually became dimmed, and the ancient god's restrictions placed by the Great Emperor Tianma, the restrictions that even the souls of the people couldn't break through, were even going to be cracked by Xiao Bai.

"call out!"

Right now!

Where Mie Hun and others lurked, four soaring rays of light lit up, and four impenetrable energy attacks roared, directly hitting the restrictions outside the void.

"Xiao Bai, retire!"

Emperor Wuhen's expression changed, his body shot up, the green light in Xiao Bai's eyes disappeared, Wuhen took Xiao Bai's body and retreated.


The entire void space trembled, and with the full blow of the four demi-god powerhouses, most of the restrictions that Xiaobai had cracked finally burst. The void space was still shaking constantly, and there was a clear tendency to collapse.


Countless people were torn out from the void, and all of them were blue and white. Many Emperor Martial Artists took some children, women, and old people, and nearly a million people continued to fly out and rushed away. .


Before long, the entire void space collapsed, the nearby space twisted, and finally was strangled into a dust. Those who haven't escaped are obviously torn apart by space distortion.

"What's the matter? How did this prohibition be broken?"

Xiao Moshen held the Phantom God Weapon, the Killing Emperor held the Ice Scepter, and the knife stood at the forefront with the Savage God War Axe. The rest of the Heavenly Emperor surrounded the red bean Xiao Qingyi and the others alone.

Although at that moment the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor’s voice transmitted everyone to leave immediately, they only escaped out of 100,000 people, and there were more than 200,000 low-level warriors who had no time to take away.

The death of two or three hundred thousand low-level warriors is not important. The important thing is that this void space is broken, and they have no place to stay. There are countless people of various clans behind them.

"The devil kills the emperor's knife, Lord Chamu, Samsara, Madman, where is the Lord?"

Wuhen and Xiaobai turned into an afterimage and flew over, Wuhen's gaze tightly locked in the direction of the four energy attacks, as if they were approaching an enemy.

Xiao Moshen swept away and was suddenly surprised, but Samsara and the madman were overjoyed, and the killing emperor asked solemnly, "Wuhen, Xiaobai? Why are you back? What happened just now?"


A wanton laughter came from the north, and the four figures slowly flew in, followed by Ouyang Cuicui and others. In the end, the emperor of the thousand heavens followed, mighty, all in full vigor, as if walking out of the netherworld. Kill the gods.

Extinguishing the soul is very pleasant!

Originally, he just wanted to see if there was an opportunity to destroy Wuhen, and by the way, he could bring out the Xiao Demon God and the others, and he could also test the reaction of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor. Didn't expect Xiaobai to break the prohibition? So at that moment, he immediately attacked Pavilion Master Yunzishan Qingmushi Wangyue.

This time the attack not only collapsed the void, but the most important thing was... he tested the strength of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Heavenly Demon Great Emperor's spirit power really didn't have much, otherwise the attack just now, even if Xiaobai broke most of the restrictions, would definitely not be easily blown away.

"Qingmushi? We were betrayed by Qingmuyu!"

Wuhen saw Qingmushi and Miehun walking together, if he still didn't understand that Qingmuyu was sold, he would be a pig.


There was a wave of fluctuations in the nearby space, and a woman in green clothes with an umbrella walked out of the void. Her eyes were cold and faint. Her body was not a phantom but the same entity as the last time. She looked at the soul and shouted coldly, "I didn’t last time. Kill you, dare to come over this time? Are you looking for death?"


Extinguished the soul gave a long laugh, and a black dragon whistling away in his hand, he went to war with the green-clothed woman without saying a word. When the black dragon roared out, he smiled and said: "The emperor, don't pretend to be a god, you have left. I don’t know how many times the soul power I can withstand? I have reached the peak of a demigod. Even if your Ice Heavenly Dao reaches the Great Divine Realm, it can’t help me.”

There was a look of helplessness in the eyes of Emperor Tianmao, he shook his head and talked slowly, leaving a long sigh: "Xiao Lang, I have tried my best, and you are not coming back? I can't do anything..."

The retreat of the Heavenly Demon Great Devil made Xiao Demon God and the others desperate, and the four semi-god powerhouses were unable to rival them.


Heavenly Emperor Wuhen flew hundreds of meters forward, his aura soaring, and the Xiao Demon God and the others behind him couldn't breathe. The little white body on his shoulders also began to grow larger, and finally turned into a giant beast over hundreds of meters long, with green light shining in his eyes ready to attack.

Wuhen turned his head and shouted: "The Devil God kills the emperor Xiaodao, you take everyone away first, I will come to the house!"

"Huh, how about getting the inheritance of the great god?"

Mie Hun sneered indifferently, waved his hand, and ordered an attack. As long as Wuhen is destroyed, everyone else will have a dead end.

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