Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 82: Dulong

The golden needle is easy to find, but it is still the best one. It is hard to find the soul tonic. Anyway, there is a profound stone Xiao Lang does not care. There are the most poisonous things, but no one dares to catch...

There is a poisonous valley in the top ten life exclusion zone in Tianzhou, which contains a poisonous dragon. Not to mention ordinary warriors, even if the Supreme Heavenly Emperor enters, it is a dead end. Once Ye Feiyang wanted to go in and ask Dulong for some poisonous blood, but he was almost killed by Dulong...

This is also the only Beast Emperor that does not listen to the Beast God's mobilization, because it is about to reach the point of Beast God, and its venom is said to be... even Pavilion Master Mochizuki is scrupulous.

Xiao Lang didn't fear the poisonous dragon. He just considered whether this venom could bear it? If he is poisoned, he will be an oolong. He pondered for a long time, and thought of what the Prajna Palm said, the more poisonous the venom, the better the effect, and there are detailed methods for refining the venom. He thought that Tianzhou was only a fourth-class domain. This magical skill was cultivated by a warrior in the gods. The venom over there must be hundreds of times more poisonous than that in Tianzhou. Since the people over there are not poisoned to death, what kind of poison is this poisonous dragon? ?

Xiao Lang greeted Wuhen Xiaodao Xiaobai, and all dispatched to teleport towards the Yedi Mansion, and Poison Valley was in the Poison Mansion next to the Yedi Mansion.

As soon as Xiao Lang appeared in the Yedi Mansion, Ye Feiyang appeared for the first time, his expression a little awkward. Xiao Lang didn't say anything, nodded and led someone to send to the Poison Mansion.

"See the emperor!"

A group of people in the Poison Mansion saw that Xiao Lang and several people immediately recognized their identities, and a group of people knelt down, and a group of people quickly flew out of the city lord's mansion in the distance. It was the palace lord of the Poison Mansion. Although the original Yun Zishan had cancelled all the realms, it was just a different name. The Poison Mansion was the Poison Mansion.

"The city lord Ji Li of the poison city sees the emperor, sees you sir."

After Palace Master Poison Mansion saluted, Xiao Lang waved his hand and said indifferently: "The rest are gone, Ji Li will lead the way to Poison Valley!"

"Huh?" Ji Li was stunned, and said with some worry: "Great Emperor, the poison of that poisonous dragon is very strong, the emperor back then..."

Xiao Lang's eyes were cold, and he said with some dissatisfaction: "Do I still need you to teach me to do things? Lead the way!"

Ji Li shuddered and dared not say more, and immediately flew towards the northwest. The people in the city did not dare to follow and looked at these people in fear. I sigh that the young people nowadays are fierce like tigers. When they were so old, they were still molesting little girls under the protection of their parents, but others have already ruled Tianzhou...

Poison Valley occupies the entire northwest of Poison Mansion, and it is not that Poison Valley is too big. But because of the poisonous dragon, the nearby beasts are poisonous, so no one dared to live for thousands of miles around the poison valley. Of course, there are warriors who are not afraid of death, hunting poisonous beasts and selling black stones.

Everyone's speed is very fast, and they are all flying with knives and Wuhen. Just arriving at the outermost periphery of the Poison Valley, I saw from a distance a dark air mass in the jungle, obviously all poisonous.

"Okay, you go back!"

Looking at the Poisonous City Lord whose eyelids were jumping, Xiao Lang waved, he let Xiaobai stand on Wuhen's shoulders, black air currents gushing out of his body, and the knife and Wuhen also released their shields to avoid being attacked by poison gas.

"Crack, click!"

Several people flew past the jungle, and a huge worm showed its head from the forest below, opened its mouth and spit out a cloud of venom to envelop several people in.

Xiao Lang didn't do anything, but just checked, and found that the venom was slowly corroding the shields of the three people. He was secretly guarded, and the knife pouring out of his body, glaring at the big insect, and shouted: "Go! "

It was an 800,000-year-old beast. With such a powerful breath of the knife, it was immediately frightened to escape, and many trees were hit. A few people did not stop and flew all the way quickly, the knife kept releasing its momentum, and the nearby low-level fierce beasts dared not approach.

Soon everyone arrived above the Poison Valley, frowning as they watched the black mist enveloped them. This poisonous valley is indeed worthy of its name. There are poisonous fog everywhere. It is estimated that most people will die without seeing the poisonous dragon...

The three of them are powerful and have no scruples, and fly directly below. The three of them had strong eyesight, but their visibility was less than a kilometer, and as soon as the black poisonous mist was touched, the outer shield was immediately corroded slowly, which would be impossible to resist if the ordinary emperor came in.

Flying all the way down, the poisonous fog gradually reduced. Everyone glanced around and found that the hole above was not big, but the bottom was very spacious. There were blue grasses on the cliffs, glowing with a faint blue light, making the valley very dreamy and beautiful.


With a loud roar, Xiao Lang's gaze swept down immediately, easily locking onto a behemoth. When Wuhen swept away, they were surprised, because this poisonous dragon was not only not as ugly as imagined, but also extremely beautiful. The whole body was blue, shining with crystal light, and the scales on the surface of the body under the anger at the moment also bloomed with blue light, very beautiful.

Xiao Lang waved his hand to make Wuhen stop in the air. He looked at the poisonous dragon silently, seeing that it did not attack, knowing that the poisonous dragon also felt that they were not easy to provoke. He said in a deep voice: "Dulong, we came in without malice, just want to take some of your venom."

This poisonous dragon was obviously about to transform into form. It was very intelligent. Xiao Lang could understand what Xiao Lang said, but his eyes were full of rage. Generally powerful warriors have arrogance, let alone this poisonous dragon who doesn't know how many years of cultivation, it stares at Xiao Lang and actually faintly spreads: "Humans, get out of my territory, otherwise it will be killed!"

"Sure enough, it's about to transform!"

Xiao Lang secretly sighed, even the sound transmission is good. He didn't mean to leave at all. Instead, he laughed and said: "Poison Dragon, how do you think your strength compares with Pavilion Master Wangyue? Some time ago, your beast **** was I slaughtered you, don’t be shameless, I just want some venom."

The poisonous dragon's huge eyes shrank, but the voice transmission said disdainfully: "The deity is about to transform, and the venom is the origin of the deity. Give it to you if you say it? I ask you one last sentence, get out! Otherwise the deity will make you all a poisonous pet! "

"Aha? I don't know how to praise!"

Xiao Lang's face sank, and he waved his hand towards Wuhen, "Teach him a lesson, so that this animal knows what a person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant."

Xiao Lang grabbed the knife with one hand, and made Xiaobai jump on Xiaobai's shoulder, and the knife flew to the side to watch the battle. Wuhen's body rushed out, a spear in his hand appeared, and he slammed it down.


The spear disappeared as soon as it stabbed out, but appeared above the poisonous dragon's head in the next second. This is the magical power of the Great God Warrior that can penetrate the space. What is so amazing is that Wuhen itself is still standing in the air, as if this spear Pierced the space in general.

The poisonous dragon's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and he opened his mouth to spit out a black venom. The venom turned on its head like a shield. The spear only pierced half a meter like it was plunged into a quagmire, and it couldn't penetrate anymore.

"Sure enough, there are two brushes!"

Xiao Lang nodded faintly, the Heavenly Demon's combat skills were running, and his body flew down like a rocket. He turned his head and said to Wuhen: "Stop Wuhen and watch me domesticate this beast."

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