Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 83: Transformation

It wasn't that Wuhen couldn't deal with this poisonous dragon, but Xiao Lang wanted to try the poison of this poisonous dragon to the extent that he wanted to see if the magical healing power of the grass and vines could suppress the poison.

Since he was about to go to war, he naturally shot with all his strength, the dark golden light shining in his eyes, first released a soul attack, and then released black and white light in his eyes, the love is released!

The four rays of light flashed away, and the poisonous dragon's body was so huge that it was naturally unable to avoid it, and it submerged in its body all at once. Xiao Lang saw its eyes suddenly become confused, knowing that the soul attack and the emotional extinguishment had an effect, his body shot away, the God Splitting hand released, and he slammed the huge dragon head.


The dragon head was caught in a big hole, but a black mist came out of the **** and enveloped Xiao Lang in. Xiao Lang felt the black air current outside his body quickly corroded, and immediately burst into a shout: "Magic!"

The grass vine whizzed out and wrapped Xiao Lang in, and at the same time his legs stepped on the giant dragon head, his body flew upside down.

"call out!"

A huge dragon's tail swept over, and at the same time the poisonous dragon roared in pain, spit out a black energy group, and shot towards Xiao Lang.

"call out!"

An iron ruler-like long sword appeared in Xiao Lang's hand, and the energy on the surface of his body quickly went towards the long sword, and the Divine Extinguish Sword smashed heavily, and a lightsaber poured out and shot towards the black energy group spit out by the poisonous dragon.

Xiao Lang, the Fan Xin Mie Divine Sword, had not been completely refined, but he could barely use it after refining it at will. It was obviously not as powerful as Yun Zishan.

The huge dragon's tail over there swept over, Xiao Lang didn't even look at it, and he waved his hand over there, and a large piece of flesh and blood on that dragon's tail was immediately strangled into powder. Cao Teng did not disappoint Xiao Lang, and could easily dissolve the poisonous dragon's venom, so Xiao Lang was brazen.


The lightsaber condensed from Divine Extinction Sword collided with the black energy cluster, and the entire valley was shocked. The surrounding rock fragments fell down, and the huge explosion sounded endlessly in the valley.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang's body was lifted out, but quickly shot down again, and the black and white light in his eyes flickered again, and Dulong looked at it and said, "No! I will give you venom!"

"Humph! It's late."

Xiao Lang snorted coldly and released his love, and then countless love words condensed, and he quickly hit the poisonous dragon. Emotional Annihilation causes the poisonous dragon's soul to be messed up, and emotion can more easily domesticate the poisonous dragon.

This Poisonous Dragon is very strong, and is about to reach the semi-god state. If Xiao Lang is given a little venom at the beginning, nothing will happen. Now that he was offended, Xiao Lang naturally wanted to domesticate it. It would be nice to take such a big guy back to see the yard.


As soon as the emotion appeared, the poisonous dragon's eyes became even more confused, and he was still struggling, obviously not wanting to be domesticated by Xiao Lang.

"Love is gone!" "Love is moving!"

Every time Xiao Lang typed 100,000 words of love, he immediately released his love annihilation, making the poisonous dragon unable to resist, and the light in his eyes and the violent aura on his body also slowly weakened.

"Haha! Brother, take this big guy back to Xiaodicheng to raise it!"

The knife grinned slyly, Wuhen also smiled. Xiao Lang's love and affection are the nemesis of fierce beasts and sea beasts! It’s no wonder that in the ancient times, the Great God Tianyu easily domesticated the beasts, and the combination of emotion and emotion was extremely cruel...

The words of love flew all over the sky, turning into a lot of color and infiltrating the poisonous dragon one by one. The eyes of the poisonous dragon had already been closed, and the tyrannical aura on his body had completely disappeared. Xiao Lang felt that it was almost too, this poisonous dragon should be completely domesticated depending on the situation.

Xiao Lang's current sentimental extinction was a soul attack, and cooperating with sentimental sentiment was not a semi-domesticated state with the blood tower. It was a complete domestication. The domesticated orc would treat him as the master, and even Xiao Lang would not hesitate to let it die.

Xiao Lang stood for a kilometer in front of the poisonous dragon, waiting for the poisonous dragon to wake up. After a short hour, the poisonous dragon hadn't moved yet, which surprised the three of them.

After staring for a moment, Xiao Lang became a little impatient, and he was going to go and take some venom to retreat!

But at this moment, the poisonous dragon's body suddenly blew blue light, and the whole body was shrouded in blue light. The valley was shining extremely clearly by the blue light, and the black mist floating in the valley above and all over the valley poured into the blue madly.


Xiao Lang secretly warned, and stepped aside, Wuhen and Xiaodao also flew down and stood beside Xiao Lang, Xiao Bai screamed non-stop. The light in Xiao Lang's eyes shone, and the Divine Destruction Sword in his hand also lit up, ready to attack at any time.

"What a surging power! This poisonous dragon won't transform at this moment, right?" The knife scratched his head and muttered.

Xiao Lang and Wuhen didn't care about them. The strength of the two of them still has the grass and vines to dissolve toxins. Even if the poisonous dragon reaches the semi-god state, it is a dead end.

Soon the answer was revealed!

The blue light gradually disappeared, and the poisonous dragon also disappeared. An impeccable middle-aged man knelt on one knee, watching Xiao Lang attack and said: "See the poisonous dragon!"


Xiao Lang and Wuhen stared at each other in amazement. They actually reached a semi-divine form, and were they still completely domesticated?

Xiao Lang glanced away, and felt a trace of the middle-aged man’s soul with him. He put away his weapon, and also lifted the God-Splitting Hand. He smiled faintly: "Get up, Wuhen takes a robe for him. on."

The middle-aged man quickly put on his robe, but kneeled down respectfully again: "Thank you, if it weren't for the master, the poisonous dragon wouldn't know when it could transform, and the poisonous dragon would swear to follow."

When he was surrendered by a semi-divine beast god, Xiao Lang didn't particularly care. Tianzhou didn't have any enemies. If he went to the gods, the poisonous dragon would not help much, so he nodded and said casually: "Haha, I just want some venom cultivation, you want to follow me? It doesn't matter."

Dulong didn't speak, just opened his mouth and spit out a spit of venom. The venom was shiny black, obviously it was his original venom! Xiao Lang glanced at Wuhen, Wuhen immediately took out a container and took it all down. Xiao Lang glanced at it and it should be almost the end, and nodded: "I'm going back, you want to follow me, you can come to Xiaodicheng anytime. Of course remember not to hurt people, Tianzhou is all my people!"

The poisonous dragon nodded. It had just broken through the semi-divine realm and needed to stabilize its realm. Naturally, it didn't want to go out immediately.

Looking at the figures of the three of Xiao Lang flying towards the sky, the poisonous dragon's eyes became fiery, and muttered: "The ancestors in the inheritance memory said that as long as someone can help me transform, I will follow him forever. The master is so young. To reach the peak strength of a demigod, it seems that you can't go wrong with him, but unfortunately... I can't go to the demon realm by following him."

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