Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 84: Dacheng

Back in Xiaodicheng, Xiao Lang immediately began to practice. Of course, he did not practice Prajna palm immediately, but began to cultivate soul!

Bringing 3 billion profound stones from Chamu, Xiao Lang built a large formation that also enveloped all the palace behind Xiao Emperor City. His body is already very strong, it is very likely that he can't absorb the energy of the black stone, and it may escape in the air by then.

He planned to retreat for three months first. Anyway, Hongdou and the others are not worried, nor do they ask about Xiao Lang's affairs. Men always have things that men should do.

Xiao Lang felt wrong as soon as he cultivated profound stones, because his body was too strong, and his soul was also strong. The speed of refining profound stones was so fast that he could easily and quickly thousands of them each time, and he could refine millions of them in one day. , I'm afraid it will be able to refine more than 100 million profound stones this month.

The soul vortex has filled the entire soul space. As the soul continues to grow, the center of the soul vortex actually begins to condense a golden bead. This golden pearl is very small, but the power of the soul inside is very surging, slowly rotating with the soul vortex.

Xiao Lang was overjoyed after investigating it. It seems that his soul has broken through again. It is estimated that when the vortex is completely condensed into this golden bead, his soul will be powerful and terrifying.

The sentiment he cultivated, sentiment extinguished but soul attack, the stronger the soul, the stronger the soul attack. Moreover, the soul is strong, and it is quick to realize other things.

Refining profound stones quickly, and the time of cultivation without years passed quickly. It was not unexpected for Xiao Lang. After refining more than 200 million profound stones, his body was not absorbing the energy of the profound stones. Obviously, the body reached To the pinnacle.

He didn't know how to break through the Great Divine Realm, nor how to condense the Divine Body, and so on. After the Heavenly Demon's combat skills reached its peak, there was no inner Demon!

The Inner Demon was only a test set by the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor. The Heavenly Demon Great Emperor was dead. At this moment, the void space was also controlled by Xiao Lang, so naturally there would be no Inner Demon. He didn't bother to take care of the martial artists who practiced the Heavenly Demon combat skills in Tianzhou. The profound stones needed to cultivate the Heavenly Demon combat skills were huge. Even if Xiao Lang didn't control the Heavenly Demon Space to save the heart demon, it would be difficult to cultivate to the point of being powerful.

He also knows that if his strength wants to continue to grow stronger and reach the Great God Realm, he is afraid that the Heavenly Dao perception will have to reach a certain realm. At least he has to comprehend the Fifth Realm of Qing Dao, before he has the opportunity to impact the Great God Realm, and he must also have Chaos Spiritual Qi condensation Divine body.

At that time, the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor's body had reached the peak of a demigod, and the Heavenly Dao sentiment had returned to the Great God Realm, but there was no chaotic spiritual energy to condense the divine body, and he entered the Heavenly Demon Realm and was killed by the Heavenly Demon God.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xiao Lang didn't think about things so far away, and he didn't have the slightest idea how to feel that Love Killer would understand him. This sense of heaven may be an instant epiphany, or it may be stuck for a lifetime. For example, Mushan ghost Ouyang Cuicui Larix sylvestris, the three of them were the Supreme Heavenly Emperor fifty years ago, but they still haven't made the last step, that is, the way of heaven cannot feel...

As Xiao Lang continued to practice, the entire backyard of the City Lord's Mansion was as strong as before, making all the people living in it very comfortable, even Mo Qingqing felt extremely comfortable, and Cha Mu immediately arranged for people to come in to practice.

Xiao Lang went out after three months of retreat. Seeing that there were more people living in the backyard, he smiled disapprovingly. Although there is a large array of isolation, it will slowly escape after too long. It is also a good thing to be able to help the younger generation of each family to practice.

He left the customs to spend a few days with Little Red Bean Demon and the others. Now the time is not tight, and he doesn't want to keep closed. Of course he was ready to start practicing Prajna Palm, and wanted to come out and get something. The first and second steps of that magical skill will take a long time, and he doesn't want to practice a magical skill for several years.

After spending three days with everyone, Xiao Lang retreats again.

Sitting cross-legged in a side hall, he took out a pack of gold needles from Xumijie. These gold needles had been soaked in venom for three months. The gold needles themselves are made of materials that easily absorb venom, so these gold needles are equivalent to highly poisonous needles. Xiao Lang picked up one and looked at the gloomy light on it a little hairy. If it weren't for grass vines, he wouldn't dare to pierce him.

He already knows about one thousand and eight acupuncture points in his entire body. He carefully took the golden needles in his hands and pierced them into his palms. At the same time, he immediately used the Heavenly Demon combat skills to let the energy in the acupuncture points in the palm of his palm, according to what the Prajna palm said Way to operate. The gold needle is very thin, and there is a slight pain after the penetration. This is not important. Finally, the venom on the gold needle began to spread quickly in all directions.


Looking at the palms that immediately turned dark purple, Xiao Lang's expression became serious, and the energy quickly circulated in the acupuncture points. Sure enough, the dark purple disappeared quickly, but the acupuncture point was very uncomfortable. There were some pain, some numbness, and some itching. It felt like a lot of ants were devouring his flesh and blood. Xiao Lang almost had to pull out the golden needle. Out.

"Hold it!"

Xiao Lang secretly gritted his teeth and inserted the second golden needle, the third...the tenth.

When the entire arm was full of gold needles, Xiao Lang couldn't stand it at all. The feeling was too uncomfortable, like countless ants biting flesh and blood, it would make a person crazy!

He quickly pulled out the golden needle, and then immediately entered the state of soul out of the body.

This state is very miraculous. His soul can control the ** even after he is out of the body, but the pain he receives cannot be felt at all.

He controlled his hands to quickly fill up the body with golden needles, and even the little partner and the ball had three pieces on it. The energy of his whole body runs automatically in the acupuncture points according to a certain rule.

"Okay, I'm afraid the first step is almost the same, just keep sticking for ninety-nine days, and the first step is complete!

He let the energy flow automatically, secretly thinking that if there is no soul out of the body state, there are more than a thousand golden needles, afraid that no one can stand it? The whole body feels bitten by tens of thousands of ants, this is the saint going crazy...

Once this was done, Xiao Lang observed for a few days without any accidents, and began to continue the profound stone. He only absorbs 5% of the energy in the profound stone, and it is still absorbed by the soul, which does not affect the energy flow in the acupoints.

After a few days of refining, there were no problems. Xiao Lang felt more relieved. Accelerated the speed of cultivation, without a powerful soul, even if he completed the first two steps of the Prajna Palm, the third step would be fine.

After more than three months, Xiao Lang left the customs!

When he pulled out all the golden needles from his body, he was shocked after returning his soul to his body for investigation!

Because he felt surging power and energy in all the acupuncture points, his whole body was like washing the marrow, full of surging vitality and powerful force, and his body was more than twice as powerful!

Prajna palm is the first major achievement, and his combat power really doubled.

At the moment Xiao Lang exited the customs--

In the Tianyu Hall of the Ancient God Forbidden Land, a grim voice suddenly sounded: "Huh? This kid can actually practice Prajna palm? This is Xuanyuan Tianzun’s famous combat skills. I had cultivated for hundreds of years before it was the first major achievement. He actually Did you succeed in the first re-cultivation in a few months?"

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