Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 85: Love kill

After the first step was successful, Xiao Lang left the barrier and prepared to rest for a few days, anyway, he was not in a rush to practice.

Walking out of the main hall, passing by the Piandian where Mo Qingqing's residence, he remembered that he didn't go to see Mo Qingqing the last time he left the pass, so he walked towards the Piandian. Several maids immediately bowed and bowed to salute when they saw Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang asked and walked into the back hall, and saw Mo Qingqing sitting quietly in the back hall looking at the sky in a daze.

Xiao Lang glanced and felt the loneliness in Mo Qingqing's back, and smiled slightly: "Your Highness, are you not used to living here?"

Mo Qingqing turned her head and saw Xiao Lang smiled faintly, with a touch of affection and kindness on her face, and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's better here than Crazy God Castle. Hongdou and the others are very good to me, so I don't need to be here. Intrigue, don’t worry about the mutiny and kill me."

Xiao Lang nodded and raised one thing: "Right, you said last time? Are you a citizen of Heavenly Demon Heavenly Venerable? Is Heavenly Demon Heavenly Venerable in God Realm or Demon Realm?"

Mo Qingqing looked at Xiao Lang in surprise, wondering how he understood the ultimate realm? After pondering for a moment, he said, "The Heavenly Demon Heavenly Lord is a relatively powerful Heavenly Lord in God's Domain. Even if I return to God's Domain, I would not dare to go to Heavenly Demon Mountain, otherwise I will be killed sooner or later. I'm going to my mother's side. Right... When will you break this seal and take me to God's Domain?"

Xiao Lang rolled his eyes and said weakly, "Miss, I didn't tell you. I may not be able to break the seal. Although my body has reached the peak of a demigod, my sense of heaven has not yet arrived. Chaos spirit, I can't condense the divine body, it is impossible to break this seal until the great divine realm!"

Mo Qingqing was startled, and was silent for a long time, before finally raising her head and saying, "You work hard to comprehend the Dao of Heaven, as long as you can comprehend the Dao of Heaven and reach the Great Divine Realm, I will have a way to help you condense the divine body!"

"Do you have a way?"

Xiao Lang looked at Mo Qingqing suspiciously, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do my best! Whether you can feel it, it's up to your fate!"

Walking out of the side hall, back to the soul pavilion where Hongdou and the others lived, a room of women were there, all chatting around Su Zhe. However, Xiao Qingyi and Du Guxing were not there. They should have gone out to enjoy the mountains and rivers.

"Sister Su Zhe, I guess this must be a boy, as handsome and domineering as the Demon God!" The soft and weak voice, needless to say He'er.

"The boy is not good, I think the girl is good, Su Zhe is so beautiful, the girl must be like her!" This was a very elegant voice, it was Mu Xiaoyao.

Another hot voice sounded: "Let me guess, Su Zhe's stomach is so big, he is probably a baby of a dragon and phoenix, hehe!"

In fact, it is very easy to judge whether it is a male or a female, and it can be distinguished only by careful sensing. However, everyone did not do this, which may affect the development of the child, but it does not matter whether it is a male or a female. Xiao Moshen's children were destined to be born with a golden key, an extremely noble young lady.

Xiao Lang was even more embarrassed when he heard the faint envy and disappointment in Hong Dou's tone. I was shocked when I walked into the gate, and all stood up in surprise when I swept over, and came around, chatting non-stop.

Looking at the tender love in the eyes of his wives, Xiao Lang was a little drunk, and walked in with a few people around his arms. He looked at Su Zhe with his belly high, Xiao Lang smiled slightly: "Su Zhe, the devil is still practicing Are you almost giving birth."

Su Zhe sighed helplessly: "Big Brother Xiao, you don't understand the devil..."

"Brother, are you out of customs?"

A wind blew outside the gate, Xiao Lang swept his head and saw a girl wearing snow white fox fur walking in. Her delicate facial features and immature body already had the capital to fascinate sentient beings, especially the smart eyes. It's talkative, youthful and beautiful.

Xiao Lang was twenty-five years old, and Xiao Nao was also fifteen. Xiao Lang touched Xiao Nao's head with some emotion, and ordered his servants to prepare a big meal and get together with everyone.

A group of people left, seeing Mu Xiaoyao being a little shy about going back to the house and suddenly said, "Little Monster, should you stay at night?"

When Xiao Lang spoke, all the wives except Mrs. Ya blushed, and He Er's head dropped to his chest. Mu Xiaoyao also looked ashamed. Although Xiao Lang could hardly be shut down once, she was afraid that she would be closed again soon, she also wanted to stay with Xiao Lang for a while, but such a shameful thing, she was born of a real reputation. It's hard to accept.

"Hehe, little demon, let's take a bath!"

Hongdou glanced at Xiao Lang, and took the initiative to get up and drag the little demon towards the inside. Madam Ya winked at Xiao Lang with a winking smile. However, Xiao Lang slapped him on the ass, and said with a smile: "What do you look at? Are you two still not going to wash for nothing? Waiting for the great emperor's favor?"

He Er covered his face and ran away, but his face was ruddy, obviously looking forward to it. Liu Ya smiled, and bowed her hands in salute and said: "Yes, the Great! I beg the Great to rub his concubines severely at night..."

Xiao Lang stretched his waist, secretly sighed that this is the life of the gods, what the **** in the gods and monsters. Even if he went there, he would come back in a few minutes. Isn't it good to have a pleasant little life in Tianzhou? Must go to God's Domain to fight and kill?

It was ridiculous all night, and for the first time, Mu Xiaoyao also gave up, and was sleeping together every night, making Xiao Lang no longer want to continue practicing.

After five days of rest, Xiao Lang closed the door again and began to practice the second level of Prajna palm.

Not beyond Xiao Lang's expectation, the second level of cultivation was even more difficult. There was too much energy in the body, how could it be compressed into the acupuncture points?

He tried many times, but in the end he only forced one-tenth of the energy in his body into the acupuncture points, and he couldn't compress it anymore. If you are forcibly compressed, the acupoints will definitely burst. Although there are grass and vines that can be cured, the pain of bursting acupuncture points is comparable to the internal organs being shattered. He's not a masochist, how could he be guilty for himself?

After thinking hard for a month, he couldn't think of a solution. He could only practice profound stone first, and then slowly figure out a solution.


Just two months after he was in retreat, the prohibition outside the palace was touched. Xiao Lang stopped practicing in doubt. It stands to reason that there is no major event in Tianzhou, so who would disturb oneself while practicing?

When he walked out of the main hall, he saw a group of people around, Hong Dou Liuya and Xiao Qingyi and others were all around, all surrounded by Mu Xiaoyao, with unconcealable ecstasy on their faces.

Hongdou has a fiery personality, and when Xiao Lang comes out, he yells with delight, "Xiao Lang, little demon sister!"

"Yes? Yes!"

Xiao Lang was stunned, and immediately became overjoyed, his eyes fixed on Mu Xiaoyao's flat belly and he was stunned. He seemed to think of something suddenly, his eyes became confused, and he muttered: "Child? Newborn? Hope? I want to be a father. Is it? Love killing? Killing love? It turns out to be like this, I understand, I understand..."

Xiao Lang murmured a few words, and he sat up cross-legged regardless, and began to practice again. And countless love words popped out of his body, and every love word carried Ling Li's murderous intent, making the knife Wuhen who followed him feel palpitations...

Everyone looked at each other, Wuhen and Xiaodao looked at each other, Wuhen scratched his head, and genuinely gave a thumbs up and said: "An adult is an adult, so you can have an epiphany? It seems that the adult should be able to understand this time. It's better than the great!"

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