Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 10: Must die

"Boom boom!"

The castle in the center of Black Sun City has three floors. The first floor is for ordinary guests, the second is for distinguished guests, and the third floor is where Hei Fan lives. At this moment, Hei Fan God violently smashed a house of precious sculptures to pieces.

He is the leader of Black Sun City, and his words in Black Sun City are imperial decree. Even if he goes to God's Domain, he is considered a big man when he returns to his family. Today, he was severely humiliated several times by a garbage warrior who was not even a **** body, and his reputation in the Black Sun Star Territory was not small. The most important thing is that at this moment, he can only watch Xiao Lang and leave with Hei Yang on the Feiyun Disk.

"As long as I Xiao Lang is not dead, you dare to chase me down, I will let you black chickens and dogs not stay!"

Thinking of the words left by Xiao Lang before he left, God Lord Hei Fan suddenly became angry. This sentence was not a slap in the face, but the entire Hei family. If this matter is spread to God's Domain, I am afraid that their ancestors will be angry, right? The ancestor of their Hei Family is also a Heavenly Venerable anyway, right?

"Come on!"

Hei Fan vented, and immediately shouted in a deep voice. A blue armored warrior walked in immediately, knelt on one knee and said: "Commander!"

"Hei Feng Huo, you go to explore the west immediately and pass my words to Bai Mazi and the others! Check around, first pick up the young master safely, and then snuck back all the craps just now! Just tell me I'm a hundred Thousand Purple Sacred Stone."

"White Mazi?"

Hei Fenghuo asked hesitantly: "Bai Mazi and the others are chaotic pirates, just now those gangsters flew away from us. If Bai Mazi and the others do it immediately, are they afraid that it will not be affected?"


Hei Fan Shenjun coldly snorted: "I can't control that much anymore. A few of them don't kill. If this matter is passed to the ancestors, the position of the father's domain lord will not be preserved. If this face is not found, we don't have to be mixed. Remember to wait for them to let go."

Hei Fenghuo still hesitated and asked, "What if they don't let anyone go?"

"They will let them go!"

Hei Fan's stern eyes flashed and said: "Hei Yang has a family token on him. The kid is so cautious that he will definitely escape immediately after being released! Otherwise, his father will come back, and there will be no difference between hostage and no hostage in his hand."

Hei Fenghuo nodded, killing intent flashed in his eyes, quickly stepped back and arranged.


Feiyun Disk quickly left the Black Sun Star Territory, Mo Qingqing took control of flying towards God's Domain for the first time after entering Feiyun Disk, Xiao Lang directly smashed Heiyang into a coma with a punch, and he was not relieved to use Emotion to attack once. , Then his eyes flickered around and probed.

Emperor Xian and the others looked at each other, wondering why a few people went down and came back so soon? Also caught someone up there? But everyone didn't dare to ask more, they just talked to Wuhen.

When he learned that Xiao Lang dared to do something in Black Sun City, everyone secretly admired him, but they all became extremely worried. Don't be burdened to death.

Feiyun disk moved forward quickly. After flying for a short half hour, Xiao Lang suddenly whispered with Mo Qingqing: "Fly to the left, go to the gray scale area!"


Mo Qingqing opened her small mouth, and asked in confusion, "Grey Scale Domain is a third-class domain, and it is said that it is very chaotic over there. Last time I passed by, my father and the emperor were in a melee. Why are you going there? ?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said in a heavy voice, "Melee? Go there and fly at full speed immediately!"

He looked at the map just now and found that the nearest domain was this gray scale domain, and he didn't explain much at this moment. Mo Qingqing trusted him very much, and was not hesitating to control Feiyun Disk to fly quickly.

After more than an hour, the flying cloud disk stayed above the gray scale domain, and Xiao Lang let Mo Qingqing fall quickly. When he flew over 100,000 miles above the surface of the domain, Xiao Lang felt countless figures from below bursting into the air, and immediately asked Mo Qingqing to open the shield. He grabbed Heiyang and threw it downwards, with a loud shout. : "All the people in the Gray Scale Domain will listen to me. I am the Young Master of the Black Sun Star Domain. Now you have requisitioned your domain and surrender all of you, otherwise you will kill you!"

After shouting, Xiao Lang let Mo Qingqing fly straight up, not to care about Master Heiyang's life or death.

As Heifan God Sovereign said, Xiao Lang really didn't dare to carry the black sun. The domain master of the Black Sun Star Territory is a strong **** ancestor, and has no effect on the hostages of the **** ancestor, but will expose his position.

He also didn't care whether the gray scale area had anything to do with the black sun star area. He threw Master Heiyang down to delay time. He knew very well that the chasing soldiers of Black Sun City would not be long before they came. How could the big family lose face and not get it back?


Xiao Lang let out a deep cry, and directly took out the chaotic space history to investigate. It didn't take long before he turned his head and said to Mo Qingqing, "Do you know anything about the Ice Dragon Realm?"

Mo Qingqing frowned and thought for a while and said: "I don't know much, but the ice dragon domain is a second-class domain. The nearby domains belong to the ice dragon clan, and it seems that the ice dragon clan is also very good in the gods. A powerful family."

"Okay, turn! Go to the direction of the Ice Dragon Territory, and the chase will soon come." Xiao Lang ordered very decisively.

Mo Qingqing was completely flustered, and didn't think about it anymore, controlling the flying cloud disk to fly towards the ice dragon domain. Although the Ice Dragon Territory was in the north of the Black Sun Star Territory, it was completely different from the direction of going to God's Territory, which was equivalent to a big circle.

Xiao Lang's judgment is very accurate!

Hei Sun City did not send chasing soldiers, but the three nearby chaotic pirates all moved and began to search for Xiao Lang everywhere. According to the tokens of Young Master Heiyang, those pirate groups quickly found the Grayscale Domain, but in the end... a war was triggered.

The gray scale domain is indeed chaotic. There is a very rare treasure in this domain. Many big families in the gods secretly send people to occupy this domain. Usually these pirates dare not approach this area, and at this moment, for the sake of a million purple sacred stones, they can only venture to save people.

Hei Yang was safe. Xiao Lang reported his name and someone recognized him, so naturally he didn't dare to move. After all, the Hei family was considered a big family.


If the black Japanese army came, perhaps Heiyang would be rescued immediately. The problem is that Heifan Shenjun didn't send anyone, and spent a million purple sacred stones to invite a group of pirates.

What happened to a group of notorious pirates who went to Grayscale? There was a scuffle inside, and I saw pirates coming. I thought they came to take advantage of the fire, but they all united to attack the pirates...

In the end, Hei Fan's subordinate Hei Fenghuo came forward to explain, and then stopped the melee. It was already a long time before Hei Yang was rescued, and the three pirate legions also lost hundreds of powerful men.

Dozens of flying cloud disks scattered around and began to look for Xiao Lang. After waiting for news of Xiao Lang from passers-by, it was all three days later, and Xiao Lang and his flying cloud disks had almost reached the ice dragon area. !

The three big pirate legions dare not chase after them. After all, there is the territory of the Ice Dragon clan. If they rashly kill it, it is very likely that they will find a melee with the Ice Dragon clan.

"Let Bai Mazi and the others continue to chase and kill, and don't conflict with the strong in the ice dragon domain. As long as they can catch people back, I will give another million purple sacred stones!"

Hei Fan Shenjun received the news and quickly made a decision to let people pass it!

Xiao Lang's methods made Hei Fan so scrupulous that he could escape under his nose? If he is really allowed to escape to God's Domain alive, not only will their family's face fall to the ground, it will definitely be a big threat in the future, maybe the Hei Family will really be destroyed in Xiao Lang's hands.

So Xiao Lang must die!

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