Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 11: Part ways

"Finally it's almost the ice dragon domain!"

Xiao Lang inspected the nearby star field, compared the map of the chaotic space, and quickly determined that he would be able to reach the fire dragon field in two more hours.

He glanced at the direction of the black sun star field, and finally made a decision: "Your Highness, don't go forward, fly straight to the right!"


Mo Qingqing swept over in surprise, Wuhen and others were also very puzzled, because the right side went to Tianzhou, which was the opposite of God's Domain. Is Xiao Lang ready to go back?

"Trust me!"

Xiao Lang was still firm in his thoughts, Mo Qingqing had no choice but to start flying to the right, bypassing the ice dragon domain. Everyone secretly doubted whether Xiao Lang's judgment was wrong? Or... the people in the Black Sun Star Territory dare not chase them down?

No matter what everyone thinks, Xiao Lang's order is beyond doubt. It was because of his accurate judgment that they did not fall into the siege of the icy clan and the pursuit of the pirates.

Two days after they left, dozens of flying cloud disks whizzed in. As there was no accurate information from Xiao Lang, everyone flew all the way towards the Ice Dragon Territory. As a result, it caused dissatisfaction among the Ice Dragon clan. Nearly a thousand strong men were killed or injured more than half of them. It was still early when Bai Mazi retreated.

Dozens of flying cloud disks, nearly a thousand great gods, and two gods, so the ice dragon clan is naturally alert, let alone chaotic pirates under investigation. The Ice Dragon clan warned Bai Mazi and the others to leave. Bai Mazi was blinded by the two million purple sacred stones. He just wanted to catch Xiao Lang and naturally wouldn't retreat. The battle soon started.

After exiting the sphere of influence of the Ice Dragon Realm, and soon received a return from the spies they had hidden around him, Xiao Lang went around in a circle without entering the Ice Dragon Realm at all.

Not waiting for news from the Hei Fan Divine Lord, Bai Mazi himself ordered a chase, and at the same time sent a message to a pirate group with a radius of tens of millions of miles, sending people to investigate Xiao Lang's specific coordinates.

The three big pirate groups, against a few garbage warriors who have not even reached the gods, were actually manipulated twice one after another? Nearly half of the warriors were also killed and injured, and Bai Mazi obviously couldn't bear this tone. After receiving another call from the Hei Fan Divine Lord, indicating that the dead and injured warriors could be compensated, Bai Mazi strengthened his determination. Even if they chase to God's Domain, Xiao Lang will be killed.

When Bai Mazi and the others circled around, Xiao Lang felt a chill in his back and was inexplicably uneasy. He didn't know someone was following, but instinctively began to check the map again, looking for a place to break the game.


There are no special territories or peculiar topography nearby, only a few small territories, and many waste territories, that is, territories or planets without life.

"Shifeng Domain?"

Xiao Lang suddenly saw a very big dead zone face, and his heart moved, and said to Mo Qingqing: "Left front, go to Shifeng domain face!"

Everyone was very nervous, but no one dared to object. After arriving at Shifeng Domain after half a day, Xiao Lang made a decision that caused everyone's shock and hesitation!

"If you want to live under the flying cloud disk, go to Shifeng domain to take refuge. Mo Qingqing controls the flying cloud disk to make it fly to the right as fast as possible. This flying cloud disk can't be taken!"

Xiao Lang's meaning was very clear. Let the flying cloud disk fly by itself, and everyone abandoned the flying cloud disk. They entered the Shifeng domain and hid, and after the wind, they flew toward the gods.

The issue is--

How far is God's Domain from here? Without the Flying Cloud Disk, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to fly to God's Domain for ten or eight years. Such a long journey, the danger has increased exponentially. A small pirate army can destroy everyone...

Xiao Lang also knew that this decision was crazy, and it seemed a bit absurd. Because after leaving the Black Sun Star Territory, there has been no chase. Everyone thought that he was too cautious and wouldn't say anything before. At this moment, abandoning the flying cloud disk, naturally a little bit of resistance.

Xiao Lang was silent for a while, glanced at everyone, and said: "Give you two choices. First, I will give you the flying cloud disk, and I can also give you a map of the chaotic space. You go to God's Domain by yourself. Second, follow me to the stone. Fengyu face, but the ugly words are in front, if those who leave by themselves are caught, never reveal our whereabouts, otherwise you know the consequences...

After talking, Xiao Lang lifted the control of the flying cloud disk and turned the flying cloud disk into something unowned. At the same time, he took out the map of the chaotic space and threw it on it. He walked into the room and jumped with Xiao Bai's body. Flying down from high altitude.

Xiao Moshen's knife didn't say a word, and didn't even look at the crowd, so he jumped down. Wuhen did not hesitate. He always believed that following Xiao Lang's future must be bright. He had reversed such a dangerous situation in Black Sun City. What could he worry about? The poisonous dragon followed his master wholeheartedly, so naturally there was nothing to say.

Mo Qingqing bit her lip, and finally jumped down. The rest of the people were dumbfounded, all their eyes were on Emperor Xian and Emperor Falling Ye. Emperor Xian broke through the demigod and the strength was the highest among several people. Emperor Xian was ranked third among the top ten supreme heaven emperors and had been famous for a long time.

Emperor Xian and Emperor Luo Ye looked at each other, and the two of them clenched their teeth and jumped down. It’s just that Emperor Leng, Emperor Ling and Emperor Ye Feiyang are left. The three of you look at me and I see you. They didn’t even want to dance. Finally, Emperor Ling said cruelly: "You are going to send you to death, and I will control Feiyunpan to leave. , At least there is a greater chance of Feiyun's life, flying to God's Domain will definitely be a dead end!"

Emperor Ling immediately released a trace of energy, quickly refining Feiyun disk, Leng Di and Ye Feiyang communicated in a low voice, and finally decided to take the Feiyun disk and leave quickly.

In fact, they all had some bottom in their hearts. Xiao Lang even dared to abandon the Feiyun disk. It is very likely that there will be chasing soldiers behind. But the trio thought that it would be dead if there was no Feiyun disk, and the relationship between the trio and Xiao Lang was actually not good, especially Leng Di and Ling Di, perhaps when Xiao Lang sold them.

At this moment, they can get the Feiyun Disk, and the three of them can escape to God's Domain and sell the Feiyun Disk. It is estimated that they will be able to obtain a lot of treasures and magic skills, and quickly improve their strength.

Soon Emperor Ling took control of all the restrictions on the Feiyun Disk, and the Feiyun Disk immediately broke through the air in the direction of God's Domain.


Xiao Lang stood on a huge rock in the area, and sighed as he watched the departure of Feiyun Pan. He is not afraid of a few people betraying them, after all, their family members are still in Tianzhou.

Xiao Lang soon took action again. From the space ring, he took out eight silver robes, eight silver hideous ghost masks, and eight pill, and handed them to the people: "Go and put on the robe, put on the mask and swallow the pill. Yao, immediately set off to fly towards the southwest, there are a few small areas over there, let's go there to hide!"

Mo Qingqing didn't say a word. He took the robe and changed clothes nearby. The others also took off their coats, put on their robe and mask, and swallowed the medicine. It turned out that after swallowing the pill, the breath on his body was completely hidden, and he suddenly felt magical.

The knife touched the crescent-shaped sign on the silver robe, and asked a little strangely: "Brother, what kind of robe is this? The material is very special, and it feels that it has a defensive effect?"

Mo Qingqing changed into a men's suit and put on a mask and walked out with a smile, "This is Xuanyuanshan's clothing, this pill is called Lian Xi Dan. Let's go, we dress like this, even if we meet ordinary warriors, we dare not do anything. The Xuanyuan family is very powerful in the Land of Destruction."

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