Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 15: Wanyan Home

Ling Di's words shocked Bai Mazi's spirits. He swept towards Ling Di and grabbed Ling Di's collar, and shouted coldly, "You didn't lie to me?"

Emperor Ling is also a character, able to bend and stretch, and immediately pleased with a smile: "The little one has a hatred against him, and I will never forget his voice. Otherwise, the little one will control the flying cloud disk to leave alone? Life is in the hands of adults, how dare to deceive them..."

Bai Mazi threw away Emperor Ling, controlled the flying cloud disk to avoid the big palm, stared at the flying cloud disk in front of him for a moment, and finally preached to the other two flying cloud disks: "Follow first, don't rely on it. too close!"

The three Feiyun disks immediately slowed down and followed behind, as if to see if Xiao Lang was a real member of the Xuanyuan family. If it is true, why is there no strong guard around him? If there is a strong, they will be so rude to follow, they will definitely get angry.

In the flying cloud disk in front, Xiao Lang's expressions finally changed when they saw Bai Mazi and they followed closely. However, he was still very calm inside, and continued to control the flying cloud disk to fly forward, wanting to see if the two nearby areas had an opportunity to withdraw from the enemy?

The result disappointed him!

The two domains were very small, and at a glance, there was nothing left. Xiao Lang could only grit his teeth and continue flying forward. He knew very well that it would not be long before the people behind should do it.

"call out!"


In a Feiyun disk behind, a flash of lightning suddenly shot through the sky, and it caught up with the Feiyun disk and blasted down suddenly.


Feiyun's disk trembled, the shield almost shattered, and the space tumbling a few times almost hit the surface of the domain. Mo Qingqing and the others turned pale, and the small knife and Xiao Devil Divine Poisonous Dragon released their aura, ready to pull one or two backs.

Xiao Lang still didn't give up, gritted his teeth to control the flying cloud disk to stabilize, and continued to fly madly forward.

"call out!"

After the attack, Xiao Lang still didn't respond. He was still flying in a panic, Bai Mazi was finally relieved. With a wave of the three flying cloud disks, they immediately accelerated. When the two sides were close to 100,000 meters, countless warriors shot out, all of them started energy attacks.

"call out!"

Nearly a hundred energy attacks struck like a storm, Xiao Moshen and Xiaodao stopped condensing energy and gave up resistance. Those hundreds of energy attacks can make the space tremble endlessly, such a terrifying attack is only in the Great Divine Realm.

Hundreds of great gods, even if they desperately die, they can't kill a single person...

Mo Qingqing closed his eyes sadly, then looked at Xiao Lang guiltily, wanting to say sorry to him.

Xiao Lang closed his eyes very strangely at this moment, his soul was out of his body, but that trace of soul did not dare to get out of the flying cloud disk shield. He also wanted to struggle to death, and he would never give up until the last moment.

Under the control of Xiao Lang, Feiyun Pan started a goblind move, flickering from left to right, rolling up and down, like a military fighter jet performing stunts.

And it is amazing that Xiao Lang easily avoided many attacks and flew by the edge of countless energy attacks. Each time I was blown over by the aftermath of energy and pushed over, but I was dangerously avoided again and again. The outer shield seemed to be broken many times, but in the end it just didn't break...


Everyone felt like watching a magic show, Mo Qingqing even covered her mouth, for fear of disturbing Xiao Lang. With so many energy attacks coming one after another, let alone controlling the flying cloud disk, it would be difficult for even a **** martial artist to dodge so dexterously, right?

The consternation returned to consternation, but the despair in everyone's heart still did not disappear. Feiyun Disk was delayed for some time due to this round of attacks. The hundreds of warriors behind had already caught up with them, their bodies shining brightly, and they were obviously ready to attack again. Although they are not as fast as the Flying Cloud Disk, they can withstand the next attack with the thin paper shield on the Flying Cloud Disk?

"call out!"

The flying cloud disk flew through the space between the two domains, suddenly turning around and flying around the left domain. The energy attack from behind poured out again, and the aftermath of an attack successfully shattered the shield of Feiyun Disk, and then randomly exploded Feiyun Disk to pieces.

"Escape! Fly to the left, hurry!"

Xiao Lang's aura came out violently, and instead of flying away immediately with a roar, he condensed energy to hit the palm of the hand, and then used the Thousand Chance Detonation to compress. The fusion magical skill was activated but did not hit the space between the two domains, but instead hit a corner of the domain.


The power of this fusion magical skill is comparable to the peak of the great god. Such a powerful force immediately exploded a corner of that small domain, and countless debris and debris whizzed up and shot at the group of warriors who were chasing.

Xiao Lang didn't want to fight after taking a palm. He immediately turned and flew forward, only to see a group of people standing in the air with eyes full of bitterness, desperately looking at the seven or eight flying cloud disks that quickly flew in the distance.

"What are you doing in a daze? All are idiots, the Feiyun disk over there is not in the same group as them, run away!"

Xiao Lang had long sensed that there were spatial fluctuations over there, and his soul exit state was the most sensitive to spatial fluctuations. Just now he asked everyone to fly over there.

After a loud roar, Xiao Lang took the knife and turned into an afterimage and flew forward, and everyone quickly followed. Mo Qingqing swept away and saw that there was a strange symbol on the flying cloud disk over there, with two large characters written beside it-Wanyan.

Mo Qingqing flew desperately, but she was not optimistic in her heart, because she knew very well that the caravan ahead was probably a caravan of a big family. Since it is a businessman or a big family, it is needless to say that everything is based on interests, who will be able to eat and help if there is nothing wrong?

"call out!"

The more than one hundred people behind and the three flying cloud disks were blocked for a moment, and soon they flew up again. Seeing Xiao Lang and the others desperately flying towards the flying cloud disk, they were not attacking with energy. After all, it's okay to have a conflict with a caravan, which is very stupid.

After seeing the word Wanyan on the Feiyun disk in front of him clearly, Bai Mazi frowned and immediately sent an order not to attack indiscriminately. He knew very well that the word "Wanyan" in the Land of Destruction had the same weight as the word "Xuanyuan".

Although there was no attack, Bai Mazi still surrounded him. He believed that the Wanyan family would not be nosy, and would give him a little bit of face. The caravan of the Wanyan family must walk in this area. The red fish domain of their family is rich in a kind of strange red fish, which is one of the main materials for refining the spirit pill.

Seeing that the pirates hadn't attacked, Xiao Lang and others were overjoyed, and quickly flew towards the seven or eight flying clouds.

"Go away!"

The seven or eight flying cloud disks didn’t mean to stop at the slightest. A cold, deep shout came from the Feiyun disk at the front. The cold breath instantly enveloped Xiao Lang and others, making them feel frozen. .

Needless to say, if Xiao Lang and the others dared to continue to approach, the strong in the caravan would definitely attack first. Mo Qingqing sighed solemnly, she knew this was the ending.

Xiao Lang didn't give up and shouted again: "Is it an adult from the Wanyan family? Next is the son of the Xuanyuan family who was hunted down by pirates. Please help me. When I return to the family, I will definitely tell the heavens to respect and thank you."

Pull the flag!

Although Xiao Lang knew that under the banner of the Xuanyuan family, it would be miserable if he went to God's Domain and was known by their family, but at the moment he couldn't take care of that much.

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