Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 16: You can get out!


The flying cloud disk slowed down and quickly stopped in mid-air. A stalwart man with white armor flew out of the first flying cloud disk. He walked a few steps in mid-air, staring at Xiao Lang for a moment before asking: " Are you sure you haven't lied?"


Before Xiao Lang spoke, a tall man flew out of the flying cloud disk in the distance. His skin was whiter than that of the female prisoner, and his face was pocky. He looked at the strong man in Wanyan's house and said, "This adult Please, in Xia Bai Mazi, this person is just a small domain martial artist, posing as a member of the Xuanyuan family in Hei Sun City, and offended Lord Hei Fan. No, Lord Hei Fan asked me to take it back."

"Bai Mazi? Hei Fan?"

The strong man of the Wanyan family glanced at Bai Mazi coldly, then turned around and walked towards Feiyun without saying a word, obviously not ready to take care of this.


All the faces of Mo Qingqing and others became completely white, and their last hope was shattered.

"Take it!"

Bai Mazi let out a deep cry, that voice sounded like a blast in the minds of Xiao Lang and others. It shook everyone's head and made everyone feel dizzy. Even Bai Mazi's men didn't even notice that Bai Mazi's men flew in. It was obviously a powerful soul attack.


When Xiao Lang and the others came back to their senses, they found that more than a dozen people had already flown. Xiao Lang first woke up and let out a roar. The energy in his body began to gather, and the fusion of magic skills was activated.

"Huh! Want to resist?"

Bai Mazi's voice sounded again, and the Prajna palm that Xiao Lang had just condensed immediately fell apart. Bai Mazi's strength is too strong, and his soul attack methods are also weird, not to mention Xiao Lang's strength, even at the peak of the Great God, there is no resistance.

"call out!"

More than a dozen people came through the sky, all of them looked grim, and surrounded by sharp claws, they were about to take everyone.

"and many more!"

A beautiful female voice sounded, and the Wanyan family expert who was just about to return to the Feiyun Disk had a meal. He glanced suspiciously at the Feiyun Disk in the middle, then suddenly turned around and shouted at the pirates who were about to take down Xiao Lang and the others. Get up: "I'm deaf? Didn't hear my lady say wait?"

More than a dozen pirates gave a certificate, and they took the hand that was about to be grasped, and looked back suspiciously, seeing Bai Mazi nodded and everyone immediately retreated, but they stood thousands of meters away beside Xiao Lang.

Bai Mazi also looked at Feiyun in the middle in confusion, and said politely, "Miss Wanyan? Any instructions?"

Xiao Lang and the others also woke up, their gaze swept over but they didn't see any figure. The lady from the Wanyan family didn't seem to want to show her face, she just spoke again: "Bai Mazi, let's go! This person can hold Prajna palm, even if he is not a child of the Xuanyuan family, he has something to do with the Xuanyuan family. Offend you Sorry!"

Just now Xiao Lang's Prajna palm was about to condense, but it was interrupted by Bai Mazi. The young lady apparently saw it, and she stopped aloud.

Bai Mazi froze for a moment but laughed. With a beckoned hand, Emperor Ling was taken out of the flying cloud disk. Bai Mazi flicked his sleeves and a violent wind blew up, and Xiao Lang and others were blown into the sky and staggered, all face masks Fly away.

He looked at the pale faces of Mo Qingqing and others, and said with a smile: "Miss Wanyan, these are just from Xiaoyu, and have nothing to do with the Xuanyuan family. I arrested them alone and can prove everything I said! "

Seeing Bai Mazi glanced faintly, Emperor Ling's body was cold, and he knew whether he could survive this moment. Therefore, fighting against the murderous gaze of Xiao Devil God with a knife, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I came out of the Tianzhou Territory with them. This is called Xiao Lang, this is called Xiao Devil..."

"call out!"

The battle axe of the **** of madness appeared in the hand of the knife, and he rushed forward with great anger and roared: "Ling Emperor, my ancestor 18th generation!"

Xiao Lang's face was very cold, but he hadn't been flustered, he burst into a burst of shouts for the first time: "Knife, come back!"

Xiaodao most listened to Xiao Lang's words, and immediately turned back when he heard it, but it was too late for him to return. Because everyone's faces and his actions successfully confirmed Ling Di's words. Bai Mazi smiled more happily, and his posture was lower. The strong man whose eyes were fixed on the Wanyan family didn't say much.

He knew that as long as people in the Wanyan family were not idiots, they would never care about it anymore, otherwise it would have offended him and the Hei family for no reason.


The strong man in the Wanyan family showed a trace of anger on his face, and turned his head to transmit the sound to the flying cloud disk in the middle, apparently asking for instructions from the distinguished lady.

"it is good!"

After a while, the strong man in the Wanyan family nodded, turned around and looked at Bai Mazi, and waved indifferently: "Okay, you can get out!"

Bai Mazi had a smile just now, thinking that Wanyan's family would definitely not be so stupid, offending two groups of people for the sake of a warrior in a small area. He suddenly became confused when he heard these words, and then the cold light in his eyes flashed into anger.

Xiao Lang and the others were startled, the faces of Emperor Luo Ye and Emperor Xian immediately showed ecstatic expressions. Mo Qingqing was also trembling with excitement. She was planning to commit suicide at all times. It is better to fall into the hands of these pirates to die than to live.

Xiao Lang's expression did not change, but the light in his eyes brightened a bit, and some did not understand why this Wanyan family lady was willing to help them?


The stalwart white man's face was cold, his breath flashed, and he said in a deep voice, "Did you hear me? Get out!"

Although this breath faded in a flash, Bai Mazi felt clearly. This man is also a god, but he is much better than him. He could only stare at Xiao Lang and the others in grief and anger, and shouted, "Withdraw!"

From **** to heaven again, everyone was very excited, and the look of the man in the Wanyan family became more respectful. Xiao Lang gave a clear cough, awakened everyone, and bowed his hands: "Thank you, my lord, for your help. I am so grateful!"

Mo Qingqing and the others hurriedly bent down and bowed down. The stalwart man had a cold face. He didn't even look at Mo Qingqing and the others. He just pointed at Xiao Lang and said, "You follow me."

Xiao Lang obediently followed the flying cloud disk in the middle, and the shield over there was also opened, entering the flying cloud disk Xiao Lang saw a woman with a body more graceful than a red bean.

The woman was covered with a light veil, and a Tsing Yi maid stood beside her. The maid was very beautiful and could be compared to He'er. The role of the personal maid is generally to set off the young lady, this maid is so beautiful, it is conceivable that this young lady is definitely a disaster at the level of the country.

The woman was sitting leisurely in the hall, reading a book, she didn't even glance at Xiao Lang. The drooping faint eyebrows were very beautiful, giving a noble and elegant feeling.

"Thank you Miss Wanyan for your help, I can't thank you enough!" Although this young lady didn't look at him, Xiao Lang's manners were still very thoughtful.

Miss Wanyan turned a page, looked for a while, raised her eyes, looked at Xiao Lang a few times, and said lightly, "Your name is Xiao Lang, right?"

Xiao Lang raised his brows, and looked at each other with Miss Wanyan's beautiful eyes, and quickly figured it out. It seems that this Miss Wanyan was there when there was a riot in Black Sun City, otherwise he would definitely not know his name.

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