Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 18: Can't enter God's Domain

Xiao Lang disagreed, because there were only more than 10,000 purple sacred stones, all of them the smallest in the ninth class, only the size of a fist. Compared with the one given by Mo Qingqing, Mo Qingqing felt Xiao Lang's gaze wry smile, and explained: "The purple sacred stone I gave you was left before the father went to the north. It was him. All the belongings! Do you think the purple sacred stone is so easy to get? Father, as the imperial child of the Celestial Demon clan, only has one thousand purple sacred stones for a year’s salary..."

Xiao Lang secretly exclaimed, this madman's subordinates are so rich. In fact, Xiao Lang didn't understand that the pirates were most afraid of death, and no one knew when they would be exterminated. Therefore, the wealth accumulated by the pirates for so many years has been carried with him. At this moment, it is cheaper for Xiao Lang.

"You have a share, half for you!"

Xiao Lang didn't care much about this thing, just as he did with profound stones back then. Mo Qingqing shook her head and pushed over and said: "You go to refine half of it, and the rest is spare, try to rely on these purple sacred stones to condense the divine body! That way your combat power can definitely increase a lot, maybe even under a sneak attack Can kill the gods."

Xiao Lang's spirits refreshed, and he quickly entered the room to practice. Anyway, Qing Yaoshi was enough, and there was less than half of the distance left. There was no need to enter the star field to supply supplies, and there would be no trouble.

The result made Xiao Lang very painful!

After absorbing the chalcedony in the purple sacred stone, he also didn't stay in the body for a moment, and was immediately divided by one thousand and eight acupoints. There was no way to transform his body at all, Xiao Lang even wondered if he could become a divine body in this lifetime?

After refining two thousand purple sacred stones, Xiao Lang didn't dare to go on extravagantly. If the purple sacred stone had no effect, it was better to keep it for God's Domain. And refining for the brothers, although the energy in the body with the purple sacred stone is growing at a speed several times faster than the absorption of chaotic aura.

Because the effect of the fusion of Thousand Chance Explosion and Prajna Palm is very good, Xiao Lang took out the "Dragon Elephant Technique" and wanted to see what is special about this magical skill, but he was a little disappointed. This magical skill is a palm skill. , The power is far from the Prajna palm, Xiao Lang has no intention of practicing. With nothing to do, Xiao Lang could only continue to absorb the chaotic aura and strengthen the energy gold beads.

Time flies quickly, spending more than four months in a calm and boring flight. Mo Qingqing's route is very good, this time there was no pirate attack.

It took about seven or eight months to ride such a flying cloud disk from Tianzhou to God's Domain. It had been three or four months before arriving in the Black Sun Star Territory. At this moment, after flying for more than four months, God's Domain was already in sight. Up.

The Emperor Luo Ye and the others left the pass, and they didn't close it. They just used the chaos aura to probably transform the energy in the body and dantian. Wuhen is still working hard to practice the storm spear technique, Xiao Moshen is also practicing Black Flame Palm, Xiao Lang also specially selects him a great **** weapon of the fire genus Xing.

"Well, Xiao Lang, come out! God's Domain is coming soon!"

After seven or eight days, Xiao Lang who was in retreat was awakened by Mo Qingqing's voice transmission, and he stopped practicing. I sensed the energy gold beads in the acupuncture points and found that all of them had increased. The largest energy gold ball had reached the size of a soybean, and the energy in the body was also abnormally surging, and the combat power increased again. After stepping out, everyone was out, Xiaobai also woke up, rushed over and squeaked affectionately.


At a glance, there was a huge continent floating in the chaotic space ahead, and they were still tens of thousands of miles above the edge of the continent. Sweeping down, I saw that the continent was boundless to the left, right and front. I didn't know how big it was. There was a faint white light shrouded in the periphery of the continent, and I didn't know what magical restriction was.

"Listen well, everyone. After arriving in God's Domain, everything must be kept low-key. Even if you are provoked, you must bear with it, and don't look at it indiscriminately, otherwise we will all die miserably if you offend the big people! If you die outside the city, you will die in vain!"

Mo Qingqing confessed cautiously, Xiao Lang nodded, and when everyone saw that their faces were solemn and a little excited, he said, "Two ways, first follow me, then absolutely listen to my orders. Second, you can leave by yourself. I will give you a handful of great **** soldiers and some purple sacred stones, the history of the gods!

Hearing Xiao Lang's words, Xiao Devil God Xiaodao Wuhen Poisonous Dragon had no objection, and the eyes of Emperor Xian and Emperor Luo Ye lit up. The Fallen Leaf Heavenly Emperor has been a little arrogant since he was a big figure in Tianzhou who has been famous for a long time. Being pressed by Xiao Lang, he felt a little unhappy. After all, following Xiao Lang, it is beneficial to reincarnate Xiao Devil and the others first.

Seeing the gazes of the two, Xiao Lang had a plan in his heart. The reason why he emphasized it again was to avoid the incident of Emperor Ling from happening again. He doesn't like being stabbed in the back once he is threatened. It is better to part ways earlier than that.

Mo Qingqing quickly controlled the flying cloud disk to fly downward. At first, everyone saw it vaguely. With the rapid landing, the scenery below gradually became larger and clearer.


Wuhen and Xiandi took a slight breath, and Xiao Lang and the others were also shocked.

The entrance to God's Domain is a super large circular square with a huge statue and 108 totem poles rushing into the sky. The statue can be seen clearly even if everyone is 100,000 miles away from the ground at this moment, like a huge mountain, and this sculpture gives people a feeling of suffocation at a glance.

"That is the statue of the Supreme God in the Land of Destruction, you must not show the slightest blasphemous look to this statue, otherwise you will be killed by the Destruction Legion on the spot, and you will follow me later."

Mo Qingqing confessed solemnly, and began to control the flying cloud disk to slow down. Xiao Lang quietly took out two space rings, which contained two great **** soldiers and two **** armors, as well as two thousand purple sacred stones and a book of the history of the gods.

Emperor Xian and Emperor Luo Ye took a look. There was a look of excitement and embarrassment in their eyes. Xiao Lang didn't say much but just nodded and said, "You two take care, if you have something to do in the future, I hope to take care of Tianzhouzi. people."

The two nodded heavily and did not say polite words, but they were still a little grateful. After all, Xiao Lang was helping them free of charge.

They and Ling Di Leng Di Ye flew up to God's Domain, and naturally they weren't here to play, but wanted to make a domineering business. In Tianzhou, they were crushed by Xiao Lang and could not turn over for a lifetime. Only when they came to the vast realm of God can they make a difference.

Soon the Feiyun Disk landed, and everyone flew outside. Xiao Lang put the Feiyun Disk into the Space Ring, only then slightly raised his eyes and scanned around.

There are three passages around the square leading to the God's Domain. Many people in the square walk in and out of the passage. But most of them were guards wearing black armor, standing neatly around the square.

Xiao Lang swept away and trembled, yelling "good fellow" in his heart.

There are at least thousands of black armored guards in this square, and the breath of these thousands of people Xiao Lang feels similar to that of Hei Fan, which means that all the black armored forces are-powerhouses above the level of gods.

"These are the Destruction Legion, the Legion directly under the Supreme God, don't talk and follow me!"

Mo Qingqing confessed in a low voice, and led everyone to the middle passage. Outside the passage was a huge stone gate, with hundreds of destruction legion guards on both sides.

Everyone followed Mo Qingqing through Shimen in a low-key manner, and did not dare to spit out the atmosphere, but when Xiao Lang walked through Shimen, Shimen suddenly lit up with a black light, and the nearly a thousand destruction legions on both sides immediately swept towards Xiao Lang, that one The momentary momentum almost made Xiao Lang kneel down.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang hadn’t made any movement yet, a strong body flashed and appeared in front of Xiao Lang, and then grabbed Xiao Lang’s arms with one hand, pinched the magical beast Xiaobai’s neck, and said in a deep voice: "This monster The beast already has spiritual intelligence, and cannot enter the God Realm but can only go to the Demon Realm, or... die!"

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