Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 19: Xiaobai left

Xiao Lang instinctively wanted to rescue Xiao Bai, but Mo Qingqing grabbed his hand for the first time. Mo Qingqing knew very well that if Xiao Lang moved, he would probably die, so he quickly took a step and stood in front of Xiao Lang. The powerhouse of the Destroying Legion slammed his hands and said: "This lord, they don't understand the rules when they come from the small domain, so do everything as you say!"

After Mo Qingqing finished speaking, he hurriedly sent a message to Xiao Lang: "Xiao Lang, don't move, or we will all die. Since your little beast has been discovered, it is absolutely impossible to enter God's Domain, bear it!"


Xiao Bai screamed in horror, and the green light in his eyes was still attacking. Xiao Lang hurriedly passed through: "Xiao Bai, don't move!"


The strong man of the Destruction Legion hummed coldly, flashed his body towards the side of the square, walked to the left area, surrounded by energy in his hand and hit a totem pole, and a teleportation array suddenly lit up on the ground next to it. The strong threw Xiao Bai into the teleportation array and teleported away instantly.


Xiao Lang's heart was extremely furious, Xiao Bai's eager eyes were filled with fear and reluctance, but at this moment he dared not move, even daring to show anger.

"Strength! Strength!"

For the first time, Xiao Lang had aroused fighting spirit in his heart, and he was extremely eager to have strong strength.

If he had the strength of God Ancestor Tianzun today, would this group of people dare to do so?

If he is the patriarch of the God's Domain family, do these people dare to do this?

God's Domain is more cruel than Tianzhou, there is no human touch here, above all strength. There are too many people in God's Realm, and the warriors in the area of ​​the Pavilion have flooded into God's Realm. There are so many warriors, not many more, and a lot of death.

Xiao Bai had been teleported away, Mo Qingqing's Voice Transmission let Xiao Lang know that Xiao Bai was not in danger for the time being, but was teleported to the Demon Realm. But the Demon Realm is as dangerous as the God Realm, who knows what will happen if Xiaobai goes there? Xiao Bai only has the strength of the emperor, his attack power is not strong, and his spiritual wisdom has just been activated. It is very likely that he will be killed by other monsters as soon as he enters the demon domain.

Thinking of what Xiao Bai was like just now, Xiao Lang's heart was dripping blood. Xiao Bai hadn't had much effect on Xiao Lang since he was a child, but he grew up with him. Xiao Lang has deep feelings for Xiao Bai. It was his childhood companion and his childhood memory. At this moment, he was forcibly taken away and sent to a completely strange and dangerous Jedi.


Mo Qingqing once again grabbed Xiao Lang's arm and dragged him away, Wuhen also grabbed the knife with one hand, and the Devil Xiao with the other, for fear that the two would impulse and do stupid things.


The strong man of Destruction Legion provocatively glanced at Xiao Lang arrogantly, standing next to him with a cold snort and jokingly looking at everyone. That kind of eyes hurt, like a cat watching a mouse.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Lang let out a breath, lowered his head deeply, and walked forward with heavy footwork. The passage was straight and smooth, but Xiao Lang felt unusually difficult to walk. Every time he lifted his feet, he was so heavy. .

Xiao Moshen, Xiaodao and the others also had a serious expression. They felt the same when they looked at Xiao Lang's lonely back, and looked at the straight bluestone road. They all knew that they had a long, long way to go...

On both sides of the Qingshi Road, the wilderness road is very wide. From time to time, there are warriors whizzing by from behind, and a large number of warriors come back from the front. Everyone is very low-key, no one dared to fly, and no one dared to take a flying cloud disk.

There are exceptions to everything!

A golden stream of color floated in the front, and a group of people stepped into the air. The old man in the front was shining with a golden armor, making people afraid to look directly. The more than a dozen warriors behind him were all so arrogant that they suppressed the nearby people from even moving. At that moment, the nearby space seemed to freeze, and everyone was given a hold technique.

The old man's hair was snow-white, but his face was as white as a baby. He looked into the distance without even looking down. The warrior behind him glanced at the people below. After Xiao Lang and the others were swept by that gaze, they felt a burning pain on their faces, and there was a panic of fear in the depths of their souls. It seemed that this person could kill them with a single look.

"call out!"

Their speed was very fast, and they flew out of God's Domain and disappeared into the vast chaotic space. The powerful pressure that enveloped everyone has slowly disappeared. Many passers-by even wiped their faces and sweat, and the back of the low-powered Emperor Luo Ye was completely wet...

"This person is Tianzun, and all the people he leads are strong ancestors!"

Mo Qingqing explained to everyone in a low voice and walked forward silently. Xiao Lang looked back, and everyone followed in the direction where Tianzun disappeared in silence, but his footsteps became heavier.

Not to mention Tianzun, a **** ancestor, a strong person, everyone feels that the soul is about to split, and the gods are really strong.

Half an hour later, five forks appeared in front of him, Mo Qingqing stopped, and introduced separately: "This is the road to the five mountains. On the left is the Qingshan collar, the site of Qingshan Tianzun. It is safer here. , Qingshan Tianzun doesn’t like the smoke and miasma of the people below, and he fights and kills all day long. The second one is leading to Xiaoyao collar, here is the most dangerous, because Xiaoyao collar has many crypts, and some purple holy stones can be emitted from the crypts The killing here is the most common. The third one is the poisonous bee collar. If I go to Black Mountain to lead the Black Snake City, I have to lead away from the poisonous bee. The wild beasts here are mostly known as poisonous bees and they are very dangerous. . The fourth way..."

Mo Qingqing obviously knew Xiao Lang’s intentions, and introduced it specifically. Xiao Lang turned his eyes to Emperor Xian and Emperor Luo Ye, and said through the sound: "You can continue to follow us for a while, of course, you can leave immediately. We are going to Poison Bee. collar."

Emperor Xian and Larch glanced at each other, Transmitted and exchanged for a while, and finally made a decision!

Sooner or later, it is better to leave early. Xiao Lang's strength is the first in Tianzhou, but he is no different from them in God's Domain.

The two chose to go to the safer Qingshan collar. The two and Xiao Lang bowed their hands, nodded to everyone, and left a sentence to stride towards the first road: "The green mountains do not change the long green water, there will be a period of time later. Everyone, treasure!"

Watching the two people leave, Xiaodao said with a bit of dissatisfaction: "It's two white-eyed wolves again!"


Xiao Lang shook his head and sighed, "It is right for them to choose to leave. It is not necessarily a good thing to follow me. Everyone has opportunities and fortunes for everyone, and the same is true for you. If you want to leave and go alone, I will support it. ! As long as you have a dream, you must chase and fight, no matter whether you can Long Xiao Nine Heaven or not, at least you can't let yourself leave regrets, right?"

Xiao Lang also had a dream, that is, to arrive at Xuanyuan Mountain as soon as possible, and to return to Tianzhou immediately after handling the matter. This is Xiao Lang's current pursuit. Xiaobai was forcibly taken away, making his heart heavier, and he didn't have the slightest affection for God's Domain.

Everyone will naturally not leave. The hearts of several people are all screwed together, and they can give their backs to each other. At this moment, it will be safer to walk together with one heart.


Xiao Lang's energy surrounded him, and he quickly ran towards the third road with a big wave. Xiao Moshen Wuhen and the others were also touched by Xiao Lang's words, staring fiercely at the road ahead, and Xiaodao shouted in a low voice: "God's Domain, your grandpa is here, your grandpa will stand in this place sooner or later. The pinnacle of the land."

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