Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 44: committed to


Luoshan and Luoshui have already started fighting with the nine gods. The nine left four to deal with Luoshan and Luoshui. The other five flew around, chasing and killing the caravan warriors, as long as they were killed by the caravan. .

"What are you doing with me..."

Dulong actually wanted to say that more people meant bigger goals, and he didn't dare to go too fast with Xiao Lang on his back. I was afraid that Xiao Lang would be interrupted during his enlightenment, and there would be a problem with his soul. He wanted to get rid of the group of people behind, but there were two great gods in this group, and the remaining two followed closely.

Everyone was lucky. The gods who were chasing him didn't fly here, and everyone ran all the way. Although the young master had changed his face, the color of horror in his eyes was still very obvious.

Running madly all the way, panicking and undecided, the poisonous dragon ran away for a moment, his eyes flashed, he found a hidden place, and burrowed in directly. Those few people did not hesitate and followed down! Luo Shui explained carefully just now that the only way to go to Wanyanling alive is to follow Xiao Lang and Dulong.

This young master didn't understand why Luoshui arranged this way, but he chose to believe in Luoshui. If it weren't for Luoshui, he would have died more than ten times.

The poisonous dragon looked at the four people who followed, his eyes were full of anger but didn't say anything, just a palm smashed the upper passageway, and then buried all of them alive.

"Don't move all, and don't release any breath, otherwise everyone will die!"

Everyone was in astonishment, and the cold voice of the poisonous dragon came. This trick was not what he thought of but was taught by Xiao Lang. The same poisonous dragon believed in Xiao Lang very much.

Although he was buried alive, he couldn't die for a while. The young master was very uncomfortable, but he was still silent by the two great gods around him.

As time passed bit by bit, the feeling of being buried alive was very uncomfortable, and the fear in my heart was more uncomfortable than being buried alive. Everyone smelled the foul smell of the soil and listened to the sound of their hearts jumping faster.

Long time, long time!

The young master is having trouble breathing, and the poisonous dragon finally leapt up and probed around. Then he said to the person who emerged from the ground: "You can follow us. You can follow my instructions. Now you can change everything. A black robe! The face is also covered with black cloth."

Everyone escaped without hesitation. They took out the black robe from Xumi Jie, and the poisonous dragon put Xiao Lang down and put on a black robe, covered in black gauze, and put a black cloak on Xiao Lang before he began to drink. : "Follow me!"


Poisonous mist suddenly appeared from the poisonous dragon, enveloped everyone in it, and then rushed towards the distance. Everyone became blind, only knowing that they were running along with the poisonous dragon all the way, but there was a divine sense to investigate, so they wouldn't hit a tree or something.

The poisonous dragon does not take the big road or the small road, wherever there is no road to go, wherever the terrain is complicated. Found a huge cave after half a day. The dark inside the entrance of the cave was delayed towards the inside, and I didn't know how deep it was and what monsters were inside.


No matter how many poison dragons are, they should hide first and wait for Xiao Lang to leave. He was not sure to take everyone to escape, everything had to rely on Xiao Lang. As for whether there are wild beasts in this cave, he has not considered it. Desolate beasts are better, and they can hide the breath of everyone.

"Punch, punch!"

There were a lot of desolate beasts in the cave, a dull scream sounded, and then suddenly countless ant-like desolate beasts appeared in front of them. They were only the size of a fist, but their eyes were yellow, and the white teeth at the corners of their mouths were cold. I can't see the margins, and I don't know how many.

"Kill! Don't attack with energy."

The poisonous dragon gave a deep cry, and a great **** pinnacle behind him had already rushed up, and a war knife in his hand slew the ant beast that came forward.


A spark lit up, and the blow of the Great God's pinnacle didn't kill the ant wild beast, but knocked it into the air, and it seemed that it hadn't been injured at all.

"This is indeed a golden stone ant. Dulong, let's find another place! The defense of this golden stone ant is hard to break even if we are the two leaders!"

The great **** pinnacle warrior kept swinging his sword and knocking the ants into the air, turning his head and shouting deeply. The poisonous dragon didn't move, but just covered the poisonous mist on his body to see if it could corrode these golden stone ants.


The toxin had no effect at all, but instead angered the stone ants, all rushing outside in anger.

"Let's go!"

The poisonous dragon also sighed helplessly. There were so many wild beasts here, if they could be repelled, it would be a good hiding place, but unfortunately they were not strong enough.

The other warriors and the young master also sighed helplessly, and turned and left. Just then a voice sounded: "Don't go, just do it, this is an ideal hiding place."

Dulong dune's face suddenly burst into light, and he turned around and exclaimed: "Master, are you out of the barrier?"

Xiao Lang leaped lightly, nodded, and countless love words appeared on his body, illuminating the cave, and the colorful rays of light shone and slowly rotated, like a dream!

"call out!"

One by one, the love words entered the golden stone ants, and those golden stone ants who had rushed in madly stopped, their eyes were confused.

"Well, what magical power is this?"

The young master and the others were stunned, watching the love characters shoot out like a rune, and easily shook a group of stone ants in place, very curious.

Dulong knew that Xiao Lang was cultivating Qing Dao, and he had also domesticated ten thousand beasts in Tianzhou before, but he did not expect that Qing Dao would be so powerful? Can you tame wild beasts?

Xiao Lang didn't explain, each love word kept popping up, and each love word could domesticate a golden stone ant. Those domesticated golden stone ants leaned over, and there was a hint of flattery in their eyes?

"Let's go!"

Xiao Lang walked inside and kept typing love words to domesticate golden stone ants. Only half an hour later, he had domesticated millions of stone ants, but there was still a steady stream of golden stone ants emerging from the passage.

Walking all the way inward and domesticating all the way, after another half an hour, everyone found that the inside passage began to split, and it was still seven or eight. Obviously this channel was opened up by stone ants. After more than three million stone ants were domesticated, no stone ants came out finally. Xiao Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead and stopped releasing love characters.

An idea passed away, and the stone ants rushed out of the passage one after another, and then spread all over the nearby mountains. These domesticated golden stone ants became Xiao Lang's eyes and could monitor everything nearby.

Xiao Lang and the others went around in a maze for a while, and finally found a small cave. There are too many passages in it, crisscrossing, and most people are afraid that they can't get out even if they walk in.

"That's it!"

Xiao Lang gave a light command, let everyone sit down, and he began to speak with Dulong to inquire about the situation. After listening, Xiao Lang frowned, and for a moment, he focused on the young master and asked, "Are you from the Wanyan family? What is the relationship between Wanyan Ruoshui and you?"

The young master's eyes shrank, then he immediately lowered his head and said after a long silence: "She is my half-sister!"


Xiao Lang was thoughtful, but quickly said firmly: "If Miss Shui is kind to me, don't worry! In any case, I will find a way to take you to Wanyan collar."

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