Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 45: Love

Wan Yan Ruo Shui Wan Yan Ruyu's two sisters are named Zhen Shenyu, and they are the leaders of the younger generation. Last time on their way to Shenyu, there was a powerful **** ancestor in that small caravan, and whether there was ancestor Xiao Lang And know.

This powerful **** ancestor was very respectful towards her, which fully explained a problem. The two sisters of Wanyan Ruoshui had a high status in Wanyan's family, and Wanyan Ruoshui's father was certainly not unknown.

That being the case, it is very strange that the young master of the Wanyan family, who was a half-father, was chased and killed, and Luoshui famously said that there was a problem within the family. Xiao Lang didn't know what kind of secrets and interest entanglements were hidden in it. He didn't want to ask either, it is estimated that the young master would not say either.

He just knew that Wanyan Ruoshui was kind to him, and that Luoshui Luoshan took care of him before he died. This is also a kind of trust. In addition, he was going to Xuanyuan Mountain Ling near Wanyanling, so he did not hesitate and gave a promise of sufficient weight. This promise Young Master and the other great gods didn't understand, but Dulong was quite clear that Xiao Lang was ready to die.

"Well, you guys have a rest! Don't worry, there is me for everything!"

Xiao Lang left a sentence to retreat and began to sit cross-legged. Everyone looked at each other in such a manner, but he felt relieved inexplicably. Although Xiao Lang still didn't condense the divine body, he still gave people a strong sense of security.

The poisonous dragon also closed his eyes and rested. He didn't ask Xiao Lang whether his strength in refining Chaos Stone had been greatly improved. He only believed that it was right to follow Xiao Lang, that was enough!

Everyone was frightened along the way. They sat cross-legged for a while and quickly settled down, and began to recharge. The pale face of the young master also recovered a trace of blood. Looking at the indifferent Xiao Lang, there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

It was pitch black inside the cave, and everyone stayed inside, not knowing what was going on outside, or even how long time had passed.

"Someone has come to search for the mountain, and all the breath is reduced, and no sound is allowed!"

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Lang's low voice awakened everyone, and everyone quickly reduced their breath, not daring to spit out the atmosphere. Xiao Lang opened his eyes for a moment, and the stabbing people's eyes hurt like an electric light cut through the night sky. He immediately closed his eyes again, wondering what he was doing.

The cave where they are located is in a low valley. At this moment, there are golden stone ants lurking in the whole valley and nearby mountains. A divine monarch warrior wearing a night walker flew fast at low altitude, his stern gaze swept around, and his mighty divine consciousness carefully checked the surroundings, not missing a trace.

"Punch, punch!"

At this moment, countless golden stone ants drilled in the rocks, bushes, and gaps below, bursting into the air one after another, and their white teeth and sharp claws slid towards the martial artist.


Divine Sovereign Martial Artist was a little surprised, he found some wild beasts here all the way. But the breath is not strong, and I didn't care, it turned out to be a golden stone ant at this moment?

He quickly shot out a burst of energy in his hand, knocking the golden stone ants into the air. He did not dare to make a strong attack for fear of causing loud noises. So these golden stone ants were all knocked into the air, and soon burst out again.

"The attack power of the golden stone ants is not strong, but the defense is very tai. With so many golden stone ants nearby, it shouldn't be possible for that evil species to hide nearby?"

The God Sovereign Martial Artist murmured, his body quickly turned around a few times, his consciousness swept around, and he was about to leave.

"Huh? There is a cave?"

When the **** warrior was about to leave, he explored the hidden cave, but when he saw tens of thousands of stone ants flying out of the cave, he immediately rejected the idea that there was someone hidden inside. After another investigation, a group of stone ants flew away quickly.

The golden stone ants will struggle even if the gods martial artists want to kill, unless the gods are on the peak, they will also flee against millions of golden stone ants. The defensive power of this ghost is too outrageous, it is simply Xiaoqiang who can't kill it.

After the divine monarch warrior left, the golden stone ants all over the mountains quietly hid, and the surroundings recovered calm. Xiao Lang suddenly opened his eyes, and said lightly, "It's okay, no one will come over here these days! Um... we will rest here for a month, and we will leave for Wanyanling in a month."

Xiao Lang's words made everyone feel relaxed. They didn't know what magical powers Xiao Lang used, or they were simply playing mystery. But even if it is a lie, they can relieve their tense nerves for a moment.

Xiao Lang was calm on the surface, but a little excited inside!

This golden stone ant actually has such a strong defense? The attack of the gods just now, he felt clearly through the contact with the stone ant.

Can the gods and martial artists be killed? He domesticated three or four million? Although this golden stone ant has a pitiful low attack power, it can be scary to pull it out! Ordinary warriors, even a small army, will detour when they encounter millions of stone ants, right?

"This time the sentimental sentiment really helped a lot, not only the sentimental extremity. The power of sentimental injury, sentimentality, sentimentality, sentimental death, sentimental killing has been enhanced! This sentimental sentiment can actually tame the wild beasts of the gods, no Do you know if you can domesticate stronger beasts?"

For the first time, Xiao Lang had a strong confidence in going to Xuanyuan Mountain. If nothing else, even these millions of stone ants would be millions of pairs of eyes! With this golden stone ant, he knew everything about millions of miles around him. It is not impossible for him to go to Xuanyuan Mountain to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

"Because of Xiao An's birth last time, I realized that love kills, and I don't know what magical powers it is. What kind of methods does this love now have? I have to try it another day!"

Xiao Lang pondered secretly again. He had been aware of the fifth situation of Qing Dao killing him for a long time, and he probably knew that it was a soul-like supernatural power. He just tried it casually, and there was no reaction at all when he hit people and beasts. This makes him very strange, and there has been a lot of things, and there is no time to think carefully.


Moved by his mind, he condensed a love word. The word "Qing" is pure white and has a sacred meaning. It is very comfortable to show people, but I don't know what it is for.

"Try it!"

After watching for a while, ignoring everyone's suspicious eyes, Xiao Lang put away the love character, and once again released the sixth state of emotion, "Qing Jue", this release scared everyone.

Xiao Lang suddenly released colorful rays of light, and then a huge love letter whizzed out from behind him, that pure black love letter! Everyone’s hearts trembled as soon as this love character appeared, and all their eyes were attracted by this love character. The poisonous dragon and the two great gods were on the peak. The little young master and the other two were so frightened that they collapsed. Trembling.


Xiao Lang also felt the power of this love word, and quickly put it away, and glanced at the confused and terrifying eyes of everyone. He probably has a little understanding of the sixth situation of Qingdao in his heart!

This is a kind of attacking magical power, mixed with physical energy attacks and soul attacks, and it is very powerful, and it is definitely not weaker than the power of the fusion of Prajna Palm and Thousand-Kick Explosion.

"Congratulations, master, the power of your affection is several times stronger! I am afraid that the martial artist in the early stage of the gods will be able to fight!"

The poisonous dragon woke up, and quickly said respectfully. The other two great gods looked at each other, and they saw fear in each other's eyes, and they were completely convinced by Xiao Lang. Even if he is not a **** body, he can issue such a terrifying attack. I am afraid that Xiao Lang is the only person in this **** domain?

The young master's eyes lit up, and he wanted to say a few words to woo him, but in the end he didn't say it.

Xiao Lang didn't have time to pay attention to everyone, his heart was very shocked. It is not the power of Qingjue, but the energy consumed by the release of Qingjue!

After the release just now, he suddenly felt that his body was hollowed out, and he quickly looked inside, and he discovered that the energy gold beads in the one thousand and eight acupoints were all one-tenth smaller!

In other words... he has cultivated for so long, refining countless profound stones, absorbing chaotic profound energy, plus all the energy accumulated by refining the purple sacred stone, and he can only release ten times of "Love Absolute".

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