Demon King Dad

: The second year story 053, the cheapest guard

"Master! You must remember to bring me souvenirs!"

"Firth! What are you talking about! How can Master Dai Lao bring us souvenirs?"


"I only think of eating. Master Dai Lao! You have to take care of your body! Don't forget that your body is the most concerned thing of our Minghuo family!"

"Yes, yes! Master, take care of your health! The Holy Shield family is also very concerned!"

The train started slowly, and a roaring whistle sounded. With the departure of this desert-specific magic train, the people on the platform cheered to see off the Princess of the Buck Empire!


The surrounding scenery quickly receded, and Walnut kept waving her hands, until after the platform was no longer visible, she retracted her head from the window a little bit reluctantly.

"Princess, you shouldn't stick your head out, that would be dangerous."

Dai Lao said softly.

Walnut curled her lips and said, "Well... they sent me so enthusiastically, I should also thank them. But having said that, only you among my classmates was able to attend this event, which disappointed me a bit. ...I originally thought that more people would come together."

Delao laughed. He took off the cloak from his shoulders and gave it to the maid, reached out his hand to hold the walnut wrist, kissed it, and said, "It may be a pity. But although we have lost the excitement, we also have peace. The endless desert In the middle, lying on the soft sand and admiring the unobstructed galaxy, this situation is still better than lively, isn't it?"

Walnut frowned, thinking about it this way. No matter how tangled the matter is now, it is useless. She also took off the cloak and handed it to Dai Lao, who took it and gave it to the maid. Then, mixing walnuts' hands, he walked slowly towards the second floor of the magic train.

This train is a luxury train. In addition to dedicated private bedrooms, it also has a restaurant, recreation room, smoking room, banquet hall, meeting room and many other rooms. It's like the leisure tea room where the two are going to be divided into two floors. Rather than saying that this is a train, it is more appropriate to say that it is a mobile private villa.

Walnut and Dai Lao sat down at both sides of the table, ordered a meal, and prepared to chat while enjoying the scenery outside. The waiter went down, and then there was another footstep, extremely slightly... stepped up.

"His Royal Highness? Hehe, Your Royal Highness, how are you."

While talking, a gloomy voice came from the side abruptly. Hearing this sound, Walnut couldn't help but shiver. Turning her head, she saw a man who was bent over, about 40 or 50 years old, bald, and with a fist-sized tumor on his right head appeared in front of him. He smiled at her.

To be honest, this person's appearance is really terrifying. Especially the tumor on the top of his head, the walnut he saw was almost about to spit out his breakfast. She was taken aback, and quickly shrank into the chair.

"You... are you...?"

After forcibly maintaining his composure, Walnut asked.

The man smiled, bending his waist more severely, and said: "Back to the princess, the villain is nicknamed Malignant Tumor. He is the guide for your trip to the princess. In fact, in addition to the tour guide, the villain also has an errand in the palace. , Is the warden of Death Gate Prison. Hehe, hehe."

This person is always smiling, nodding and bowing constantly. I don't know if it was because of excitement that the tumor on his head gradually began to congestion and became a little stronger.

Walnut frowned and saw that the other guards around did not respond, and Dai Lao had the courage to continue after seeing his acquaintances: "You are... the director of the death gate... the warden? Called... …cancer?"

"Yes, yes! The beautiful princess~~~!" Hearing Walnut calling him, the malignant tumor became more excited, and his voice was a little elevated and trembling. "Your Majesty does not dislike it. The villain is only a mere intermediate level. Talented people can come to your princess and protect you! Your Royal Highness, please do whatever you want! Even if I go through fire and water, I am obliged!"

Seeing the bloodshot and swollen tumor, Walnut only felt a little nauseous. But she also knew that a person can never be measured by appearance. You can’t just say that people are terrible because of their parents’ ugliness, right? The messenger of justice never stops fighting because the bad guy is so beautiful.

Besides, this person has the intermediate level of pure spirit? In other words, is it a strong person at the same level as Cui Te?


Walnut replied, but the malignant tumor over there wanted to continue to flatter, but Dai Lao came out to make a round. Due to the goodwill of the Goodsey family, the malignant tumor couldn't continue to entangle, so he could only laugh twice before leaving. But when his figure disappeared from Walnut's line of sight, the humble voice just raised immediately, turning into a reprimand and order, critically directing the maids and male servants.

Dai Lao glanced at Walnut and saw her expression a little puzzled. It just so happened that refreshments were also delivered. The little gentleman took a sip of the teacup and said, "Don't care too much. Although this person is good, he is naturally ugly, and because of his ugly appearance. He has a strong inferiority complex, which makes his character a little bullying and fearful of toughness. I have heard from my father that your majesty also arranged him as the warden in the Death Gate Prison because of his pity for him and his good strength. It's easy to get close to you, one of the best princesses in the Bucks Empire. He must be hoping to take this opportunity to perform well and improve his status."

Dai Lao said these words calmly. As the successor to the title, Dai Lao is not a kid who knows nothing. He has been well educated about the things in the position since he was a child. He knows what a person will do if he wants to climb up, so these things that only adults know in the past are no surprise.

But Walnut didn't quite understand it. There are not so many complicated things in her world, and she doesn't know how many people's destiny can be affected by a good word and a bad word of her own. The princess has watched too many operas, and he has watched too much of the usual heroic history books. In the most common language, you can only see the light, but not the darkness.

Walnut smiled awkwardly and drank black tea with her head down. When she put the black tea down, she suddenly saw a line of sight from the reflection of the car window glass. She immediately turned her head and saw the source of the sight-a little girl less than two years old.





The little girl murmured a few times, and when she noticed that she was staring at her, she immediately turned around and hid behind the person holding her hand. And that person has iron chains on his hands and feet, a black hair, a frosty face for thousands of years, and those frozen eyes that never show any emotion...look at her.

The gaze, just like that occurs in the moving train. The carriage fell silent for a while, and there was nothing to hear except the sound of the sound. But ten seconds later...


Walnut suddenly jumped up, pointed her finger at the idiot, and let out a scream! Her scream shocked the guard beside her, and also shocked Dai Lao. After noticing the sight of others, Walnut forcibly swallowed the lower half of the word "ah", pretended to be a lady again, and sat back in his seat.

"you you……!!!"

Walnut gritted his teeth, pinched the fork in his right hand, and raised his head very puzzled. Dai Lao followed Walnut's sight and saw the idiot and the bun, and the gentleman demeanor he had just seen immediately turned into contempt and disgust.

The idiot changed to a cleaner long-sleeved cloth. Judging from the lack of patches and cracks on this suit, it should be a new purchase. It's the same with Little Bread, changed into a new dress. But their new clothes looked extremely shabby in comparison with the clothes on Walnut and Dai Lao, even inferior to the clothes of the lowest servant here. Dai Lau couldn't help but pinch his nose to the idiot standing in front of him, and waved--

"Guard, guard! What is going on?"

A guard came up and after seeing the idiot, he replied: "Mr. Goodsay, this kid is a handyman in your school. He will accompany us on this journey and be responsible for serving tea and water, etc. ."

Dai Lao frowned, glanced at the idiot from the corner of his eye, showing a look of contempt again. But before he could continue to ask, the walnut over there couldn't help it, stood up again, pointed at the idiot, and said loudly: "How did you come up! And why are you accompanying me on this journey? ?!"

At first sight of an idiot, Walnut's mind is the first thing he threatened and deceived by him, not the thing he saved. It's no wonder she will have such a big rejection. In fact, think about it carefully, her...indecent photos are still well hidden by this idiot! As long as those photos do not come back one day, it is impossible to let this little pervert one day be relieved!

The idiot didn't answer, he just continued to scan the walnut with those invisible eyes. After a while, he took out a mission briefing from his arms and handed it over.


Walnut grabbed the task brief and opened it. Dai Lao was also a little curious, and came along. I saw a big letter "D" knocked on the first page of the mission briefing, showing that this mission is the least dangerous and least technically D-level mission.

Open it again, the task brief is really concise, just one sentence——

"Take care of the princess of the Bucks Empire, Walnut Durea Frihus, and send him back to Fengchusha City safely."

Remuneration: Seven Sura Four Inel. The client at the back says "Campa".

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