Demon King Dad

: The second year story 054, a small confrontation

I'm crazy about this person.

She can't figure it out, she really can't figure it out. What kind of task is this? Why did Campa send such an idiot to take care of himself when he was such a princess, surrounded by so many guards, and accompanied by Dai Lao, the strongest power among the younger generation? Why should he take care of me?

"What's the matter?" Walnut shook the mission briefing, and said irritably, "I tell you, you are not qualified to'take care of' me. I don't know how you tricked Mr. Campa into giving it to me. Your mission is, but I will never accept it! Go, ask the conductor to stop at the next transit oasis and let him go down."

Not to mention Walnut doesn't understand, even the idiot himself doesn't understand. But there is one thing he understands very well, that is, compared to the last hunting mission of Warcraft, this mission is really much easier, a lot...

Back in time a week ago, the idiot walked into Campa's office, took the task briefing, and waited for Campa's answer. Campa’s answer is full of no care, no care. He took the wine glass and drank bit by bit, as if tasting the wine was the main thing, but just by the way told him the task.

"Idiot, this is a D-level mission job. You know what our father-in-law went to watch the sand recently, right? But because the students cannot participate in this trip, the princess's peers are relatively It seems to be much less. You are not a student in our school and do not need to complete your studies, so I have applied for such a place for you so that the princess will not have many peers to be company during the journey."


"Hehe, I know what you are thinking. Are you thinking that this mission briefing said that you will bring the princess back safely. Doesn't it seem like a mission to **** the dignitaries? Escort the dignitaries, and you are still a princess Under the circumstances, why is there only a D-level mission? And the mission reward is only seven Sura Si Inel?"


"It's very simple, because although it is an escort, in fact your work is not that heavy at all. You only need to accompany the princess, and then take the magic train and go back around. There are so many princesses. The guards and soldiers of the United States, as well as Dylaw Goodsay, where will you take your turn to play? Moreover, you are not qualified to play at all."


"To sum up, just follow the instructions in the briefing. Go out with the princess for a while, and then send her back safely. You don't need to do anything extra to make money. This job , Do you accept or not?"


Holding that D task, the idiot got on the magic train. And because of the mission briefing and Campa's stamp, no one stopped him and asked him to walk in directly.


Upon receiving Walnut's order, a soldier agreed, and he was going to inform the conductor. The idiot looked at the back of the soldier leaving with cold eyes, as if what the other party was going to do had nothing to do with him. On the contrary, Bread vaguely sensed that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit unpleasant. She gently pulled the idiot's clothes and let out a whirr.

The idiot stretched out his hand, held Bun's shoulder, and put his arms around her.

Walnut was originally angry, but when she saw the little bread, she finally flashed in her mind that she had almost killed this little baby girl and was saved by an idiot once. Look at this idiot, he doesn't seem to be rich enough to take the train back to the sand city. If he were tossed at the transit station, wouldn't it be equal to...exile him?

"Hold on!"

Walnut immediately stopped the soldier, and she looked up and down the idiot, her heart tangled. On the one hand, she has to consider that the idiot saved her share and her guilt for the bread. On the other hand, this person made her hateful teeth itchy again! After thinking repeatedly for about ten minutes, the little princess finally patted the table and snorted—

"Okay! I'll let you stay! But then I will pay off everything I owe you! From now on, you owe me, not I owe you!"

Thinking of those photos, Walnut's face could not help but blush. Dai Lao on the side originally hoped that the idiot would be driven away, so as not to cause visual pollution to himself. But he discovered that this idiot hadn't said a word since he appeared, and the princess actually agreed to him to stay?

Dai Lau's self-esteem does not allow this to happen. Not only this **** commoner appeared in front of him, but also because of the mission briefing!

What does this task mean? I mean, Dylaw Goodsay is unable to protect the princess, do you have to do this beggar again?

At the thought of this, Dai Lao's expression fell completely gloomy. He raised his head, glanced at the idiot, and suddenly sneered: "People, do you know what identity the people standing here need?"


The idiot looked at him without saying a word. You can't talk too much in front of people you trust, let alone people who don't trust? Having said that, I am afraid there is really no one to trust.

When Dai Lao saw him not speaking, the corners of his mouth twitched. He squeezed the teacup, drank half of it, then pointed to the teapot on the table and said, "fill it for me."

I was stupefied, looking at the teapot. Seeing that he hadn't reacted for a while, Dai Lau couldn't help but smile. Because he was confident, his tone just now was definitely a somewhat insulting tone, and it was very condescending. If this person can hold on to his dignity because of his contempt, and refuse to fall, then he has a chance to make trouble. I’m afraid it’s okay to throw him out of the window immediately!

However, when his mouth just opened and he didn't even pronounce a syllable, the idiot had already picked up the teapot and filled it for Dai Lao...

"...My shoes are dirty. Wipe me clean."

Do it.

"Go, pour me a cup of hot water."

Bring hot water.

"Too hot! Give me a warm cup."

Change over.

"...This is warm? Does your hand feel? Why is it so cold? Go change me a glass!"

Change another cup.

In this way, he changed more than a dozen cups in a row, and the soldiers next to him started to sympathize from the beginning to secretly mocking the boy for being too stupid and stupid.

At first glance, this is just a simple pour job. But in fact, this is a very famous intelligence test. You want hot water, not cold water. If you say that the water is too cold, just take out the cup of hot water just now and pour it into the cold water? In this way, Dai Lau can confirm the temperature of the water by himself, instead of running like this over and over again.

No way, an idiot really is an idiot. It's an idiot as the name suggests. Why is the gap between people so big? Why is there such a big difference in IQ between a genius and an idiot?

He kept changing like this, until a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the walnut beside him could not stand it. After softly reminding, Dai Lao nodded contentedly and asked the idiot to put down the water glass. But after putting it down, he pushed the cup of warm water aside, signaled that he was disdainful of drinking the water he poured, and picked up the black tea cup again to drink. At the corner of his mouth, a scornful smile overflowed.

"Go on. You don't need you here. I'll call again when something happens."

Dai Lau had completely used the idiot as a servant, and the idiot nodded without objection, and took the bread and walked down.

The train is speeding.

The idiot stood on the first floor of the tea room, calmly looking at the sand dunes that whizzed past the window. The magical train travels at high speed, even if the railroad tracks are buried by the sand dunes, it can plunge in and pass through the middle of the sand dunes, leaving behind a roll of flying yellow sand.

"Come, tell me your purpose."

The blood pupil opened a gap and looked at the idiot with interest. The soldiers patrolling around didn't even look at him, and walked straight over.


"Hey, hey, don’t tell me what you don’t know to tell me! Even if you seal me immediately, and seal me for thousands of years, I won’t believe it. You won’t see the fastest solution to the hot and cold water just now. Plan. And you are so stupid as to be an idiot, so what is the reason for giving him such a drink?"

The idiot lowered his head, Bread was holding his hand, raised his head, and looked out the window as the train rushed into the sand dune. The idiot bowed his head at the soldier next to him, and pointed at Bun. The soldier waved his hand and agreed impatiently before he put the bun on the seat.

The idiot answered Dim Mie's question in his heart when Little Bread was lying on the window to watch the scenery outside.

"Because... my purpose is not to save effort, but to stay."

"Oh? Interesting. Tell me about it."

"If I did that, Dai Lao would embarrass me because he didn't embarrass me, and he would see me getting more and more unpleasant. In the next few days, he would want more harsh things to embarrass me. If I still don’t suffer. Live, then he might say nothing and just throw me out of the window."

The soldier walked past the idiot, and in his opinion, the child beside him was just standing.

"Hehe, that's why you acted very dull on purpose, just to make everyone think that you are really stupid, and to let the young master vent his anger."

The idiot nodded. Having grown up on the dark side of Senag since he was a child, he knows his position very well. If you want something, then move forward with the goal you want. In addition, any morality, dignity, and law can all be ignored.

The purpose of the idiot is to stay, not to fight against Dai Lao. It is not to let Dai Lao know how quickly he can see through this method, and then tell him how much effort he can save, how mentally retarded and vulnerable the so-called making things he proposed is. Dignity may be very valuable to Dai Lao, but to an idiot, it is far from the reality of the seven Suraliu Inel. It made Dai Lao feel better, and he stopped thinking about getting out of the car, and the goal was achieved. Run a few more times, pretend to be stupid and stupid. What's the matter?

After sneering twice, An Mie kept silent. The idiot was also content with this quietness, looking at the dust rolling outside because of the train.


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