Demon King Dad

: The second year story 055, the trouble caused to civilians

The quiet journey lasted for three days, and the train continued to advance in the dead desert, crossing the dunes. Idiots do some miscellaneous work in it, and eat with the servants during meal time. Although it is not as good as Walnut, Dai Lao, and several other dignitaries who accompanied him, it is still rich for him and Bread.

And this peaceful journey will finally stop temporarily. Because they have reached the first supply station, a transit town located in an oasis in the desert.

"Hey! You, that's you!" Tumor took a riding whip in his hand, took a volley, and pointed at the idiot, "Hurry up and move these quilts out! Wait for the quilt in my room to be changed after it is cleaned. , Know if not!"

Among all people, the idiot is the youngest and the least powerful. But Tumor also knows that idiots can't like Walnut and Dai Lao, and the bullying is even more unscrupulous. Walnut, Dai Lao, and some other people have to get off the car to enjoy the scenery of the oasis town, and the idiot is placed in the car by the cancer and is responsible for odd jobs.

The idiot lowered his head, held the bedding silently, and got out of the train. As he passed by the cancerous tumor, the man snorted at him coldly: "Boy, what do you mean by that face? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

The idiot ignored him and went on. Just as the tumor was about to raise the whip and beat, Walnut also got out of the car. After he saw Walnut, the face that had just been coated with honey immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Princess, where do you want to go to play first? Should you go to see the desert fountain first, or to see the first-class beast-sand camel race performance?"

Dai Lao held an umbrella to shield the walnut from the sun. Since it had been arranged in advance, most of the people who came to the platform to watch the princess were blocked by the soldiers outside. Walnut took out her handkerchief and wiped her sweat, and she looked at the dark and long-awaited crowd over there, feeling a little annoying.

"No, forget it. By the way, why is the weather so hot?"

"Hey, princess, the desert, of course it will be hotter. Where do you want to go to play?"

Walnut covered her chest and took a breath. The heat she breathed in was also hot... She shook her head impatiently, and most of the excitement about traveling earlier had disappeared.

"No need. I'll return to the car. How long will it take to replenish?"

Tuoma's face twitched, because introducing scenic spots was the biggest use he came with this time. But this princess suddenly didn't want to go to see the sights, so what use is he?

Dai Lao next to him couldn't help but sneered when he saw the malignant tumor. He said: "We need to check the entire car, check the status of the guiding stones in the cockpit, and adjust all aspects of the car to make it more able to travel for the next long time... it will probably take half a day. After all, this The supply station can already be regarded as the one closest to Fengchusha City. The place we are going to is already far away from the crowded areas, so we can't do it without fully preparing."

The idiot shook the bedding and made a rattling noise. Bread followed, squatting, watching.

Walnut pouted, complaining a little bit in her heart. It will take a long time? That is to say, staying in such a place for a long time? Moreover, due to the inspection of the whole train, the air conditioner in the train does not know when to turn on, so how can I spend this time!

The little princess was a little unhappy. She was a little disappointed with the expectation of traveling too much, and she even began to miss life in the windy sand city. But now, it’s hard to say go home immediately, right? As a last resort, she could only continue to pretend to be a lady, holding that awkward smile, and walking back to the train...

"I'm going! Let me go! Why don't you let me get in the car? Why! I can buy a ticket and I can pay! I will give you as much as you want. I only want you to let me in the car!!!"

At this moment, the ticket office suddenly became a commotion. There was a gap in the soldier who had originally surrounded the barrel, and a man in his thirties with a dusty face stumbled in. As soon as he entered the platform, the soldiers around Walnut immediately stepped forward to suppress the man and pressed him firmly to the ground.

"What's going on!" Tumor stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"Reporter sir! This person rushed in regardless of the martial law order, and yelled to go home and get in the car!" a soldier replied.

Malignant tumor glanced at the man, the tumor on the top of his head was congested for a while, no longer looked at the second glance, waved: "Push him away. The princess is here, how can such a person spoil the princess's interest?"

The man was originally crushed by the soldiers, and he was very nervous seeing the battle. But when he heard the word "princess", he suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "The princess? Is it the Walnut princess of the Bucks Empire?!"

Tumor raised his riding whip, slammed a whip over the man's head, and shouted: "Bold! The princess's name is also called by ordinary people like you!"

The man was in pain, and the tension in his eyes immediately turned into anger: "Okay, it's really a princess! Originally, I have always heard that our princess is a gentle woman who is considerate of the people, and a heart-hearted woman who is better than this desert And a broad saint! It turns out... It turned out to be just a heinous villain who ignores the lives of others at all!!!"

"So courageous——!!!"

Papa, another three consecutive whips hit the man's face. The sound of his voice made the idiot who was busy drying the quilt nearby couldn't help but turn his head and glanced here.

Of course, the men's bold confrontation attracted Walnut's attention. She was a little bored at first and wanted to find something interesting to do. At this moment, suddenly heard that man called himself a villain? !

How can this be? How can one be called a villain? ! The dignified Walnut princess is a messenger of justice, a folkist who follows love and peace and is most considerate of all common people!

She turned her head and saw that the tumor was about to raise her whip again, and quickly yelled. Hearing the princess's scolding, the malignant tumor immediately shrank back obediently, with a charming smile on his lips.

Dai Lau knew that Walnut couldn't understand the tumor on the malignant tumor's head, and immediately told him to retreat. In addition, because Walnut is a princess after all, he cannot have too much contact with an adult man of common people. So he, the light knight, took on the task of receiving him, walked up to the man and motioned to the soldiers around to let go.

"What's the matter with you, let's hear it."

The man stood up and looked at Dai Lao first, then the walnut. Finally, his gaze was fixed on Walnut's face, gritted his teeth--

"His Royal Highness, please give me a way to survive! My name is McGrady. I am a travel trader who has been moving among the oasis of the desert of death. My friend sent me a letter two days ago. Since I was busy doing business at the time, I didn’t read it. I didn’t think of this letter until I had successfully negotiated the business. I opened it and found out that my wife in Phuket was about to give birth! And... and still Difficult delivery!!!"

Sweat came out of the man's forehead, and his entire face looked very anxious. Dai Lao looked back at Walnut and saw that Walnut's face was already full of worry, and he knew what he should do.

"Um...Buji town." Dai Lao called one of his servants and asked a few words in a low voice before he said, "Buji town is our next stop. It's a full seven days away from here. ."

The man named McGrady said with tears and snot: "I haven't been back for eight months... I just learned last night that I have become a father! My child...! They are all waiting for me to go back! But I came over today to find out that all the trains have been canceled!!! You canceled by the princess! Princess... You are killing our family. There are usually very few trains crossing the desert of death, basically every ten days. I missed today, and the next time I have to wait ten days later! What if my child has an accident... If my wife What should I do if something goes wrong!!! My God... God, what on earth should I do!"

The man's crying made people cry, and Walnut couldn't help but shook his head. She didn't expect that a little play of her own would cause such a big trouble to others. As a partner of justice, she certainly can't just leave this troubled citizen here. As for the method...

Walnut looked back, and the brand-new magic train was emitting a charming brilliance.

"You come up, I will catch you by the way."

Walnut's proposal seemed to be no problem, but Dai Lao, who was next to her, smiled slightly after hearing her words. Immediately, he stopped in front of McGrady who wanted to stay behind the walnut and got into the car, and pulled out the saber from his waist.

"Hold on. As the princess's guard, I need to know something."

The man named McGrady stopped, and the moment his tearful eyes looked at Dai Lao, a cold light flashed. But the cold light was only fleeting, and Dai Lao was standing in front of him. He was not tall enough to see the chill in the man's eyes. On the contrary, the idiot who stood a little further away stopped his work...

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