Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 35: , Diamond Villa

Little bread... where did they go?

Could it be that Tolan hasn't sent the girl over to protect him yet?

No... don't worry.

Anxious... has always been the culprit that hinders the movement of ideas.

Under such circumstances, the more you have to worry, carefully and calmly think about all the things you have encountered so far. then……

Just believe in that girl. Believe in her survival instinct cultivated by her own hands, and then trust Tolan, the death knight... Believe them, there will be a moment when she will appear before her without incident.

At this point, the idiot finally exhaled. The anxious component in his mind also slowly cooled down. He grabbed Quilin, who was about to knock on the door and asked, and took off his coat.

"So be it."

"Huh? That's it? But the little bread and the blue-haired child are still alive or dead."

"I...I believe they are alive."

The idiot's tone was firm, and there was no vacillation in his eyes.

"I believe it. So, they must be alive."

Quirine stared at the idiot blankly, and didn't seem to understand what was going on for a while. But after seeing the firm eyes of the idiot, her heart couldn't help but become stronger.

Yeah...I believe they are alive.

As a teacher, is there anything better than trusting students?

Since this little idiot believes... then I definitely believe

The baby-faced Alice looked at the two, waited until Quilin bit and began to silently take off her coat, she smiled and said, "The luck of the two is pretty good. The weather on the mountain has changed a lot. Yes. Sometimes it looks good in the morning, but at noon a storm will suddenly blow. Many people have disappeared on this mountain. This is why this mountain is called the crying ghost. There are many wandering spirits. The wild ghost cries all day because his body is always buried under the snow on this mountain."

The idiot's complexion was still cold, without any reaction. But after listening to these words, Quirine next to her couldn't help but twitch her face. She raised her arms reflexively, and both hands pulled her clothes tightly.

The idiot looked at the girl named Alice in front of her, and after a pause, she said, "You are not old. But you also climb mountains?"

Alice crossed her hips and came to the fireplace next to her. She hummed mischievously, "What? Discrimination? Don't look at me like this. In fact, I'm very strong~~~ My parents are mountaineers, and I I have climbed many famous peaks on foot. So, don’t underestimate me when you think I’m a little girl. Since you encountered a blizzard and I didn’t meet this point, I was your predecessor. Right, The two of you, please take off your clothes, otherwise you can easily catch a cold if you wear clothes wet with snow. I will make the stove more vigorous."

Alice fiddled with the fire in the fireplace, while Idiot and Quirine removed their coats and a series of heavy climbing tools to keep themselves relaxed. At this moment...

Bumpy bump

The door of this villa was knocked once again.

"Enough is enough, is it endless? Knock on the door after another, don't you know how to come all at once?"

The slender man with a golden ponytail slammed the door open, rushed to the door with a bad temper, and kicked the door with his foot. Later, he opened the door. Staring at the two people who appeared in front of them.

"Are the victims again? It seems that there are really more beginners who came to the summit this time and ran to fill up the heroes without problems, but they are chaotic. Why don't you die?"

Two people appeared in front of the door.

Two people connected by ropes.

When the two entered the house and took off the goggles on their faces, Alice and the ponytail man were immediately stunned.

One of them was heavily bandaged. Except for two pale pupils and a small amount of white hair leaking from the bandage, it was like a mummy. After the man took off his heavy mountaineering suit, he glanced slightly and saw a chessboard placed by the fireplace. At that moment, he immediately walked over, sat down beside the chessboard without anyone else, placed the chess pieces, and began to play against himself.

This mummy man is indeed a bit strange, but even more surprising is that it is another person.

That shocking beauty, unique temperament, long white hair, and crystal clear skin like snow...

This person just stopped here and immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

This man named Ken seemed to be used to this feeling of being watched by everyone. He still squinted, thinking of the two people who were here and smiled slightly. After that, he slowly took off his heavy equipment and sat on the sofa next to him.

The audience, quiet...

Ponytail and Alice didn't seem to be able to get over them for a while. After watching this extremely handsome man appear in front of her again, Quirin thought for a while and finally walked up again.

"Mr. Kenn."

Ken slowly raised his head, and after seeing Quilin, a questioning color appeared on his face.

Quirine took a breath, but her face didn't have the nymphomaniac expression that had emanated from the climbing hut yesterday. Instead, he asked in a serious and anxious manner: "Excuse me, did you see the little girl with us when you came along this road? It's the little girl who was connected with another person by rope."

After thinking about it, Ken shook his head regretfully, and said, "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Lyon. I haven't seen your sister. I regret what happened to your sister. I'm sorry..."

Quilin's fist was slightly clenched, but after she looked back at the idiot behind, she suddenly snorted and laughed: "Please don't be sorry, because my sister and attendant must still be alive. I just asked, hahaha "

After encountering such an avalanche, and having not seen the lights here after so long, can you still believe that the other party is still alive?

This confidence seems to make Ken a little unimaginable. His gaze flicked across Quirine, and aimed at the idiot over there. What I saw was the man who was calm and steady, sitting in another corner of the room without panic, drinking the kettle in his bag leisurely. It seems that he is really not worried at all.

Should this calmness be interpreted as indifference? Or the confidence in my sister?

Ken looked at him, and after a moment, an unexplained smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then he lowered his head.

Quilin didn't get the news of the little bread, so naturally he came to the corner where the idiot was, and the two squatted there together, waiting patiently. As time went on, the villa, which had seemed a bit quiet, began to appear lively.

"Oh? Mr. Ken is also a mountaineering enthusiast? It's really rare~~ Seeing you are so beautiful, I thought you should be some kind of noble man who doesn't buy at the door of the house and can't get out. The look of wading."

In just a few hours, Alice has easily opened the conversation with Ken with her completely different passions from Quilin. The two people have been talking and laughing, and they seem to be very congenial.

"Ah, it's getting late now, we should start eating. Let's call everyone over and get ready for dinner, OK?"

Alice smiled, then she took Ken's hand very casually and pulled him from the sofa. Ken Yin just smiled, but didn't refuse. In this regard, Alice seemed happier, and quickly took him to knock on the fat Richard's door and the ponytail's door.

Six o'clock in the afternoon-

A dining table has been set up in the dedicated kitchen next to the living room. There are some simple breads, salads, and canned meats. Although simple, it looks very rich. The seven people sat around the table, and after a little politeness to each other, they started to work to fill their hungry stomachs.

And the idiot, naturally stopped Quilin. Wait until all the dishes in front of you have been tasted by others before you start.

"Huh? You are a musician? This is impossible, right? Your image is so bad, how can you be a musician?"

Quilin said with a small piece of bread in her hand, looking at the yellow-haired ponytail.

The pony-tailed man who claimed to be Rongte Brad took a piece of cheese, spread it on his sliced ​​bread, and said, "Huh, the world always judges a person's good or bad by external appearance. Who can understand that great art is often born out of loneliness? In fact, as long as you can quiet me down, I am really a good person to get along with."

Quirin laughed dryly, but she felt a little disapproving in her heart. This man is really hard to get along with~~~ Just this arrogant temper is enough for Quilin to kick him from his man candidate.

"So, why are you climbing again?"

Quirine stopped speaking, but Alice continued--

"You were here before I came here. In my mind, it is hard to imagine that a musician would know the temper of a mountain better than me, a mountaineer."

Rongte pretended to be a cool one and dropped the knife and fork in his hand, and said, "What's the matter? To find inspiration, Dashan is my only hobby. As I said earlier, don't judge people by their appearance. Inside, but it doesn’t mean that everyone in Crystal Ice is a violent.”

Wonte's words made Alice over there spit out her tongue mischievously, and she was also interested and stopped asking. However, having lost an inquiring target, she turned her head instead and stared at the fat man who had been eating and drinking silently since just now.

"Richard, look at your figure... can you use this sword?"

Alice pointed to a dagger pinned to his waist. The shape of this sword was so fancy that it didn't look like it could be used in battle. On the contrary, it is more like an ornament. However, there is a small depression in the hilt, as if something could have been inlaid here. But now that thing is gone.

Fat Richard raised his head and glanced at the woman harshly. Afterwards, he hugged his short sword to his chest and continued to eat and drink silently.

"Now, it's rare for the seven of us to get together here. It's fate. Don't you think it's stupid to keep being isolated like this? In the mountains, everyone should help each other."

Alice advised a few words. Then, she reached out her hand, trying to push the fat man. But before her fingers touched Richard's shoulder, the fat man suddenly rebounded conditionedly and slapped her hand away.

"Don't get me close to you filthy woman"

The sudden roar immediately disrupted the originally harmonious atmosphere in the restaurant. The fat man was breathing heavily, holding the decorative dagger in his arms tightly, and staring at Alice viciously.

"I hate your kind of woman who can talk to other men casually. It's too frivolous, too ignorant of her self-respect. You are beautiful, but you are actually a ji girl?"

The words were getting heavier and heavier, and this almost insulting remark made Alice stunned for a while. In response to this, Ken, who had been listening next to him, spoke at this moment and said: "Mr. Richard, you should be polite to ladies."

"Huh, polite? Why? Normal unmarried women should stay at home instead of talking to other strange men outside. Even if you accidentally have to talk to men, you must be cautious in your words and deeds. How can you be casual? Hook up? What is this not frivolous?"

Richard picked up the food in front of him, glanced at Alice in disgust, moved his seat altogether, stopped sitting next to Alice, and squeezed between the idiot and Wonte.

This brief discomfort made the scene a bit deserted. However, Alice does not seem to be such a vulnerable woman. She smiled slightly, seeming not to take this matter to heart. Afterwards, she turned her head and started to target the young man named Li who had been taciturn, eating food and covered in bandages on his face.

"What's your job?"


"You are covered in bandages, is it because of injuries?"


"It's so pitiful... there must be hope of healing."


"Ah... that... I'm talking to you..."


There is no response and no answer. All Alice's words seemed unable to be heard by this silent man. After touching several nails in a row, Alice was finally discouraged, turned to Ken, and said--

"Is this your companion? His character... really special."

Ken smiled and said, "Actually, you misunderstood. This Mr. Li is not someone I know. We just happened to go up the mountain together."

"Oh? So what does Mr. Kenn do? You are so beautiful... I'm sorry, are you a model?" V

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