Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 36: , The place of imprisonment

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, it really isn't."

Ken used a knife to cut a small piece of beef, opened his mouth, put it in his mouth gracefully, and said--

"I'm a freelancer, and work is relatively easy. Generally...just wander around like this time."

"Freelance? It feels so easy. Unlike my parents, who force me to inherit their parents' career every day, so I don't even have a chance to catch my breath. I just ran out to climb the mountain."

"Oh? So Miss Alice is a big lady?"

"Hehehe, there is no~~~ a little businessman~~~~"

Ken smiled and stopped talking. After chatting for a few words, the good girl finally moved the target to the idiot and Quilin, and began to ask questions.

For Quilin, she can ask many things from her mouth. But more, it was the ghost queen's complaint and the envy of Alice's youth. Of course, when Quirine said that she was thirty-two years old, the people around could not help but look up and stare at her for a while. She wondered if she had recite the order of her age. Alice looked at this thirty-two-year-old aunt who was still more beautiful than herself, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Besides, for did Li deal with it, how did he deal with it. There was no chance for Alice to inquire.

In general, the dinner atmosphere tonight is fairly relaxed and pleasant. A nearly perfect mountain hut dinner ended in the laughter of everyone.

When the room was allocated at night, the three rooms on the lower floor were asked to leave by Richard, Wonte and Li. Idiot, Ken, Quinine and Alice live on the second floor. Since every guest room in this villa seems to be designed for a single room, Quilin can be considered relieved, and she doesn’t have to continue to play husband and wife with idiots at night.

Now, it is dark.

The blizzard outside the window was still raging, and I didn't want to stop at all.

The idiot was lying on the bed, with dark eyes looking at the ceiling. In my ear, listening to the crackling sound coming from outside the window.

It was snow... the sound of beating on the window.

The villa in the blizzard, for some reason, always gives an idiot a very strange feeling.

This feeling...It's like changing from a mouse in the sewer to a bird in a cage. Although he had nothing to worry about, he was imprisoned and watched. Simultaneously……

It is also at the mercy of others.

……………………………… Forget it.

The lights downstairs are always on. If Little Bread and the others see the lights here, they will come over after all.

Trust that girl. It's like believing in your own instincts.

Because he faintly felt that something on this Crying Ghost Peak was more terrifying than the blizzard...


"Lord...wake up..."

The unconscious consciousness made it difficult to hear for a while.

"Less...please quickly...over..."

Little Bread's thoughts still failed to recover immediately. She struggled, hoping to get back the initiative of her body as soon as possible, so that she could see the world.

"Young Master, please wake up quickly and not sleep anymore"

Finally, consciousness...recovered.


The emerald eyes opened, and this sudden awakening made Bread take a breath of cold air as if she had a nightmare. Her body was instantly soaked in cold sweat, and her mouth was so dry, it seemed a little bit. Dehydrated.

"Great young master, great finally woke up"

Tolan was already crying with joy beside him, although he couldn't cry. But the peace of mind on his face is still very sincere, not at all false.

Bun held his head still buzzing and straightened up from the ground. After shaking her head, she looked around...well, it was dark.


In the darkness, even Tolan's face could not be seen. However, Little Bread could clearly see a pair of blood-red eyes around him. Although it was **** red, it contained a lot of joy.

"Young Master, you just passed out in a coma, please don't move around. It's easy to get hurt. Is there anything on your body that hurts? Is there any?"


Little Bread wanted to communicate with Tolan, but in the darkness, she couldn't remember what she wrote. No way, this little girl can only stretch out her hands and slowly guide her strength. In a moment, a small glowing ball began to appear in her palm.


After the power gathered, the small bread threw the luminous ball into the sky. After the illuminating ball rose four or five meters, it immediately emitted a dazzling light to illuminate everything around it.


In an instant, the surrounding terrifying environment made the little bun’s head, which had just recovered, entered the highest state of alert.


Here, it seems to be a frozen cave. In this cave, wherever you can see, there are all kinds of bones and animals, of course, there are also humans.

Bun rubbed his eyes and stood up immediately. Those emerald eyes began to scan every place they saw nearby.

This cave is very tall and big. The icy air in the air still makes people feel utterly cold. The temperature seems to be still below zero.

Is this a fully enclosed cave? Now it seems that it is true. Except for the slight air in and out of the cracks in some rocks, there are no holes in any other places that are enough for the fist of the bun to enter. I don't know if there is no water vapor here, and there is no ice accumulation below the cave. This and the bones at the feet reflect each other, forming a horrible scene like hell.

Here... Where is it?

Bun bent down and looked at the bones around him. There were some black marks on these bones. After thinking for a while, she threw the bones aside.

"Sister Tolan, where are we? 》

Bun raised the sign and asked. For Tolan, who would never die, it was very easy to know how he got here.


"Where are we..."

Facing this problem, Tolan showed a little hesitation. He turned his head away, his red eyes returned to the sky blue of the past, and he looked at the surroundings with hesitation.

"That... that..."

Finally, Tolan stood up straight, and bowed towards the bun——

"I'm really sorry, Young Master, I... I fainted... When I woke up, we stayed here. I'm really sorry that I didn't protect the Young Master, so I let Young Master encounter such a danger... The subordinates... the subordinates as guards... are too unqualified...too useless"

Tolan's words left Little Bread stunned, and he hadn't recovered for a while. But soon, Little Bread noticed that the collar on Tolan’s chest had been pulled apart, and there seemed to be something under that fair skin.

"Ah oooo"

Bun jumped up without hesitation, and grabbed Tolan by the collar with both hands. Tolan was taken aback, but did not resist, letting Bun pull the upper half of his coat away.

A black cross heraldry was firmly embedded in Tolan's chest.

The image of this cross is so terrifying. The cross is entwined with withered tree vines, and there is a mark of a human bone in the middle. Around the cross there is a circle of unidentified words forming a ring, slowly surrounding the cross. mobile. Relying on Little Bread's "knowledge of guiding mechanics", she recognized the nature of the cross at a glance.


Tolan's face showed deep apology. Obviously, he felt very sad about his current uselessness. The feeling of being unable to protect Little Bread made him feel ashamed of an idiot. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was too useless, and he couldn't help but squat down and began to cry.

Little Bread looked at Tolan's sad expression now, and hurriedly expressed comfort. She patted the death knight on the head, rubbing Tolan's hair like Baba did to herself. Tolan cried twice, noticing the comfort of Bread, and then gradually stopped crying.

The current environment is unknown, and Tolan was sealed and separated from Ba Ba. It can be said that it is the worst situation.

However, fortunately in the misfortune, there is no life-threatening self now. As long as you can think calmly, you can definitely solve the immediate problem.

The bun supported his chin, looked at the bones around again, and lowered his head to think. Tolan pulled up his shirt and waited by the side obediently. After a while, she glanced around and said, "Master, may I ask... are you afraid? So many bones..."

Bun raised his head, smiled, and shook his head. Who is her bread? She is the Queen of Skeletons. For the bread that grew up in the pile of skeletons since she was a child, the surrounding environment is simply commonplace. And to be honest, she was more at ease with the bones around her. Because if they were corpses, she would also worry about whether the people who "made" these corpses were still nearby. Even if she stepped back ten thousand steps, she would have to worry about whether there was anyone pretending to be dead in these bodies.

Therefore, seeing a skeleton is not a bad thing. In some ways, on the contrary, it may be a good thing.

After observing for four weeks, Little Bread exhaled again. She turned her head to look at Toran, and held up the sign--

"Sister Tolan, although you are now sealed, I think you are still very comfortable. Which aspect of your ability has been sealed? Is it the power to enslave the dead? 》V

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