Demon King Dad

: The second year story 072, such a cruel snow

His malignant tumor is not a relative of the emperor, nor is he a nobleman. It took him more than 20 years to climb to the position of warden. He is not like the Goodsey family. Although the young master Dai Lao is also responsible, with the support of the family, the big deal is to be abolished the military power, remove a few powerful powers, and then be completely surpassed by the Nolius family.

But what about him? What is he? Pure spirit level fighters are indeed very precious, because many people can no longer improve their strength when they train their hearts, and they stagnate for a lifetime. But this does not mean that the empire will not turn without him. I've spent 20 years working so hard to climb to a position that will disappear instantly, not to mention, I'm afraid that even this tumor on my head can be saved... is still a question.

The wind blows the sand city right in front of you, and the newborn sun pulls the shadows of the four sand zebras very long. But at this time, Tumor stopped the horse, looked at the city in front of him, and was silent.

The three followers knew what this man was thinking. When he goes back, it means death. It doesn't matter if he is dead, this malignant tumor that usually deceives and deceives has no affection with anyone. But the three entourages didn't want to bear the name of "rebellion" unexplainedly, and accompany this person to the world since then.

The three entourage stopped their horses one after another. At this moment, they glanced at each other. Through this brief eye contact, an alliance has been formed in their hearts. Then, the hands of these three people began to touch the weapon at the waist...

"Wait, what is that?!"

Suddenly, the cancerous tumor that seemed to be sitting and waiting to die suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at a small sand dune not far away! The three entourages were taken aback, and immediately removed their hands from the sword, and floated along the line of sight of the tumor.

"It seems...someone?!"

"People?" The malignant tumor was startled. How could there be people in such a desert area? ! Right now, he immediately slapped the sand zebra and rushed towards the sand dune. After the other three glanced at each other, they rushed over.

The scene that appeared next was far beyond their imagination. Just when they lifted the opaque film and saw the scene inside the bunker, it also meant that the fate of these four people would change from then on. They were surprised, their mouths wide open, not knowing whether they should express their excitement or surprise first. Due to the excitement, none of these four people made a sound. It was because they didn't make a sound that they didn't alarm the little princess who had passed out in the sandpit.

Their fate has changed...

That's right. It has indeed changed.

When they found the princess, they found their chance to get ahead!

Yes, even though they lost the princess once, what is it? As long as the princess is safe, then even a big mistake can be written off! A rebuke is inevitable, but it is just a rebuke. What's the point? What's the deal? !


The two entourage raised their hands high, and their faces still had excited smiles. However, their movements have frozen, and the smiles on the corners of their mouths have frozen. Then, a faint red line began to print on their throats. Slowly, this red line began to grow longer and wider. after that……


The gushing red liquid stained the desert where the sun has risen with the thickest touch.

The two entourage fell, and the expression of the remaining entourage instantly changed from excitement to fright. He couldn't believe it and looked at the man with a tumor on his head and a blood-stained knife in each hand. He turned his back to himself, and the blood from the two companions soaked the clothes behind him. Gradually, the man turned around and looked at the entourage. And the corner of his mouth also showed a weird sneer...

"no no……!"

Before the entourage blurted the word "to", the tumor had already jumped onto his body, and two short knives were inserted into his throat and heart respectively. The entourage made a "cuckoo" sound in his throat, and he reached out and grabbed the extremely excited eyes of the person in front of him. But only halfway through, the malignant tumor's hand holding the short knife stirred forward again...


The raised hand slumped down.

Putting away the double knives, Tumor carefully picked up the walnuts from the sandpit. He obviously couldn't restrain his excitement, and dashed towards the sand zebra beside him. He first kicked the three sand zebras' **** and let them run into the desert, and then quickly stepped on the last sand zebra, raised his whip, and ran towards the sand city extremely quickly.


"Ah~~oh~~! Ah~~~!"

Little Bread put his chin on the idiot's shoulder and kept rolling around. The idiot also let her play around and do the preparations in her hands. After everything is done, the sun in the sky is already a bit hot. He took the sliced ​​cactus and walked towards the sandpit. Immediately afterwards, he smelled a strong smell of blood...




The walnut is gone.

Three bodies of unknown people.

The footprints of three horses running towards the desert.

A footprint that stretches towards the wind blowing sand city.

In the scorching sun, the idiot's sight cast toward the destination that was close at hand——

The wind blows the sand.


Walnut opened her eyes, and then she was surprised.

She originally thought that after opening her eyes, she would see a dark bunker, and then there were only two people in front of her. One is a little girl who is only two years old, and the other is a cold-faced boy who doesn't speak, and seems to make her feel very angry.

But now? What's the scene in front of me? How come there are so many people suddenly? Are you dreaming? And still...

Nightmare? ? ?

"Captain Tumor! Where did you find the princess?! We are reporters from the Empire Daily, please tell me!"

"I heard that the princess was once kidnapped by a hostile rebel organization with 3,000 people, but according to the news we got, the team led by you, Captain Tumor, is only 300 people. How did you succeed?"

"Princess! Look! The princess is back! The princess is back safely! Captain Tumor protected the princess! Come and see!"

"Captain Tumor! Please talk about your feelings now! We know that you must have made a great sacrifice to welcome the princess back, please talk about your feelings at the moment!"

Snow is floating in the sky.

Unlike the hot desert outside, the sky here is snowing.

The gloomy sky is covered by gray clouds, and the wind blowing in December has once again become a city inhabited by snow.

The atmosphere around is very warm. Everyone asked questions around the malignant tumor. And the Tumor Captain separated everyone and let the wagon carrying walnuts pass behind him, while answering everyone's curious questions.

Yes... the atmosphere here is really warm. People cheered and celebrated. Even the snowflakes that fell inadvertently seemed to be resisted by people's enthusiasm. Before they turned into water, they evaporated into liquid and disappeared.

The malignant tumor is telling the story of saving the walnut. He described in detail how he commanded the three hundred men under him, found the base of the resistance organization, then how to break into the siege, and finally how to get the trick, the tragic experience of all his soldiers sacrificed. He was very sad when he spoke, and even shed heroic tears when he talked about the besieged by the enemy. Everyone was solemn, and ordinary civilians began to look at the hero with respect. Newspaper reporters also wiped their tears while writing records. Because this will be the headline in the newspaper tonight.

Walnut listened and watched. She opened her mouth and her face was full of doubts. Because she didn't know the stories at all, even if several tumors mentioned her, she didn't have any impression. what is that? Is it a story? An epic? Or, it’s just a..................

The crowd is still boiling. The stove was lit in the carriage, and it was covered with thick bedding. But even so, the little princess felt a burst of coldness unconsciously. That is a kind of coldness born from the depths of my heart. This kind of coldness is colder than facing an idiot, compared to facing the snow falling from the sky... and cruel...

"Everyone retreat! The clerk is here!"

With a roar from a soldier outside the crowd, the crowd that was still bustling immediately divided into two halves. At the end of the crowd, a clerk quickly walked over. When he lifted the gauze curtain of the carriage and saw that it was really walnut, there was an excitement and smile on his face. He grabbed Tumor's hand and said loudly: "Quick! Go and see your Majesty! Tumor, you have done a great job this time!"


"Great work? No, I don't dare to think about it. After all, the princess was tied to my hands..."

(This is not right...)

"Ah, whatever you say! Anyway, now that you have successfully rescued the princess, hurry up and take the princess to see your majesty!"

(not like this……)

"Well, I see. Let's go!"

(It’s not this’s not like! None of it...! Wrong——!!!)


Suddenly, Walnut opened the curtain and called out loudly.

"No! I...I was not saved by him! I...he...!"

Tumor nodded and said with a very frustrated expression: "I'm sorry, princess. Heidi has sacrificed, but he managed to find you before he died. I also know that you have never accepted this fact... "

After speaking, Tumor turned his head and whispered in the ear of the clerk: "The princess was rescued by one of my men. But she witnessed the scene of Heidi being killed with her own eyes. You know, kid, how about this kind of thing? ...Exciting."

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