Demon King Dad

: The second year story 073, whose award

The clerk also nodded and waved his hand: "Hurry up! Princess, your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time, please go and see your Majesty!"

Walnut was speechless for a while, facing the cheering crowd around her, she didn't even know what she should say. The carriage moved, and the snow falling from the sky fell on the tip of her nose, making her feel a chill...

But at this moment, a very familiar figure flashed past the carriage. Walnut really saw it, it was an idiot holding a little bread! He glanced at himself, and immediately walked in one direction. It was Campa who stood there!

Walnut breathed a sigh of relief, because she knew that the idiot would definitely come over. She felt cold all around her now, and everyone around her made her feel uneasy. Only the idiot... As long as he comes over, she will definitely ignore everything and immediately rush behind him to hide! Because only behind him, can Walnut feel that she can calm down and speak clearly!

She is waiting, waiting. But what she waited for was the motion of an idiot reaching out and taking the money bag from Campa. When he waited, he counted the poor Sura and Inel, who were completely out of proportion to the job content. Then, the idiot took the bun and left. Never looked at her again...

"Idiot! You... Where are you going?! Come here! Hey! Idiot!!!"

The people around couldn't help but shook their heads. I'm afraid that more than one person is thinking that the princess is really stimulated. It is foul language to open your mouth and shut your mouth.

However, perhaps after hearing Walnut's call, Campa separated the crowd and walked over after thinking for a moment.

"I want to say a few words to the princess. As her principal."

After thinking about it for a moment, Tumor nodded. The carriage stopped and Kampala opened the door. But when Walnut threw away the quilt and wanted to jump off, Campa stopped her.

"Mr. Campa! know it's not like this! It's's...!!!"

"Princess, please be quiet." Campa lowered his head and whispered in Walnut's ear, "If you still believe in me, please let the matter develop without saying a word. If you have questions about my arrangement for idiots, you may wish to Ask your majesty when there is no one else. However, I hope you can use the method of knocking on the side, and it is best not to reveal any information about the idiot.

Walnut was stunned, she was a little unwilling to give up: "Huh? But..."

"Trust me, princess. This idiot brings back some news that surprises me. I will contact your majesty soon. If you expose everything about the idiot, then...our stag empire may face a It's a catastrophe."

Walnut was completely frightened. She looked at Campa blankly, letting him help herself into the carriage again, closed the door, and left.

Campa exhaled deeply as he watched the carriage moving away. A few snowflakes fell, causing the old man to start walking against the crowd. After separating the civilians, he walked slowly into a dark alley. In there, the idiot has been waiting for a long time.

"Black Dragon Empire, did one of the people in that organization really mention this name?"

The idiot nodded.

Campa looked up to the sky, as if thinking about something on his mind. After a while, he finally waved his hand to let the idiot leave. The idiot took the bread out of the alley and stepped on the newly accumulated snow. After walking for a short distance, Xiao Bao turned his head and saw the old man still standing in the alley, thinking...


Today's walnuts have been in a trance state. She stared at everyone around her blankly, and those familiar or unfamiliar faces passed by her eyes like a revolving lantern.

Malignant tumor led her into the auditorium, and the stag emperor walked off the throne personally and hugged his daughter tightly. Then there was a reprimand that was purely formal. Tumor lowered his head, showing a serious and ashamed expression beside him, listening quietly.

However, everyone knows that this reprimand will never last. Soon, the praise of the cancer replaced the scolding. Dylau Goodsey also appeared in the crowd. Malignant Tumor did not forget to bring in the youngest genius while accepting the awards. He told that the reason why he was able to successfully escape the pursuit of the resistance organization was entirely because of Dylau. The young master brought the reinforcements over in time and fought hard, only in exchange for the safety of the princess.

This is really a "Criticism Meeting" for hello and me. The smile on the Buck King’s face showed that he didn't mind the fact that the two of them lost his daughter. In contrast, the surrounding officials praised the bravery and wisdom of these two one after another, expressed their vision for their feats, and expressed condolences for the soldiers who died in the battle. I am afraid that in the entire auditorium, only Walnut and the Nolius family have no smiles on their faces.


That night, the award is over.

Because the princess was lost and busy for almost three months, Shacheng finally calmed down. Tonight, everyone can get a good night's sleep, right?

Do not.

One person couldn't sleep.

She was wearing a cloak and walking on the promenade tiptoe. Bright lights gleamed on both sides of the corridor, illuminating her destination--

Great hall.

The lord of the stag did not sleep. Because the king is waiting for someone. As early as during the day when he was holding his good daughter, he realized that his daughter seemed to have something to say to him. So he sat on the throne and waited.

Walnut walked in and stepped barefoot in the hall glowing with pale blue cold light, which made her see a little cold.

"Walnut, it's so late, why don't you go to bed?"

A kind voice came from the throne. Walnut listened, and the small face that had been condensed for the whole day finally stretched out, hurried up the stairs, jumped over the water curtain, and jumped into the arms of the king.

"Father! Ooo...father, father...!"

The king smiled slightly, he raised his slightly old hand and gently stroked his daughter's hair.

"My dear daughter, my princess, what is it that makes you so sad?"

Walnut couldn't help crying loudly because of his father's gentle and caring voice. During the day, she had personally seen those people standing there to deceive her father, and completely ruled out a person who should have stood here to receive the award! She was sad and not convinced. Thinking that the boy who had accompanied him for three months was only paid less than Basula, Walnut couldn’t help but surge in blood and said loudly, “Father! It’s not like that! In fact, I’m not the ugly monster to save me. of!"

"Oh? Then, who rescued my little princess?"

The king's face did not show any surprised look, and he still responded to his daughter with a gentle and smile.

"That is actually..................!"

Halfway through the conversation, Walnut suddenly choked. Because she remembered what the principal said to her.

"What's wrong? My little princess. Who... saved you?"

Perhaps it is still too simple to hear the different meanings of the king's tone at all. Nor did she see that her father's eyes seemed to be peaceful, but in fact there were some profound expressions in her eyes. But Walnut clearly remembered the words Campa said--

"If you expose everything about the idiot, then... our Bucks Empire may face a catastrophe."

Thinking of this, Walnut couldn't help but shiver. After pondering for a while, she slowly said: "That...Father, I said if...I said if! If it is not the disgusting person who saved me, but another person Eye-catching, but very strong... beggar. But just before he was about to send me back, I was **** by that very disgusting person, and then that person in front of everyone said that he saved me. Me. But the person who really saved me was kept silent by them, and deliberately forgot...Father, what should I do?"

The king's eyes were low. In the silent auditorium, there was only a slight sound of the water curtain beating on the stairs. After a long time, the king put the walnut on his lap and said gently: "Walnut, you mean... the one who saved you is a beggar?"

Walnut covered her mouth and shook her head again and again: "I...I'm not serious! I just said...if! Father, yes!"

The king closed his eyes and let out a knowing smile: "Little girl, the person who didn't let you talk about it, isn't it Campa?"

"Ah! Father, how would you know?...Ah!"

After speaking, Walnut realized that she had missed her mouth and covered her mouth again.

The king laughed loudly. He patted his thigh and shook his head again and again.

"Campa, Campa, it looks like I really want to have a good chat with you. Okay! Why do you want to protect that beggar like this? Please tell me yourself!"

Walnut raised her head and looked at her father very puzzled.

"Father, what are you laughing at? Don't you think this division is unfair? They didn't do anything and took the credit of that person for no reason! Father, I ask you to announce immediately that you will be named that person. My exclusive knight! Then throw that ugly monster and Goodsey into jail together!"

The king smiled, reaching out and holding down his daughter De, yelling. He shook his head and said, "Walnut ah Walnut, the dramas you usually watch are too idealistic. That's not good. If you let me tell, this move of the cancer is to save the child secretly. . Presumably Campa thought the same way, so I didn’t say anything."

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