Demon King Dad

: The third year story 017, a grand ceremony

"Hug..................Huh? What about people??"

Walnut was startled! The bread that was still in her arms was gone! She hurriedly raised her head and saw a little boy dressed in a tuxedo, in the shadows, who was inconspicuous, holding bread, and rushing to the toilet at the corner of the banquet hall very quickly!

"That...big idiot!!!"

The warmth in Walnut's heart was replaced by anger the moment he saw the back of the idiot. She patted the table hard. But when she saw the surprised expressions of the people around her, the little princess realized that she had lost her mind and coughed lightly to restore etiquette. After the eyes of the people around her were all removed from her, she pulled up her skirt and tried to stand up.

"Your Majesty, where do you want to go?"

Damn it, at this moment the cancer has come close again. The walnut that looked at the big tumor felt a little vomiting, and immediately turned his head and said, "Where am I going, I need to tell you?"

Tumor laughed and said, "Of course not. But the problem is..."

In an instant, the entire banquet hall was darkened, and even the music disappeared. Walnut followed the tumor's fingers and looked towards the throne behind him, only to see a herald came out and began to announce loudly--

"King, Queen, Your Highness Mudu, Your Highness Xie Huo is here!!!"

In an instant, the audience applauded. Because the highest royal family of the Bucks Empire has slowly walked out of the curtain and came to everyone.


Outside, thunderous applause resounded.

In the toilet, ice crystals are floating in the air.

The idiot closes the door as soon as he enters the toilet. Afterwards, she put the bun on the sink and looked at her.

Seeing the idiot again after a gap of more than seven hours made Bread's heart happy. After she screamed, she immediately opened her hands around the idiot's neck, and her two little feet kept stepping on the marble sink. fine.

Feeling the movement of the small body in his arms, a stone in the idiot's heart was temporarily released.

"Hehe, it's okay...for now. But when will she be okay? That bomb...hehe, maybe it's just somewhere on her body~~~!"

The dimming voice was like a basin of cold water, freezing the warmth that had just risen in the idiot's heart. He regained his composure, and the first thing he did after regaining his composure was to open the bun and untie her clothes.

"Ah woo~~~? woo~~~!"

Little Bread looked down at the idiot's hand, but soon, she raised her hands as usual at home and let the idiot undress. With her cooperation, the idiot quickly stripped off all the clothes on this girl and put them on the ground to check them one by one.

"Woo~~~ Ah woo? Ah~~~"

Bread also squatted beside the idiot, watching the idiot's movements with two big eyes full of doubt. I saw that he opened every corner of the suit very quickly, using that dark dagger to cut every layer of the clothes. Turn out every piece of cotton inside and remove every thread.

His speed is so fast that it is hard to imagine that this is just a child. This action lasted about five minutes, and after five minutes...



Did not see the bomb, let alone the guiding stone...

No matter it was in the sleeves of the coat or in the mezzanine of the little girl's diaper, nothing like a bomb was seen.

where is it? What those people said could kill bread in an instant...Where is it? !

The idiot stopped his movements. The cold mist that had frozen into the bone marrow filled those jet-black pupils. He was thinking, thinking about every word and every movement that those people just said, guessing any potential meaning of the bandaged man’s behavior...

Time goes by every second.

The more time it takes, the shorter the time from explosion. Before the guiding stone that does not know when it will explode detonates, he must find the bomb mounted on the bread!




The dripping water from the water pipe slammed on the ground. The applause outside is still roaring, but here, there is a kind of tranquility where time is still...

"Bread, have you eaten anything?"

The idiot suddenly looked up and asked. But the answer he got was that Bun tilted his head, looking very dazed.

"Interesting, are you worried that the other person will put strange things into some food, and then feed it to this girl? You think it is good, but you are a little too timid. Why not expand the scope a bit? Think about it What method can be used to kill the'princess' exactly? After all, the main target of the other party is the stag empire. This dead girl is just a funeral. You blindly look for her, don’t think it’s too much Is it too rigid?"

The idiot was startled, raised his arm and looked at the opened blood pupil on his right hand. You know, this sword has never made any constructive opinions. Now suddenly reminded, why on earth?

"Hey, don't stare at me with such terrible eyes. I just want to make things more interesting. My instinct tells me that tonight will be very lively. To make this kind of lively more'exciting', that is The thing I would love to see most!"

The scarlet light dyed the entire toilet red, and a crazy smile reverberated in his mind. The idiot took a deep breath and calmed his heart again.

Just now, he was too nervous about the bread, and therefore lost a lot of judgment. He needs to be calm, and he needs patience. Even if he will die in the next second, the ability to think calmly in the first second is the greatest guarantee for his survival. Yes, he must think, and he will not be constrained to think. Guess the opponent's psychology and actions, and then accurately determine the location of the bomb!

After exhaling this breath deeply, the idiot helped Bun redress and pulled him out of the toilet.


"Malignant tumor, because of your merits in protecting Princess Walnut, defying hardships and dangers, you have regained your majesty's most precious pearl from the desert of death. Therefore, your majesty has bestowed you the title of knight and promoted you to the head of the Sixth Knights!"

In the banquet hall, the malignant cloak knelt before the king with a pious face.

People's eyes focused on this ugly person, but even though he had such a tumor on his forehead, he still couldn't stop everyone from applauding him. And he also enjoyed the applause, because he deserved it! It was after his life and death efforts to protect the princess from a resistance organization of 3,000 people, he should enjoy the glory!

The aloof king was solemn, he said nothing, all the awards were done by his clerk. After Malignant Tumor took over the cloak symbolizing the captain of the knight, the king stood up from his seat and slowly walked down the stairs.

The crowd knelt down, and everyone bowed their heads to welcome the arrival of the king. Tumor even raised the hands holding the captain's cloak above his head, forcibly suppressing the excitement and excitement in his heart, and lowered his head.

The supreme leader of the Goodsey family, Pukaros Goodsey held the saber symbolizing the leader of the Sixth Knights in both hands. The King of Bucks took the sword, put the sword on the shoulder of Tumor, and said loudly: “Tumor, are you willing to swear that you will protect the Buck Empire and pledge allegiance to the royal family as the most glorious knight in the future?”

Tumor bent his body lower with excitement. He tried to maintain his voice and said, "Yes... Your Majesty. I, Tumor, will always be loyal to the Bucks and Your Majesty!"

The king nodded: "Very well. Now, you are the leader of the Sixth Knights. May the light of the stag guard you forever."

Tumor trembled and thanked again. The king placed the knight's sword on his hands, the malignant tumor retracted the sword, put on a cloak, and a saber. Since then, he has finally obtained the title and power corresponding to his efforts!

After rewarding the malignant tumor, the king turned around and came to Dai Lao who was also kneeling on the side. Facing the strongest among the young generation, everyone held their breath! Because before that, no one knew what title this young man would receive. And His Majesty the King personally came to reward, obviously means that it will be a very important reward!

"Dilao Goodsey. To commend you for protecting my daughter..."

The same knight sword rested on the shoulders of this 14-year-old child. Everyone held their breath, and the whole banquet hall fell into silence...

"I, give you the title of knight. I order you to enter the Third Knight Order and become a noble sword of the Bucks Royal Family!"

The Third Knights? !

This reward is really out of everyone's expectations! Even the Marquis of Pukaros felt flattered that his child would suddenly receive such a noble gift!

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