Demon King Dad

: The third year story 018, the cold breath

What is the Third Knights? It's a knight group that is responsible for guarding the royal family! It can be said that this team is the true guardian directly under the royal family, and often only the most powerful talents are qualified to serve! Although there is no actual military power, in the past, those who were able to enter the Third Knights were either the distinguished warriors or the powerful stone verticals, and the youngest would never be younger than thirty. But now, this newly joined knight broke the third knight order in one breath... No, even the youngest knight record among all ten knight orders! How can this not be surprising, how can it not be exciting? !

Pukaros was a little dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he recovered and cast a wink at his son who was also dumbfounded. Dai Lao hurriedly took the saber and draped the cloak symbolizing the Third Knights. With all the glory and dignity this time, the Goodsey family became the protagonist of this party without any surprise!


Outside, the music has revived, and the royal family has already said a congratulatory message. The king smiled and kissed his daughter. After the blessing, he announced the official start of Walnut’s birthday party. When the music sounded, the king helped the queen into the dance floor in the center. The two princes also invited their wives in. After the people all around gave a gift to the royal family, they started dancing around them, and an atmosphere of joy unfolded without surprise.

The guiding light on the wall emits a milky white light. These lights are shining on the joy and light, but not paying attention to the darkness sneaking here.

The idiot took the bun and walked to the royal quarter. After scanning the surroundings, he lowered his head, silently came to the seat where Walnut was sitting, and stood with his hands down.

Unlike just now, the round tables in the royal quarters are now full of guests. However, they are not nobles or dignitaries, but students of the Academy of Divine Grace. Compared with them, although the idiot is also wearing a tuxedo, this suit has become a bit dirty, and since he had deliberately stood in a dark place, no one paid attention to him.

As for the little bread, after the idiot's actions, she has worn her underwear outside and the dress is reversed. Moreover, the royal quarter is now crowded, and the bread is standing in the dark because of the idiot, and it has not caused Attention of others.

However, not all people have not noticed the two children. Unfortunately, Walnut became the only person on the court who noticed an idiot.

(Huh! That dwarf, why did he run out now? Is he hungry? He said he was my slave, but he disappeared all day today! Then why do I want you to be my slave?)

Walnut gave an idiot, and now she is full of fire, and her intention to introduce him to his father was immediately dissipated by the fire. The little princess turned her head again and never looked at him again.

"Dear princess, may I ask you to do a dance?"

In the melodious music, Dai Lao, dressed in a cloak and a knight sword at his waist, came to Walnut gracefully. Now, he is an upright royal knight. With his identity, Dai Lao is now so handsome that almost all girls of the same age can scream.

So, what does it mean for such a Dai Lao to come over to dance with the princess?

"Hey, look, look, Master Dai Lao has started to take action!"

"Woo~~~! Master Dai Lao! Why would you refuse to look at me~~~!"

"Oh, what do you think? Now they are upright royal knights. To put it bluntly, they are the knights dedicated to Princess Walnut by default."

"The knight and the princess~~~ This is a perfect match. It's like acting in an opera~~~"

Whispers from the surroundings continued to reach Walnut's ears. The princess was sulking. She suddenly saw Dai Lao approaching herself again, and the anger in her heart finally broke through the peak. But at the moment when she wanted to get angry, the corner of her eye glanced aside...

Over there, the idiot was still pulling the bread and standing silently.

"Okay! I'm jumping with you!"

Suddenly, Walnut readily agreed to Dai Lao's invitation. This surprised Dai Lau himself. But soon, he understood the meaning of walnut.

He is a genius! Have an excellent appearance, an excellent life experience, an excellent mind, and an excellent strength. In addition, he is now personally canonized by the king, and he is also a knight dedicated to guarding the royal family! Even the princess who is hostile to herself is absolutely unable to resist her charm!

In the grand banquet hall, the best orchestra in the empire played the most wonderful music. Tonight belongs to the princess. So when Dai Lao walked onto the dance floor with walnuts, the two princes... even the king slowly walked back to his seat with the queen's hand.

The surrounding crowd dispersed, and the music changed from the strong rhythm at the beginning to a melodious serenade. The lights in the banquet hall gradually dimmed. With three beeps, three spotlights shone on Dai Lao and Walnut dancing in the center of the dance floor. The light changes colors with their steps, and the romantic atmosphere fills the heart of every bystander...





Walnut took Dai Lao's hand, was held by him, and danced as everyone watched. But at this moment, she didn't feel the slightest romance in her heart.

The more elegant the dance steps, the bigger the ring of her skirt wagging with the dance, and the stranger she felt...

Isn't it? I obviously hate this person the most, but why do I dance with him here?

The person who obviously wants to dance with him the most, is now thrown in the corner by her and can't get anyone's attention?

That idiot...

That dwarf...

Big idiot!

You... Are you watching me continue dancing with this guy? Can't you rush out? Like a messenger of justice, rescue the kidnapped princess from the bad guys! badass! Bastard! Jump out for me! I order you, jump out for me now! I don't care what method you use, you must immediately become more conspicuous than this person who dared to dance with me!

Walnut was already scolding in her stomach, but no matter how anxious she wanted to make the idiot appear in front of everyone, how sincerely she expected him to do something more attractive to her father than Dai Lao. But it's a pity that the idiot over there is still holding the bread tightly, with both eyes scanning every corner of the banquet hall. Not to mention jumping out, looking at his appearance, I just want to bury myself in the dark!

Great idiot... Great idiot! Okay, just hide there! I don't care about you! I don't care if you can get my father's appreciation! You just die! go to hell! ! !

"Princess, what's the matter with you?" Dai Lao and Walnut separated briefly, and under the spotlight, he showed a gentle smile comparable to any beautiful man in the world.

Walnut's mouth twitched, and when she returned to Dai Lao and took his hand...

The pupils of the idiot enlarged instantly.

Because with the help of the spotlight, he saw someone...

That person did not know when he appeared, he was standing in the corner of the banquet hall near the door, his whole body...wrapped in bandages...


Breathing became heavy in an instant.

Time also turned into thick viscose at this moment.

The idiot saw... he saw the bandaged hand raised. I even saw a remote control in that hand!

The idiot watched...he could only watch. The bandage man was too far away from his position at the moment, and it was too far for him to stop him. He could only watch that person's thumb lift up, and then, toward the button on the remote control...

Death will deter people who are good at thinking.

People who are not flexible will often close the way they could survive before the threat comes.

The idiot doesn't want to die, and now, he wants to live even more to protect the little palm in his hand. In order to protect her, he thought, trying to do everything possible!

It was because of thinking that he chose to return to the banquet hall. Before that, he determined the three factors that can be determined by the explosion-

1. The goal is this grand banquet hall.

2. The scope of the explosion is very small.

3. Both walnuts and bread are trapped.

Based on these three pieces of information, he believes that although both walnuts and small breads are targeted, it is basically impossible to plant bombs in the royal quarters where almost no one can enter except royals. Therefore, the fact that a bomb was planted in the royal quarter can basically be ruled out.

But on the other hand, the idiot did not find anything that could explode in the body. Although it is not ruled out that the little girl would accidentally eat the bomb, the walnut is not so stupid to swallow the bomb as candy. Moreover, it is speculated that the target of this attack is definitely not walnut, but the royal family of the Bucks Empire! If the bomb only killed walnuts and small bread, it would be of no benefit to those assassins.


The problem is here.

Where is the bomb?

What methods will these rebel groups use to assassinate?

What are they going to do?

After pressing that button, in what way will the bread and the walnut die? !


With the pressing of that finger, the idiot's breathing... also stopped.


The button is pressed. In this moment...

In the distance, there was a rumbling sound.

The entire banquet hall was plunged into endless darkness.


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