Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 023, the girl group leader plan

Leaving the white seaside island, the camera turns back to the small fishing port town.

In the past few days, this small town has remained the same as ever before, without any changes. Every day at sunrise and sunset, listening to the calls of seagulls, spend a quiet time after another.

It is very small and there is no entertainment. The only thing there is this constant silence and peace. The gray-haired teenagers in the hotel do not need any entertainment. All he needs is a game of chess, a glass of water, and then sit by the window, looking at the black and white chessboard, and spend the day.

This is vacation.

No thrilling adventures, no exciting, unforgettable memories. Playing chess, watching the sun rise from the end of the desert, and then fall from the end of the ocean. Doing nothing, spending this day after day seemingly wasteful, this is enough.


On the black and white chessboard, the white-haired boy picked up the black chess and made an unremarkable move.

This is a simple step, but also a moderate step. This game of chess doesn't look like a carefully planned chess game that strives to compete with you. Does this also symbolize his mood at the moment, has become very peaceful?

It's White's turn. Now, according to common sense, he should bring the bishop forward and attack. But at this moment...

The white-haired boy's hand touched the king unconsciously. After thinking for a moment, he squeezed the king and took a step that seemed very wrong even to a layman.

The slightly plain chess game immediately reached its climax. Black relied on White's mistake to launch a huge offensive. White's king was repeatedly generalized by Black. Several times, it was dangerous.

However, the first one is wrong, the wrong one. After avoiding for nearly ten steps, White's king was finally checkmate. This also indicates that this game, which started during the day and continued until late at night, is finally over.

Putting down the chessboard, the white-haired boy's eyes finally moved away from the chess pieces and moved to the dark water outside. The stars in the sky are reflected on the calm sea like a mirror, calm.


After a long time, the white-haired boy opened his mouth, facing the vast sky, and said--

"Am I...really blinded by hatred...?"

Questions, perhaps only the silent sea breeze can answer. The white-haired boy closed his eyes and listened to the waves, letting the sea breeze pass over his hair. The monsters in the body also continued to be sealed quietly. There is no phenomenon that can carry out counter-phagocytosis.

Tonight...It looks like it's another peaceful night...

The white-haired boy exhaled, opened the window and closed the door. He untied the braid behind his head and let the white hair unravel. After exhaling a few breaths, he walked to the bed and at the same time began to unbutton his clothes, intending to sleep...

"Huh! Go to bed after playing chess, and play chess after sleeping. This fake degree is really boring!"

At some point, the fat girl suddenly broke in. She saw the white-haired teenager who had half unbuttoned his clothes in the bedroom, her chubby little mouth suddenly stubborn, and said: "I ask you, do you want to go to the night sea to see the stars with me tonight, or do you want to Continue to sleep here?! So much time has passed since our vacation, but every day is so plain and unexciting. This vacation is too boring, right?!"

The white-haired boy glanced at the fat girl and pulled off his coat. Put on pajamas. With a flick of his hand, he flicked the white hair out of the collar. Seeing the white-haired boy doing this, the fat girl snorted, turned her head and rushed out of the room, angry, and ran out of the hotel.

"Huh! That big idiot! I think he doesn't care about me at all, right? He is his teacher and teacher all day long, what good is his teacher? Just a bandage man. Is it like a flower? Jade's beautiful princess is no better than a middle-aged uncle who has been dead for nearly ten years?"

Walking on the street with almost no lights, the fat girl kicked the stone boredly, feeling cold. Think of myself running around with that big idiot when I was twelve or thirteen years old, not even being a princess, just to stick with him. But this big fool doesn't appreciate at all, and has never said a word of concern to himself for so many years! He secretly stated that he had been so many times, so he had to lie down on his bed with his whole body naked. But he still didn't respond? What do you mean? !

Pacing, the fat girl felt like she was going crazy by the fool. The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged, and the more I think about it, the more I feel that I might not see the future in such a toss. In such a chaotic world and in such an organization, who can guarantee that one day he will not suddenly die? Will it end with regrets at that time?

The fat girl tossed on the road without anyone. This kind of small place is completely empty at night. Which is like a big city with bright lights at night?


The fat girl turned to the three moons in the sky and compared a middle finger, and said angrily--

"I see, even if I was kidnapped suddenly, that big idiot won't come to control me, right? Oh my god!"


With a sound, the sight of the fat girl turned into darkness. Before she could struggle, the two black shadows holding sacks quickly took out an incense from their arms and threw them into the sacks that covered the fat girl. In less than three seconds, the fat girl's movements stopped immediately. And the two dark shadows quickly picked up the sacks, looked around at no one, and ran away quickly...


The fifth day of actual combat training,

When these little girls opened their eyes one by one, they saw white spots all over their sleeping bags. Think about it again, this seems to mean that he has been eliminated.

Eliminated? How can this be? Didn’t it say that all attacks are forbidden before eight o’clock? Why now...

One p.m? ? ? ! ! !

Ke Luo and Li Luo almost saw their own clocks at the same time. For this time, they all expressed that they could not accept it! How can it be? They slept very early last night, how could it be possible that they did not wake up for nearly 20 hours? !

These girls look at me and I look at you, all trying to find something out of each other's eyes. But including the small bread, the four little girls showed a look that they didn't know anything. In the end, they could only become blames for each other, blaming each other for death, but before the start, they lost the fifth day of battle in their sleep.

After complaining for a while, these little girls finally stopped. Because they all disappeared suddenly, they had a lot of time to adjust and rest. A little envy and jealousy appeared on the faces of Ke Luo and Li Luo listening to the sound of fighting from a distance. Still a little bit unconvinced. Xing held her sleeping bag and wiped off the paint with a cloth.

Today, he has lost five games in a row.

Xiao Bao looked at these frustrated team members and felt that he should give them one last chance. After all, if the order is really forced by oneself, the tacit understanding will still be much less. Seeing that there is nothing wrong in the afternoon, and when the sound of fighting in the distance one after another, Bread coughed and took the lead to walk to Li Luo next to him.

"What do you think of your strength? 》

Lilo hadn't figured out the problem with Little Bread. After thinking for a while, she said, "I should be the strongest among my peers? After all, there is no boy who can be stronger than me."

"Oh, so, just a violent woman."

Ko Luo was not stingy with sarcasm beside him. Lilo was in a bad mood, and immediately started fighting again. Bread quickly stopped them.

"Don't make a noise! Don’t you find it strange? Since there are two strongest combatants in our team, why do we lose for five days in a row? 》

Ke Luo and Li Luo glared at each other without speaking. On the other hand, Xing used to wipe the sleeping bag leisurely, open the book leisurely, take out the needle and thread leisurely, and read the book while doing embroidery leisurely.

"Cooperate! trust! teamwork! We lack nothing, just these things! If we have these things, we will definitely win the next five days! 》

"Huh, cooperate with the Goodsayers? Unless my sun comes out from the west."

"Yeah~~~ Even if the sun comes out from the west, I will never stand on the same line as the Nolius family!"

Without a few words, it was noisy again. Little Bread felt helpless, she gave her last hope to the apricot over there, rushed to her side, and raised the sign—

"Princess, in order to maintain the peace of the empire, please persuade those two people! 》

Xiao Xing glanced at Bun gently, and Lu made an expression that he didn't care at all--

"They can't reconcile. Father and King said so, then it's absolutely correct, and persuasion is useless."

"But you always have to try? They, including me, are your current bodyguards! 》

"My father said that you don't need to reconcile them, just let them contain each other. This is what Grandpa Huang told his father, and his father told me again."

"That's not the same at all! You must be flexible in dealing with things! How can you stick to a sentence? ! 》

"Father King said that the words of Grandpa Xianhuang are the truth. You can't change a word, you must follow the teachings of Grandpa Xianhuang."

Father said, father said, how many fathers have you said? You wooden head!

The bun was almost blown up. Why is this princess's brain not so capable? I've always listened to what my father said. Didn't her father tell her like an idiot that he should learn to be flexible when encountering things?

Looking at Xing's rigid face, Xiao Bao completely gave up. She had no hope for these three girls. Sure enough, it is impossible for them to reconcile naturally through some kind of inner strength. It can only be forced by external forces! Idiot, you have to come back soon~~~ There are a lot of battle plans waiting to be used in the belly of the bread! In the next five days, we must let them unite! V

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