Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 024, the danger that shouldn't arise

As the sun sets, the noise in the distance gradually subsides. It seems that today's battle is over. But whoever wins and loses is no longer a fact that these four girls care about.

Afterglow, shone from the side of the sea. Through the branches, land on the burning campfire. The four little girls squatted around the campfire and ate emergency food ignoring each other.

Before long, there was a rustle from the woods, and it seemed that someone was coming.

Little Bread was happy and immediately put down the biscuit in his hand and stood up. Finally, the killer she was waiting for finally came! As long as holding those photos in front of these three ignorant girls, who would dare to defy themselves?

Bun stood up... She clapped her hands and looked happily in the direction where the sound came from... But at that moment, the smile on her face instantly solidified, and she took a step, and stopped in the air abruptly, and quickly Received it back.

The laughing expression disappeared from the emerald-colored pupils.

Instead, it is a sensitivity to danger and seriousness.

The bun withdrew his steps, his grinning expression turned into frosty gloom. She stared fiercely in the direction where the sound was coming from, squeezing her fists, the moisture in the air began to gather in all of her, and the temperature dropped quickly.

The bonfire went out.

The three girls next to them felt cold, and couldn't help but shiver. They looked at Little Bread in surprise, and also at her fists with their backs behind them, gathering cold air. In an instant, these girls seemed to have a premonition and stood up. Lilu squeezed his fists with both hands and stood in front of Little Bread. Kolo put on the two guiding stone rings on both hands, and two fireballs appeared above her palm. Even Xing, who has always seemed a little sluggish, pulls out his practice sword at this moment, puts on a posture of a swordsman master, and is listed at the bottom of the team...

The voice is near...

The four little girls began to sweat on their nervous palms.

Little Bread's body slowly lowered, and the cold on both palms lowered the surrounding temperature. After opening the palm, the two spheres of cold air have already floated on the palm...



The leaves were removed, and the bun immediately waved a ball of ice. What she didn't expect was that this hockey puck went straight through the woods and hit another tree! The trunk of that tree instantly frosted, but at the moment when it missed the target, Xiao Bread knew that something was wrong.


A bunch of smoke-emitting tubes was thrown in from the grass behind everyone. Smelling the smoke, Ke Luo, Liluo and Xing immediately started shaking their feet, and collapsed to the ground one after another. Bun covered her nose, and although she felt that she was fine in an instant, the facts have proved that she can't beat the malicious visitor. After thinking for a moment, she threw the other frost ball in her hand directly to the ground, and in an instant, including her, the body of a little girl was immediately covered with a piece of ice, and it was tightly wrapped.

The smoke cleared...Four people with masks walked in. After seeing the big ice block in front of them, they seemed to be taken aback. But soon, they joined hands with each other, shoveled the ice cubes from the ground, carried them, and disappeared into the depths of the woods...



Early the next morning, the idiot with a stack of photos in his hand returned to the island. Before getting close to the coast, an inexplicable feeling immediately enveloped his heart. Driven by this strange feeling, the speed of his sliding oars immediately increased. The small wooden boat is speeding on the sea like a motor. In no time, his boat slid to the beach where it landed. At that moment...

A fact that he did not want to accept has already appeared in front of him.


Many soldiers who didn't know where they belonged appeared on the beach. Each of them is wearing heavy armor, holding weapons, and standing on the edge of the beach. Look straight at the sea.

No matter what happens on the island, the most important thing now is to leave first.

Idiot thinks this way, but in fact, he can't do it. Because before he turned the bow and left, the two patrol boats quickly circled around, directly blocking the idiot's retreat.

"Go ashore! If you want to escape, kill it!"

In an instant, the ten archers on the patrol ship swiftly bent their bows and set their arrows at the idiot.

(Human kid, is the news that the princess came out to be active?)

(……………………Her information is not kept secret.)

(Hehe, interesting. I think so. If you really want to rob people, you don’t have to do so much, and you don’t have to rob people after the past eight days. So...this matter is likely to be the same Princess has nothing to do?)


(Hahaha! Okay, okay! No matter it doesn’t matter, it’s your job anyway! Let’s go up and have a look, and then make plans.)

Under the pressure of those speedboats, the idiot slowly rowed to the shore. After taking a glance at the situation here from a distance, Deviant quickly sank to the bottom. However, in this unclear situation, she did not immediately take action. Instead, she swam in along the river on the island, ready to explore the reality.

The idiot abandoned the boat and walked slowly to the beach. Looking around, besides the soldiers on the beach, there are many small town residents who have seen them on the white seashore. However, before the idiot could see everyone clearly, a soldier next to him immediately walked over and put a black mask directly on his head, pushing him into the middle of the residents.

Counting them down, including idiots, there are more than fifty people in the small town here. They were forcibly put on masks by the soldiers one after another. Some people, like idiots, are black iron masks. But some others wear white masks made of pure steel. This mask not only covers the shape of the face, but also wraps the entire head in. Said it is a mask, it seems to be more precise.

"What is going on? Why did you catch us here?!"

A small town resident cried out in horror. But after uttering the voice, the man suddenly covered his throat and coughed loudly.

"Wh... what's going on?! My throat... throat! My voice!"

The idiot was silent for a while and said a word softly. Only then did he realize that his voice did not sound like his own. Obviously, this mask must have a sound-changing device embedded in it, making it impossible to make the original sound.

But...what is the purpose of this?

"Stand up! Don't talk nonsense! Talk again, be careful I kill you."

A heavy-armored soldier walked over and pointed the head of his spear directly against the shouting man. Finally, the man was afraid and stopped talking.

The soldiers organized the order, gathered people wearing black and white masks, and kept everyone quiet. Then, another ship came over. After counting the number of people, they also put masks on them to push the crowd.

The idiot waited in the crowd, but he didn't wait too long. When the number of these villagers added up to exactly 60, the soldiers dispersed and stood on both sides of everyone.

After a while, a muscular man, who seemed to have been on the battlefield, came out of the team like an officer. The tall man bowed his head and glanced at the sixty townspeople. Suddenly, roared loudly--

"I know, you must have a lot of confusion in your heart! I also know that you must be worrying about the safety of your own lives in the future! But please rest assured! We do not intend to harm you. And please believe, at this moment, You are still free! If you want to leave, you can go to the two soldiers over there, ask them for the key to the mask, and leave after opening!"

Villagers look at me, I look at you, don’t know what to do. At this moment, a person suddenly walked out of the crowd, and he knelt down in front of the soldier with a snap, bursts of flattering laughter under the black mask.

"Junye, please rest assured! Being able to serve Junye is the glory of the villain's life! As long as Junye can spare the shoes of Junye, I am willing!"

The soldier sneered, looked at the man lying in front of him, and said, "Really? Well, I just like a person like you who knows the times. What about the villain? This is the easiest world for young people to survive. ."

"Yes, yes! Thank you Junye for your love!"

The man quickly stood up, nodding and bowing at the soldier. After that, he immediately turned around and yelled at the villagers behind him: "Stand well! Stand up one by one! No one is allowed to flee, you must listen to the military master!"

At this time, a middle-aged man secretly glanced at the soldiers around him, and immediately jumped up to rush towards the coastline. The little man who nodded and bowed quickly went up and tripped him, and after the middle-aged man fell, he kicked him heavily. Only when he kicked the middle-aged man and yelled, he let go.

This person...looks at his back and his movements, it seems that he is the little hooligan who hit Xing with a rock last time. Name... Mike.

"Why are you like this?! Do you still have a conscience!"

Finally, the people next to him couldn't stand it. A young-sounding man rushed out and pushed Mike away. And Mike laughed and said, "What's this? Anyway, we are all trapped here, and you guys who usually look down on me don't want to run away! Master Jun, please give your order! Do you want to kill or want to run? Ping, you can listen to it!"

The tumultuous crowd was slowly suppressed by the soldiers. At this moment, the soldier sneered again and said loudly: "Everyone! Believe me, I am not telling the truth, nor am I hiding anything. You are indeed free at this moment. But? Yes! The one over there, kneel down for me! Before I finish speaking, your freedom does not belong to you!" V

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