Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 54: Lily's Revenge

"It looks like you were tricked into coming here. ... Lìlì Ji felt a little sympathetic to the pair of sisters in front of her. They probably entered the mobile church by accident and were taken to this forest.

This place is by no means a safe place. Although the mobile church itself has special power, no monsters from the fog forest will attack here: but that is only limited to the mobile church. As long as you leave the mobile church's protection range, the forest dwellers These guys are not polite to outsiders.

Those who always act on instinct, but are very fond of cannibals.

"How about it, do you want to come down to me? My army is lacking a few army commanders. These guys with only wild instincts are all too stupid. In return, I can let you all be free in this forest. I live here." Sitting on the throne, lìlìji has a different kingly demeanor than Arce lìya, and she leads the army of demons, and she is above ordinary people.

Even if she is small, the Ministry is quite regretful, but the blood and dark aura surrounding her has a huge attraction to all dark creatures.

The devil's princess, this name is not just self-proclaimed, she does have the charm of commanding thousands of demons.

The witch Alna lìya, who has also entered the dark camp, and the dark Alsa lìya who was born from the wreckage of Arce lìya, also felt that extraordinary charm.

"Can you promise?" To the dark Arse lìya, who had already died, everything around her was not important, but she hoped to see more smiles from Alna lìya.

Unlike her who has long been devoured by darkness, even if she becomes a witch, Alna lìya still has that pure heart and has many, many dreams.

Even if he was burned to death in the past and became a victim of disaster, that precious quality has not disappeared. In the ceremony of the witch contract, the black color turns into the white color, which is the portrayal of her beautiful soul.

Even if she becomes a witch, Alna lìya is a pure witch who has never been polluted by darkness.

"Who do you think I am? I am the lord of the fog forest, the most noble demon princess, lìl Ji, standing proudly on the spine of the bone dragon's small bone, raising her right hand high.

"Huh!" The countless mists shrouded in the surroundings spread out in one breath, and even the extremely dark sky made a big hole, allowing the soft sunlight to pass through the hazy clouds and fall directly from the sky.

The entire forest, the entire land, and even the sky were changed by lìlì Ji's hand. This kind of ability to change the weather with just a wave of the hand, neither Alna lìya nor the dark Arce lìya can match.

The bone dragon under lìlìji made a comfortable sound. This kind of bone was soaked in huge magic power, and even the smallest part was filled with the magic power of the entire forest, which doubled its combat power directly. many.

In an instant, both Alna lìya and Dark Arse lìya understood the fact that in this forest, the two of them were definitely not the opponents of the lìlìji in front of them.

Being bathed in the long-lost sunlight made Lìlì Ji, who has been in the room all the year round, a little dazzling. As a relative of the darkness, she was actually not used to such sunlight. However, in order to recruit her ideal army commander, she still spared no effort to show her absolute status in the foggy forest.

Yes, this whole forest, everything in this forest, exists for her. Born for lìlìji, the only devil in this world.

The black death monster, the fog troll, the fog nightmare, and even the final weapon, the Feathered Serpent, are all fantasy species born by her subordinates based on her blood.

The entire forest is her home, her territory.

She is Lìlì Ji, the lord of the Mí Mist Forest. This is a name comparable to the overlords of the Seven Seas. Although her strength has not yet fully recovered, she is still the only undisputed lord in the Mí Mist Forest.

"Amazing magic." As a witch, Alna lìya can feel the horror of lìlìji now more than her sister who is a swordsman.

It is not as simple as dispelling the fog and opening the sky. What really surprised Alna lìya was her fusion with the entire forest at this moment.

Just standing there, lìlìji became the center of the entire forest. This huge forest, breathing with her breath, beating with her heartbeat.

The majestic mist, like an extension of her body, connected her to the entire forest. That **** throne is like the heart of the entire forest.

In this foggy forest, she is the real master. The ability to naturally merge with the entire forest, Alna lìya also briefly entered when she used her own unique enchantment "miracle reappearance".

The Ring of Salisbury, the eternal Stonehenge: fragments of the sun, the ancient pyramids: in recreating these two marvels, she also felt fused with them.

However, no matter how perfectly she reproduced the miracles of the past, she couldn't compare to lìlìji. No matter how perfect the miracle born in the inherent enchantment is, the world can't compare it with this real and incomparably huge fog forest.

This forest is the real realm where lìlìji's legendary realm "Forbidden Forest of Mist" is stronger than any inherent barrier.

"That's right, this is my strength." Lìlì Ji proudly raised her chest, but there was lingering sadness in her beautiful black eyes.

Yes, this is her power. With the help of that person, the power that grows little by little is enough to fight against any enemy.

As long as he said it, as long as he gave the simplest order, all the power here, all her subordinates, even if they were punished by the sun, would definitely rush out of this foggy forest and fight for him.

Just tell me her, as long as she has one look: no matter where she goes, no matter who she is against, as long as she wants to do, as long as she wants her to go with him, she will set off without hesitation.

Because he is not only a father to her, but also the most important person, the one who can make her give up everything.

However, she was abandoned, and she didn't even say "goodbye" to her, and the two ushered in a permanent parting.

And she, even after a long time, realized that the liar who always loved to tell lies and used ambiguous language to yòuhuò others was no longer in this world.

I didn't tell her anything, I didn't tell her anything, only she who knew the truth was left with the curse of despair and sadness in the place where the two had been together.

Anxiety, doubt, hatred, betrayal, that day, I always lived in happiness, and the lìlì that felt happy even if I waited disappeared. She swore to Shiban that no matter what method she used, she would definitely find him, in the name of the demon princess lìlìji.

"I will find you, no matter what method I use, no matter what method I use, as long as you have a trace of your spirit, a trace of debris is still in this world. Then, even if I chase the end of this world, I will find it. You, then find the [answer]."

"The child you abandoned, lìlìji."

Yes, no matter what method was used, even a smile appeared on the corner of lìlìji's mouth.

Seeing lìlìji's smile, Alna lìya seemed to hear another voice in a trance.

It was the voice that remained in the ancient church, like the memory of the church.

"lìlì, it's called a mobile church, it's a very convenient means of transportation."

"Dad, I have grown up and am no longer a child. I am a princess. I will use the princess' name in the future and call me lìlìji!"

"Dad, are you going for a long time this time? When will you be back?"

"Probably, it will really be a long time. If you are a good child, just wait for me here."

"I don't want to be a good boy. If you don't come back, I will definitely go out to find you!"

"Well, it might be hard to find.


"How is it, are you willing to come to my side?" In the distant past, Lìlì Ji, who had already given up the child's innocence, looked at the witch sisters in front of her with confidence.

"How can lìlìji get out of here?" If Alna lìya, who was resurrected after death, had any wish, it was to meet her sister again.

The elder sister is still in this world. This is her hunch as a twin sister. Although her elder sister's fighting instinct is countless times stronger than hers, her talent in feeling is her advantage.

And a few days ago, the creature that looked like a young angel who signed the witch contract with her also affirmed this.

"Do you want to go out? Don't worry, so do I." Lìlì Ji held her little hand tightly, because she was nervous and also because she was excited.

She will let the person who betrayed her know how unforgivable it is to play with the heart of her demon princess lìlì Become my army commander, and then go out with me and bring this world together Destroy it in a mess. "This is lìlìji's battle declaration, and it is also her revenge against the person she once trusted the most.

After thinking for a while, Alna lìya agreed to lìlìji's request.

Without Lìlì Ji's help, she would not have been able to leave this forest, nor would she have been able to find her sister.

"I'm with her." Wherever Alna lìya is going, whether it's the human world or hell, the dark Alna lìya will be with her.

"Very good, then you are the first and second army commanders under my command!" Recruiting suitable commanders in her own territory made lìlìji extremely excited, completely ignoring the former first army commander The aggrieved look of the small bones under her feet.

After waiting too long and experiencing too much sadness and despair, she finally used her own hands to regain all of what she had lost.

Cut your neck and wait, you big liar! ! .

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