Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 55: knock on your door (on)

Ulysses, who is thousands of miles away, does not know that he has been in trouble for a day, and now he is making the final preparations for his trip to the south.

Sufficient food, water, clothes, communication with the Nanqi Church of the Supreme God Sect, the historical data of the temple where Pluto's mythical gems are found, and the travel route, all these must be considered.

Fortunately, after learning this news, the Ana family, who has always been friendly with the Apostles, provided considerable help. Not only did they help contact the personnel of the Southern Church, but they also gave him the name of "Glorious Academy Research Group". Turned this action into an academic event that could get official help, and it was documented in the academy.

In this way, it means that he is actively participating in the extracurricular internship activities carried out by the college, rather than truancy and leave, not only will not reduce the credits, but also can increase a lot after returning.

Ulysses was naturally very grateful for these timely help. In southern tribal areas where people are unfamiliar, the help of the church is of course many times better than no one.

The temple where the signs of the Pluto mythical gem were discovered was actually one of the branches of the Southern Church. Unlike the rest of the mainland, the religious relationship of the Southern Church was very complicated.

The phoenix, the giant snake, the flame, and the beliefs in the tribal area are all kinds. Although the existence of the supreme **** has been recognized in name, but specific to each tribe, it is still dominated by the ancient witches inheriting the constitution.

The priestess who specialize in fighting and the priestesses who are responsible for praying are the foundation of the entire southern church, which is completely different from other areas of the continent where priests are the mainstay.

Although it is considered to be from the southern region, the Mira village where Ulysses grew up is not a tribal area, but a small village on the border of Sofia's country Taya, a very pure church belief village.

What kind of column is the church in the tribal area, Ulysses has only been there, but it is a witch from the tribal area, and he knows two of them.

They are all divine witches, Bridit who fights with a teddy bear, is known as a genius witch that is rare in a thousand years, and Mayfair, who has the power of the phoenix Phoenix in her body, is all his. friend.

Unfortunately, not long ago, Mayfair, who came to Guanghui College as a temporary teacher, went back to the south urgently for some reason and was unable to serve as a guide for this operation.

"Finally done!" Ulysses breathed a sigh of relief after exhausting his efforts to complete this action plan.

After checking it again and feeling that he had taken into account various situations, Ulysses began to impatiently want to leave early.

The feeling of resurrecting Yulia was not weakened by the passage of time, but more eager. The miracle created by the masquerade ball jointly launched by the Star Messengers and the Fish of the Wind greatly stabbed Ulysses, making him feel the desire in his heart so urgently.

Yulia, his biggest scar, the person he failed to protect. When he saw Yulia's body being occupied by Lara with his own eyes, the despair, the fear, he would never forget.

At that time, he was too weak, so he could only watch the tragedy happen in front of him, and couldn't do anything.

The shot Lala shot cut off all his fantasies. The icy gun blade told him the truth he didn't want to imagine more clearly than anyone else.

The first love he longed for, killed her sister with his own hands, and took her mother's body.

Therefore, it is unforgivable, unforgivable: even if the memory has been broken, as long as he sees the figure of the hero he once imagined, he can no longer control himself.

The flames of hatred didn't calm down in his heart until he killed Lala by the sea, and found the possibility of resurrecting Yulia from Aya.

Everything between him and Lara, with the shooting of the Dark Grail, finally disappeared in his heart.

Now he only needs to think about Yulia, no matter how much effort he has to put in, he will definitely bring her back.

Tossing and turning, Ulysses couldn't sleep. What to do after getting the Pluto mythical gem, the formula for experimentation, the remaining precious materials needed to make Alice, all kinds of moving thoughts entangled him, making him more and more excited.

No, no, it's not good to go on like this. We are going to set off tomorrow. This is a farther journey than from Taji City to here, and we have to go through many dangerous places. Maybe there will be battles, so we must rest well.

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep Ulysses, an insomniac, starts counting sheep.

White sheep, beautiful sheep, naked sheep, obediently barking sheep, all kinds of sheep passed through Ulysses' mind, but they didn't arouse his pajamas at all.

"Boom!" A slight voice came from the quiet room, interrupting Ulysses who counted three hundred sheep.

Ulysses opened his eyes and looked suspiciously at the direction the voice came from. The voice came from not far away, it should be in his room.

However, he was 100% sure that there was absolutely no one else in his room.

minute. For two minutes, three minutes, Ulysses carefully sensed everything in his room, but he didn't find the slightest clue.

Maybe it was just a mishearing, maybe just the sound of a heartbeat, Ulysses closed his eyes and nose again and started counting sheep.

Three hundred and one, three hundred and two, three hundred and three...

"Boom! Boom!" The voice sounded again, this time Ulysses was certain that it was definitely not an illusion.

"It's here!" Ulysses fixed his gaze on the huge closet in the corner of the room.

However, this closet Ulysses remembered being locked and never opened since he lived here. Generally speaking, this place is used to put quilts or clothes, but because he didn't find the key, and there was no need for it, he never opened it.

But now, that strange sound came from inside.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The third time, the interval between this time and the previous two times was shorter, and the sound was clearer, as if something was about to come out of it.

However, in Ulysses' perception, there was nothing in that closet.

This kind of thing is by no means unusual. Being able to invade this distance without being discovered by Ulysses shows that the things inside have some kind of special ability.

"Boom! Boom!" The voice from the closet became louder and louder, even shaking the entire cabinet slightly.

This time, Ulysses could no longer ignore it. Obviously, something is really going to come out from here, and he still can't detect it at this distance, which means that what may be coming out is very dangerous.

With one sword, clean and neat, without the slightest sloppiness, Ulysses cut off the lock for which the key could not be found.

The closet door opened, but Ulysses didn't see anything strange.

This closet is empty.

what happened? Ulysses looked over the entire closet, and there was indeed nothing, not even dust. It looks like this closet has been locked for a long time.

The question is, since there is nothing in it, how did the sound come out just now?

"Boom!" Just when Ulysses was suspicious, the exact same voice sounded again, right next to him.

The distance was so close that it could be said that it sounded in his ears. If it was an enemy, this distance was enough to deal a fatal blow to Ulysses.

Realizing this, Ulysses instantly swung his sword and stabbed the spot where the voice came from.

However, there was nothing, the sword only slashed into the air, and it was obvious that the sound came from that point, but the point itself had nothing.

"Not here?" Ulysses confirmed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his sword, and the voice did come from that point.

But it was also true that there was nothing there, as if the voice had come from another world.

Ghost? It's not that Ulysses hasn't encountered this kind of thing, but it was the first time he met a ghost that was so close to his fingertips, but he couldn't see it at all.

I can't see it, I can't see it, even if the abyss cuts the sin, there is no sense of substance, only the voice keeps appearing.

"Boom! Boom!" Like the curse of the evil spirit, the voice sounded again, and the position was exactly the same as before.

However, this time, there were other voices.



The sound is very pitiful, but also very sweet, like a little bird chirping.

Ulysses will not forget this voice. Speaking of which, similar things have happened before, but the owner of this voice was locked in the holy ark.

Changed to an invisible airbox this time? Ulysses thought so with a smile, and then touched the place where the voice came from with his hand.

It's It's clear that there is really nothing, and I confirmed this with a sword. When I touch it with my hand, it has a faint warmth.

That is the smell of my sister, the smell of a girl who awakened his past and brought him back to this world when Ulysses lost his memory and was at a loss for the future.

"Is that you? Annie."

"It's me! It's me! Brother, open the door, it's so dark here! It's so dark!" The voice from the door sounded like she was about to cry, especially after hearing Ulysses' voice, that kind of It feels more obvious.

"Okay." I don't know why, just hearing this voice, the fatigue and stress accumulated recently were all blown away in an instant, Ulysses with a soft smile, mō asked for the picture in the air. Missing door, then try the spell to open the door.

"Open Sesame!"

"In the name of the deepest darkness, open the gates of hell."

"The gate of heaven, open for me!"! .

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