Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1051: Across the sea

What the Karen Kingdom needs now is something else — all kinds of resources and populations. Needless to say, that “trophy” clause is the reason why Roddy is so excited.

From Houdini and Evelyn's mouth, he learned that there are actually many rich countries and lands in the northern part of the Rahman kingdom. As a country that has established a parliamentary system for overthrowing religious countries, they have always adopted the policy of supporting small countries to fight against Ezca ... and have not leveled these countries one by one. Therefore, if Rodi's army is strong enough, the reward of loot will be indispensable.

This agreement was tugged back and forth for many days, and today Roddy is finally signed. After the end, Roddy sent the relieved Ambassador Mislan away, then glanced at the dark night, and walked to the top of the magic tower.

In the bedroom, pale Sally was talking to Nora, hearing Roddy's footsteps, and stood up and said, "It's over?"

"Yes, it's done."

"it is good."

Sally didn't ask any other questions. At this time, she was already wearing a magic cloak with a gorgeous pattern. She was no longer a robe representing royal power, but a thick coat with fur, leather pants and boots a little bloated. Looks like he has gained three laps.

Kardashian and Akasha also entered the room at this time, and Nata, with a bow on her back, was fully armed, then closed the door and stood like a bodyguard.

All maids were cleared from this floor. The shadow of the Arcanist Edith appeared in the room.

Roddy originally wore a short outfit. At this time, she put on the same equipment as the equipment that had been here. Akasha stepped forward to help. Kardashian took the delicate quiver and carefully checked the space law above. Array.

Sally held a mink hat in her hand and smiled bitterly: "It's really hot to wear these in the room."

"It's cold outside, and this trip is estimated to have been flying in the sky, so keeping warm is important."

Rody bowed on his back and hugged Kardashian gently. "Just wait for us to come back."

When he had finished speaking, he motioned to Edith, who nodded and raised his hand, the window of the hall opened, and a magical step led to the top platform of the tower.

Roddy gently supported Sally upstairs, Akasha helped her to hold the Viper's Kiss scepter behind her, and when she reached the top of the tower, the purple shadow young dragon in her whole body lowered herself, letting the party Climbing up the soft ladder to the back of the cabin.

The so-called cabin is two streamlined shuttle-like wooden cabins, which are fixed on both sides of the back of the Shadow Dragon's spine. And has packed all kinds of items to be brought to Rashiman.

This idea was admired by Edith, but in Kardashian's view, it was just a product of her plagiarism on the earth's fighter cabin.

The cold wind blows Sally's nose a little red. She puts on a funny-looking mink hat, clenches her teeth, climbs to the dragon's back, and sits in the cabin on the left. Akasha and Nata went to the other side, and Roddy stepped on the last one, retracted the ladder and gestured to Nata on the other side.

The latter closed the hatch and opened the sealed array with spar inserted. Roddy glanced back at Kardashian, who stood there, and they looked at each other for a moment, saying nothing.

Edith raised her hand, released a silent nodule, and then waved at Roddy-who nodded and closed the door.

The dragon's wings spread out to the sides at the next moment, and Edith released a wind spell to provide it with sufficient lift. Taking a few steps, the dragon leaped towards the sky in the south, with almost no shape falling, and quickly disappeared into the night ...

On the other side of the boundless sea, Rahman's late night is lively because of the festive atmosphere.

Masters pursue truth and do not worship any gods. But not everyone can be a mage, so most people still have the same customs as before. For example, during the half month of the New Year, the people in the city basically spend carnivals and various dances.

The New Year in Hollier City is not so lively. After all, the high latitude Eiffel Tower is too cold in winter, and Duruil City is like spring in all seasons, and the temperature is pleasant throughout the year. Even at night, the city's Balafal neighbourhood is still brightly lit.

The "Nogforge Auction House" is conducting a new round of auctions, and applause and applause can be heard on the streets outside. Not far away is the "Castel Fireplace" hotel. The outdoor tables on the second floor are full, and the waiters are busy.

Melinzel's figure looks a little special here. Because in the entire restaurant, only she was eating alone.

Instead of wearing a traditional robe, she wore a dark red coat and loose trousers. Pocket watch chains looming, pockets bulging.

This is Melinella's daily dress. She doesn't care what other people think of it, and after taking care of the characteristic meat sausage and cheese taro, she reads a stack of papers and letters while drinking fruit juice.

For a long time after the transformation from the dragon to the mortal, it was difficult for Merlin Serra to integrate into human society, but she understood that she must learn to adapt after all, so after working hard for a long time, she had her own communication circle-of course, this This "communication" is purely academic, and those who can qualify for correspondence with her are Rahman's top magic teachers.

Melinzela's life is basically running on both sides of the bedroom and the college. In addition to this, she comes to the magical props store in Balafal neighborhood to personally purchase and bring a meal here.

Not because of the delicious food in this restaurant, but because she has eaten here with someone.

Merlin Sela has a good appearance ~ ~ Even if she is dressed in a weird way, it is still difficult to hide the powerful aura. However, the people who can eat at this restaurant are not unknown. Many people looked around, but quickly turned away.

They all know that this is a master who cannot afford to mess with.

Last year, an unbelievable wizard, relying on her status as a member of the parliament, said a few harassing words when Melinthera submitted her dissertation-so the same day the wizard went to Ballena College Emergency room.

Losing to an ordinary mage made the wizard feel very embarrassed, so when he was healed, he let out a word and said he was going to clean up Merinthera.

However, once Alfred Frost came here once, the member of parliament disappeared.

As a result, Merlin Sera, who had shined in the "Crown of Twilight", became a fierce existence.

And after countless efforts, this "elemental make" finally found a way to communicate the elemental plane half a month ago-this means that the hard work has finally been rewarded, and I believe that it won't be long before she can cross Threshold, moving towards unknown territory.

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