Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1052: Paper drunk gold fan

Melinzel was in a good mood at this time. She scanned a few papers and set them aside, picking up a parliamentary inside news report and glanced at it-and glanced at the title, Merlinthura froze.

She stood up suddenly, picked up her magic wand, and on the table, the scattered papers floated and neatly tucked into the cloth bag next to her. She put down two gold coins, got up and went downstairs. Through the entire block.

As she walked in the night, Merlin Sera's original dark purple hair flashed a dark red halo.

This is because as a "elemental messenger", Merlin Sera can now communicate with the elemental plane of fire through the magic circle-the "fire" spells used by ordinary mages are all condensed by the elemental fire gathered from the plane, but she But can store and use energy from the elemental plane ...

So now Melinzela ’s spell power has begun to make rapid progress. The same "fireball", she can almost bring about the effect of "Pyroblast"-just in this area, she published four or five articles in the core journal.

And because of the calling and storage of the transplanar power, Melincela's body is gradually changing now, and ordinary people can only see the faint fire element glow from her hair, but in the eyes of the Magister, she is more like a ball Moving fire element.

Even if she is not a Magister, she is now almost the first step of strength in Duriel. So when walking on the road, even the horses pulling the carriage would hide from her because of instinct.

Mai Linse Ramen was expressionless, and walked all the way to Mofengte College.

The New Year's atmosphere made Mowte College equally noisy. It's just that such a scene did not make Melinzela happy-she knows that the Parliament has recently faced a multi-flowered war and is arguing about how to deal with it.

This country is on the verge of a state of tension.

Although Rahman adopted a "parliamentary system", this "parliament" is different from the "parliamentary system" of the House of Commons and the perfect parliamentary system.

The imperfection of the deliberative system is reflected in many aspects. For example, if there are three opinions on one thing, members of each opinion group may even become so noisy that even the mistakes in the previous paper of each other will be spit out-just Let the other party back down.

Although the mages of the parliaments are somewhat politically savvy, they do not have the old nobles who are good at governing. After all, there are some small things on weekdays that are not important for a long time, but suddenly many countries at the border have not declared war. When looting the surrounding villages and towns, discussing countermeasures became a huge problem.

In the past, there were sufficient troops and powerful mages, and it was not a problem to deal with multiple small countries at the same time. After experiencing the "Ancient Beast" incident, it seems that Rashiman, who had lost his soldiers and soldiers, was frightened. The major colleges were reluctant to send troops for a while, and the mage didn't ask for help ...

Everyone spent three days going back and forth in the parliament. Before we could discuss the unified decision, the villages on the border had been robbed and pushed several times.

Of course, Melinzela chose to sit idly by-she was not the speaker, and would not worry about this group of people at all.

People on both sides of the road are discussing Speaker Jeremy's push to improve the parliamentary system, but everyone is not optimistic about it. To put it plainly, eat the meat in your mouth and want to spit it out at the six colleges? too difficult.

These mages, once oppressed by religion, have now tasted the sweetness and have become what they hated.

Meilin Sera glanced at the brightly lit Mofengte College. The flags and flowers made the festival atmosphere strong. There were countless gears on the huge mechanical clock. The magicians who went in and out talked loudly. There was no sense of urgency in the pressure of war.

In their opinion, as long as everything is normal in the college, who will control the flood outside?

"Go and go! Didn't you see where this is? Get out of here!"

The guard at the gate of the college drew a shaggy woman away with a scabbard, whose clothes had not been worn out, but there was more dirt on it. She did not beg herself, but was beaten several times because she was passing by here. Due to the fear of the magician, she didn't dare to return her mouth, she could only cover her aching shoulder and leave her head.

The guards laughed and continued to chat about jokes. Melincela looked at all this, but squinted, never speaking.

According to the current information, homeless refugees have surrounded two major cities in the north of the kingdom, and the Rahman parliament is still opening the gates of the city. Should we provide food relief relief? The problem of how much food is given every day ...

Melinzelah has seen the polities of all human kingdoms. Relatively speaking, although the Rahman Parliament has given everyone an opportunity to express their views, the imperfect system makes them seem very stupid at this time.

According to her knowledge, when the magicians overthrew religion and seized power in this country, they did not use the parliamentary system.

However, after the reunification of Rahman, the six major magic schools established such a complicated system in order to check and balance each other. They hated the dictator and the brainwashing brought about by religion, so they let everyone enter the parliament. Masters all have a say.

Convinced that magic is omnipotent, from the construction of water conservancy to the breeding of the population, the mage has to take part in everything.

Melinzela knows this mentality: the magicians' attitudes towards magic are not far from religion. The strength in the military field, coupled with the ship's considerable progress, has made the mage feel more omnipotent.

The opening of navigation and trade routes has meant the beginning of an explosive economic development. If it wasn't for the raids and sudden wars of ancient beasts, it might take a while for Raciman to reveal the disadvantages of his dominance ~ ~ but there is no "if" in this world.

Meilin Sera listened to the cheers and noises of the pubs around, and walked to the college gate. Seeing the badge on her chest and feeling the amazing magic wave, the gatekeeper immediately opened the door without saying a word-she often came here, so the gatekeepers did not dare to breathe, their attitudes were abnormal.

The Muffin Academy is known for its magical magpies, and statues of representative magpies from different periods can be seen everywhere. Some of them simply make cymbals themselves. The life and contributions of the producer are written below.

A long way into the door was filled with various puppets, and there were still many empty places. Among these encounters, one thing was familiar to Merlin Serra-that was the "fire crossbow" car that Roddy had driven in the rally.

In the event of an ancient monster attack, the car was almost destroyed. Now it is trying to repair the appearance, but the cobalt gold has been replaced.

Melinzel looked at the empty cockpit for a few seconds, and continued to walk inside. She was very familiar with it, and after two turns, she reached the lower common room of the college, and just opened the door, and there was a cheer from inside.

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